Seeing more niggers amd spics in my games

>seeing more niggers amd spics in my games


>white power
>has green skin

Shit makes no sense, fampei

frogs are honorary aryans

Nvidia niggers and amd spics




us frogposters amrite XD

niggers play more video games than any other race per capita.

>getting pissed about the best minority group
Spics are the best faggot, off yourself.

At least you haven't encountered the real cancer.
Fucking terrifying.

>tfw legal south american
>all my friends believed I was an illegal immigrant

sport games?

t. juan

fuck off I live in arizona you are scum

Ayo whitey we got your woman

Fuck off gringo
We're the only minority group that doesn't flock to tumblr and cry racism every time a cop beats our ass.

Sophisticated members of all races>>>>>>White trash>Asian trash>Latino trash>Black trash>>>>>>>>>>Aloha Ackbar


Sophisticated members of all races>>>>>>White trash>Asian trash>Latino trash>Black trash>>>>>>>>>>Aloha Ackbar >(You)

Where? Can you tell me please? All I see are fucking niggers or muslims.
I want to play as EL MASTER RACE


you cry racism over mere suggestions of enforcing immigration laws and building a border wall, you retarded beaner.

you guys have the most illegal residents, so you are objectively the worst minority in the country. tens of millions of you cocksuckers pay no taxes and take up space in apartments and houses that were built for real americans.

>being racist on Sup Forums of all places
reddit, please

How can we make a whites only internet?

>you cry racism
Fuck off faggot, white people call racism for us when it's for their benefit, IE. The Taco Bowl vote
Even fucking Trump likes mexicans (when they're legal). Spics understand that illegals are fucking it up for the rest of us.

Sup Forums*
Saying rasist words on Sup Forums aka reddit will trigger all the cucks on this shit board.

Sophisticated members of all races>>>>>>White trash>Asian trash>Latino trash>Black trash>>>>>>>>>>Aloha Ackbar >(Us)

We're all in this together bby

this. I'm sick of going on craigslist to get a PS3 and I see

>PS3 + 20 games $150

and it's
NBA 2k10
NBA 2k11
NBA 2k12
NBA 2k13
NBA 2k14
NBA 2k15
Madden 2008
Madden 2009
Madden 2010
Madden 2011
Madden 2012
Madden 2013
Madden 2014

Stupid niggers buy the same shit every fucking year

next level b8

frogs(french) are muzzies

>Spics understand that illegals are fucking it up for the rest of us.

[citation needed]

post the facebook frog again xp

>I need a citation for refuting an argument without citations
Sup Forumscuck logic everyone

then buy a new one poorfag.

Are you stupid? What the fuck do you think multiplayer stands for?

except there are countless special interest groups who consistently work and lobby in the favor of Latinos, and particularly Mexico.

nearly every single beaner who is an active politician in the U.S. is a democrat, and pro amnesty. while the vast majority of latino voters themselves routinely vote democrat.

leave it to a spic to be this retarded.

>the rich exploit the poor and uneducated for votes
It's that way across every race, dumbfuck. And of course the demofags in office are going to be pro-amnesty; The illegals are their biggest source for votes.

An illegal immigrant will hear 'this bitch will let you stay for free', and they don't care about anything else. The mexicans that are here legally routinely vote republican, but you wouldn't know about that in your Sup Forumscuck echochamber.

Can't here you while your women get BLACKED and TAMALE'D white boi


nice delusions, shithead. your claim is still unsubstantiated:

>>Spics understand that illegals are fucking it up for the rest of us.

>The mexicans that are here legally routinely vote republican

as opposed to illegal Mexicans voting ... ? are you really this stupid?

>but you wouldn't know about that in your Sup Forumscuck echochamber.

because it's flat out false.

>In the 2010 midterm elections, 60% of Hispanics voted Democratic, while 38% voted Republican.[5] In 2008, 67% of Hispanics voted for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, while 31% of Hispanics voted for Republican presidential candidate John McCain.[6] In 2006, 69% of Latino voters supported Democratic candidates in congressional races, while 30% supported Republican candidates.

>According to an October 2010 report by the Pew Hispanic Center, Hispanics rank education, jobs, and health care as their top three issues of concern. Immigration ranks as the fourth most important issue for all Latinos.[7]

>Immigration ranks as the fourth most important issue for all Latinos.[7]

inb4 more deflecting

>illegal Mexicans can't vote
I never realized the Sup Forums delusion was this strong.

>The fourth most important issue somehow means that all hispanics want immigrants to overrun the borders
>Doesn't say how many want more immigration or want less immigration

I use nvidia and I'm a spic.

so all the stats available to us which demonstrate latino voting trends are from illegal spics?

still waiting on your citation, btw. everything i've stated is readily available and easy to find from reputable sources, and more than enough information to form a valid conclusion on the voting trends of you brown manlets.

Not him but I'm a legal spic with family members who aren't legal so I'll probably vote for the guy who isn't trying to fuck them over

case in point.