
>they were actually very supportive

The ESRB has always been reasonable about this shit. It's why I always hate when publishers/developers censor things and then throw the ESRB under the bus because "boohoo they're totally going to come down hard on us".

Other urls found in this thread:


>NISA, Atlus, NoA
They aren't even the ones that make this argument, it's mostly idiots on the internet that defend them. They mostly just make vague statements about it and leave it to their fanboys to elaborate and make up crap.

>it's mostly idiots on the internet that defend them
>mostly idiots on the internet

I'm certain that idiots on the internet are to blame for most of the redundant bullshit, infographics and repeating threads that get people comfortable without researching shit about what they are reading.

NISA and Atlus both specifically claimed they had to censor Criminal Girls and Dungeon Travellers 2 to get them through the ratings boards.

>Game with actual explicit sex scenes can pass through the ESRB just fine
>"N-No really guys, our comparatively tame panty quests would be AO!"

I agree. They make some weird decisions sometimes but they have let pretty extreme stuff before. Most AO games are straight up porn or extreme gorefests and a lot of them actually aimed at the clasification for publicity. If a company sits down with them I don't see any reason for them to refuse to give non porn fanservice games the M tag.

they better make a PC version or RIOT

why aren't porn games allowed on consoles again? PC doesn't give a shit but consoles go apeshit even if you can literally use the internal browser to watch fucking porn on it, what's the deal

Soccer moms

consoles are still marketed to under 18 shitters. Porn on consoles would make lazy parents riot


Did that ridiculous free-roaming upskirt photography game for PS4 ever get localized too? I forgot the name..

Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft all dole out licenses to publish on their hardware. They all have a rule which requires an ESRB rating under AO. PC doesn't give a shit because PC is an open platform where you don't have to pass an inspection to release something.

>rockstar has shown nipples and thrusting in multiple
>rated m

Anyone who ever believed that the esbr was the culprit are the gullible ones they're selling to.

It will probably be another disappointment like DoAX3, I need to stop buying games and buy more figs.

Also, it was supposedly hard as balls because the players had to figure out everything on their own with essentially no hints..

>don't have SJWs and cucks in your company
>suddenly no problems localizing

>pandering to gators
PQube sure knows how to make games sell


I'll reserve judgement until they release S;G0 and not butcher the script

In FEAR 2, a naked woman rides you while you fight a dream - magic battle. You can't see it all though.

Stuff like this makes me wonder if they actually tried to pass shit uncensored or if they straight up went with cuts before submitting. The NoA case is more blatant since their censored games weren't even that risky

Summertime High School. A Young Man’s Notes – How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend On The School Tour, Then For Some Reason Became Super-Popular With The Girls For His Daily Scoops On The School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, And What He Thinks As He Goes On Dates During His Summer Of Island School Life.

I don't think anyone could accurately remember the whole title.

NISA didn't bother submitting it to the ratings board before hand, just applied their subjective standards.

NISA made a big explanation post after announcing CG2 where they confirmed that they don't submit to ratings boards before making the changes because that would cost them money if they had to submit it again and they're not willing to spend that.
Atlus also don't submit shit first either, they said regarding DT2 that they "consulted with a member of the board" about it and made changes based on that.

Of course if they actually did submit it it'd go through fine, but why let that stop them from imposing the changes they themselves want to make?

Natsuiro High School?

That won't get localized. Actually bought the Japanese version recently since I've decided to start learning Moon.

Well Atlus got told that they had to do something about the four CGs when they submitted the game

I think it's pretty obvious they just decided shit on their own.

>when they submitted the game
They never did this.

It shouldn't get localized for being absolute garbage

One of the employees said 5pb or Mages is doing the translation.

Consoles were made closed platforms where the platform creator has to endorse every game released because when anyone could release any piece of crap and get it shelf space the market was flooded with so much absolute dog shit it sank the industry.

As such because they take that responsibility they also self regulate themselves when it comes to content so some pissed off cunt can't successfully lobby the government to ban anything remotely violent or suggestive.

Oh yeah, they made consultations. I'd say that's still being told something.

Being unofficially told something by some person who is not named and probably doesn't exist, along with the supposed conversations.

It looked quite fun when they we're fucking around with it on Tokyo Encounter...

That doesn't sound reassuring

Well NISA submitted CG2 to the German board and they denied it even though they censored it while GalGun made it through the German board even though it was uncensored so I don't think a blanket statement of "of course it'd go through fine" really works.

Is every episode subbed yet?

was their release of the first game butchered?

I read that as
>all panties involved

Referring to the ESRB.
Censoring the game for the entire world because one area (Germany) might not accept it is also bullshit. Idea Factory International did the right thing with Labyrinth of Death: They left it uncensored and when Australia refused it they said "well that sucks, guess you guys will have to import it" instead of censoring it.

JAST localized the first game

IF respect +1

Though in a more ideal world, everybody would tell Australia to go fuck themselves.

It has never been about SJW

It has been, is, and probably always will be about money and publicity.

If the ESRB says a game is okay and it still gets censored that is likely the result of a company being concerned about their bottom line. Afraid that if they release the game and it causes an outcry that leads to bad publicity that may lead to retailers and such suddenly deciding they don't want to be affiliated with that company anymore.

The post from above about NISA not having the money to submit something multiple times also kind of proves the above point. Alternatively it's a case of these companies being too niche.

I'll admit though that censoring the shackles and voice acting in one scene of Criminal Girls 2 that I saw didn't seem to do anything about the fact that you're hitting two girls all over their bodies with a riding crop. In fact the lack of pleasure in their voice arguably makes it appear worse to the average person, as if the girls know to just lay there and take it without making a noise.

Yeah they are up to date:

But the next episode airs in japan tomorrow though (no idea how long they take for subbing once the raw is out..)!

Oh gotcha, thought you just meant a blanket statement in general. I think for these games they should just assume that it'll be banned in Germany and Australia, but if it gets through then it's a happy surprise.
I still don't understand what the Australia's rating's board problem with MeiQ is though. That really makes no sense to me but whatever.

>They left it uncensored and when Australia refused it they said "well that sucks, guess you guys will have to import it" instead of censoring it.
Wait, really?

Holy shit, I didn't there was a publisher out there with balls.

As far as I am aware there are physical copies in some German electronic store, I think mediamarkt

>Summertime High School. A Young Man’s Notes – How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend On The School Tour, Then For Some Reason Became Super-Popular With The Girls For His Daily Scoops On The School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, And What He Thinks As He Goes On Dates During His Summer Of Island School Life
What the actual fuck

how is that ballsy when they can't release the game in Australia

If NISA don't have any money to rate the game, how the fuck do they have money to even localiz- I mean, censor it in the first place?

b a s e d

do your duty weebs, buy gal gun for a censor-free future

It's not that they don't have the money. It's just that they don't want to waste it doing multiple submissions. Why would anyone want to drive up localization costs like that?

>we want a family friendly image even though the people buying this are overwhelmingly teenage or twentysomething khv

don't forget to buy DLC to get a boob slider

Multiple? They'd only need to do it twice.

A pre-rating after doing everything to see if it's okay, then a second when the ERSB tells them (read: they wouldn't) to edit shit.

>They'd only need to do it twice.
This is NISA we're talking about

The Australian ratings board is generally a problem of the submission process rather than what content is within. Atelier Totori is the perfect example with the infamous HIGH IMPACT SEXUAL VIOLENCE debacle.

The Australian board requires submissions to be in the form of a paper that summarises the game and provides an outline of any objectionable content in each category (violence, drugs, etc.), with script excerpts where applicable. Anyone who actually played Atelier Totori knows that the Legendary Drunkard scene is some lighthearted comedy, but if you strip away the voice acting, music, CG, and sound effects, and you're just left with the script for the scene, it sounds significantly worse. And that's how Totori ended up being rated R18+ in Australia for high level sexual content and violence.

If publishers want to appeal these decisions they can do so and in that case they'll go in to provide a presentation and explain why the rating should be revised, and had KT done so with Totori it undoubtedly would have been dropped down to a PG. The problem is that the appeal costs money when the Australian ratings board is already notoriously expensive, so few publishers have ever bothered.
IFI likely could get MeiQ's rating lowered if they appealed it, but they're reasonably not willing to invest in such a small market.

People need to understand that the Australian ratings board is severely flawed, but not out of some vendetta against sexual content as is often said.

I still say vidya are too good the likes of those uncultured people who call themselves Australians.

It will always make me kek.

>Implying rabid weebs wouldn't eat this shit up

Holy shit, finally. I stopped watching because I hated seeing them out of order. Time for a marathon.

They're just trying to exploit the people who are really desperate for this stuff, what's wrong with that?

Because they didn't censor it to appease them, idiot.

I wonder which slider sells more in each region.

Just makes it harder to take them seriously, is all

Haha, I just did the same last week. I didn't realize that the stupid livejournal page actually got edited all the time so I thought the last episode was from 2012. Then I scrolled through by accident while cleaning my bookmarks and found a whole season I had not seen...

Best show ever!

Look at it this way: They know that only really desperate faggots would buy DLC like that, so they jacked the prices as a test to see if they'd actually buy it.

You can't submit a game until it's already done. So it's done at the very end of your localization so if it comes out too high then you just screwed up your timeline since you need to change stuff, get it re-certified, schedule production at a later date, etc, all of which will drive up costs.

That scene was in Vanilla Totori too so it makes even less sense to me. Thanks for the answer though user.

Atlas has only agreed with censorship over TMS. Have you never seen the demon designs in SMT?
I do agree on the rest though. Especially NoA.

What kind of fucking retard scheduled production before it gets rat- oh, right, NISA.

>That scene was in Vanilla Totori too so it makes even less sense to me.
That's just a matter of different people at different times. The board has a group of some 20 people from different backgrounds at any time and for each submission four or five of them are randomly picked to discuss and decide on a rating. This is the big reason for the board's perceived inconsistency.

First game in english when and does anyone have a OST rip of Double Peace?

Never, yes

Too old and it's on PS3/360
Maybe if they ported it on PS4

Fuck okay then

gimme please

I think PCube said they would if there was enough demand for it.

I might be wrong, though.

>Loli Aoi
Oh my, would probably play a Vita version but maybe not because it would feel less polished and lacking in content compared to Double Peace.