30 Years baby.
OnAM2R so edition
Best suit!
fight me faggots!
Malicious space pirate, mindless killer beast, or misunderstood gentle giant?
When this meme start? Es por el video de Dross?
I will be glad when Nintendo reveals the NX. I want to see if their will be a mainline Metroid game announced for it.
Varia a best and most qt.
What is your favourite Metroid?
It was murder.
best suit is no suit
she knows kung fu faggot, don't need no suit or man
Happy 30th Anniversary!
Your pic.
I will be glad when Nintendo C&Ds AM2R.
They have to protect their copyright.
Here we fucking go again.
Super. One of my fondest video game related memories is dropping through the red tower and hearing that eargasmic red soil theme kick in.
Nothing will ever come close to Super for me, the fact that it still holds up to this day coupled with a good dose of nostalgia makes it impossible to surpass.
Prime 2 is objectively the best Metroid.
I'm actually optimistic for fed force
Is that really the anniversary game?
they were all really different games, which is alot more than most other franchise can boast
on the other hand,
worst metroid game?
Prime 1. Super comes pretty close, but the 3D atmosphere just tops it in my opinion.
Samus "the Crocomire Atomizer" Aran.
How long left?
>tfw remix in prime 2
Definitely Metroid Prime 2, Sanctuary Fortress alone is the best thing in Metroid
Original prime
>those visuals
>that music
>that atmosphere
It made me fall in love with metroid
Super Metroid
>No true 2D Metroid 4
>No Metroid Prime 4
It hurts.
M-maybe we'll get Metroid Mania and Project Prime 4 for the 35th...
10 hours
>mfw people think Nintendo will waste time with a C&D for a remake of Metroid II
You got Metroid 4 in 2002 we're still waiting for Metroid 5.
Other m exists though
At least hunters had a really good quake-like multiplayer
Fusion is not a true Metroid?
Look forward to Prime 4 on NX. Look forward to new 2D Metroid never ever.
super is a generic answer I guess, but I agree, its nearly a perfect game, it works on every level and is devoid of shit like "that moment", it can't be praised enough honestly.
If you could only play one video game in your entire life, you could make the argument that super metroid should be that game
Fusion is Metroid 4.
Fuck yes. Prime 2 is also my favorite Prime game.
MPH had pretty decent multiplayer backing it up, albeit spoiled by some severe glitches and cheating fucks.
>haven't played a Prime game passed the first
>bought Prime Trilogy on E-shop when it was released
>still haven't even touched it
I guess it's time to buy a nunchuck.
It's a nice game but I wouldn't consider it a successor to the original trilogy. More like what Sonic Advance is to Sonic on Genesis.
Unless it's called Metroid 4 it isn't Metroid 4.
Here's a long, interesting read on Super.
Is there any good water level in Metroid games? They all seems to be the most tedious, annoying part of whatever Metroid you're playing.
It says Metroid 4 in the intro retard
If you really liked prime then do it
Hell even if you didn't, do it anyway.
Super wasn't called 3 either.
user, please. Does it need a scan node before you'll read something?
prime 2
>not loving Torvus Bog or Crashed Frigate
It says Metroid 4 when you boot up the game. I don't really like it either but it's definitely Metroid 4.
Both the crashed frigate and submereged catacombs were great.
>Unless it's called Metroid 4
Prime 1 and prime 2 user.
It IS called metroid 4 it shows up right before the title screen
>It's a nice game but I wouldn't consider it a successor to the original trilogy
its mechanics and tone are dead on and its the furthest in the timeline
>Unless it's called Metroid 4 it isn't Metroid 4.
literally wut
wait me a hour and i'll try to set-up a metroid stream
The mere presence of the Alpha Blogg negates anything positive about that section.
So Samus is 30? Is she an ara ara christmas cake now?
You're right. I forgot, sorry. It's been almost a decade, relax. Give me Metroid 5, then.
It is in the intro.
Her is her cake
>30 years old
She is the cake.
Been playing my 1st ever Metroid on my PSP lately. Fusion on emulator.
Why is this game so good?
I will try to emulate Prime trilogy too.
>almost a decade
Actually looking it up it's been over a decade. Jesus.
Beam ideas?
>Corrosion beam: fires acidic dark green lobbing shots that eat through certain materials and defenses.
Prime needs a pretty decent rig to emulate properly.
>Prime 4 on NX
Yeah about that
1. Federation Force is going to fail
2. Tanabe already stated that he doesn't have a team for one
3. Takahashi the head of EPD already said we are getting a traditional game since the Prime game was the one for the 3DS I can see the mainline game coming to the NX.
Oh man just wait until you play ZM and SM.
Just because Halo 4 is different from the Halo trilogy does that make the game not Halo 4?
Press Scan to pay respects.
i liked maridia in super metroid, music was legit too
Tanabe has said that if Prime 4 was to be, it would be on the NX. Miyamoto and Takahashi in that interview said there was a future for both 2D and 3D Metroid, but did not confirm development on anything.
I've only played the first 3 and Reach.
Why does this look so unappealing?
I normally love low poly or even "faux poly" (assets that are blocky and minimalistic-like but are sometimes high poly), and chibi-like can be really cute (see Slime Ranchers for a recent example).
Definitely the color palette sucks, the lighting sucks, I think maybe the models are over designed while also lacking detail, the textures certainly suck but yet have too much detail; they fall inbetween NPR and PR
Samus x Chief is the ultimate OTP user
hey fucker explain me this shit:
then this (speed 1.25)
Sanctuary Fortress best fortress
Posting Sup Forums's preferences
I seriously doubt Federation Force will fail. This is Sup Forums, and they will relentless shit on anything they don't approve on, it's not a good barometer for the general purchasing population. I don't think it's going to break the bank, but it'll probably make a profit. People desperate for Metroid will buy it simply because it's Metroid, and there's a lot of people who have calmed down from their spastic fit of the E3 reveal and are giving it a shot.
i5 4690
970 g1
16 gb ram
I will atleast try it. I don't want to buy a wii just for 3 games.
Zero mission is already on my PSP, I this Super is too. Not sure.
Atm I am at Sector 3 (second time) on Fusion.
The environments are flat, bland, carelessly designed, and uninteresting. Low poly looks good but only with colorful and creative design choices. If they made some colorful yet grungy and dark levels, like Super Metroid's graphics, with plenty to do and explore in the level, I'm sure it would look fine. Also it has no lighting engine.
I emulated Prime on my shitty laptop. Some hiccups, but you should be fine.
>fusion beat hunters 87/13
i would've thought that would be way closer, has the general opinion of fusion changed recently? glad that it's finally getting recognition
I'm willing to give it a shot but I think another really crippling weakness is the really underpowered 3DS hardware. 240p for this shit? It's gonna look like a grainy mess, and it shows in the trailers.
Why is it so slow? Why is it so AYASS?
this meme must end, samus had to do what must be did, she was on a planet filled with alien creatures intent on knocking her up
There is no team available for 2D or Prime though, and only Sakamoto and Tanabe care for Metroid at Nintendo and neither want anything further with it...
cant belive i bought this with my first paycheck in 1986 when i was 27