Game has "DLC" tab on main menu

>game has "DLC" tab on main menu
>dev never released any DLC

Other urls found in this thread:


>Leave a message saying "secret path ahead" next to a normal wall


shut the fuck up

>producers release a terrible movie
>blind fanboys try to take down the website that hosts the bad reviews


>Good things come to those who wait. #MK8

Go be diverse somewhere else Marvel


Get out of here leto, don't you have somewhere else to be "crazy"?

Did someone shank sick nick yet?

Tell me one game that did this

Someone explain the ((())) meme to me.
Is it just a bunch of people misclicking () when they mean to type " for no reason?

Yeah, he died yesterday.

How happy merchants identify themselves

>Suicide Squad is just bad. It's a ugly boring, a toxic
>a toxic

Fucking Mad Max. It was hoping for some war rig dlc to come out.

that's the mark of the jew


It's the same idiot who used 20 quotes to make a "point".

>letting SJW appropriate entire words out of your vocabulary
You're a toxic cunt and part of the problem.

Usually, I immediately lose interest when a meme reveals itself to be from Sup Forums, but they've been on a good run with "wtf i hate x now" and "really makes you think" so I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt.

How the fuck is that the jew symbol?

>game has achievements for failing in various ways

There was a Chrome/Firefox extension/add-on that added parenthesis to any knowns Jews. So if you were reading an article, and the author was Jewish, it'd show up like (((xxxx xxxx))).

it started as a way to tell identify jews to each other
but then the jews found out and started doing it to themselves
fucking hysterical

That's retarded.

They are branding themselves

Red Pill me on SS
I though normies were going to enjoy it since it was hyped as shit.
Is it that bad?

>Modern reviewers on "a clockwork orange"

>it's now the standard to announce that there will be DLC before game release

It was a simple way for neonazis on Twitter to point out Jews as well without being taken down for hate crimes.

Sup Forums latched on to it, and now reddit kiddies trying to act cool are trying to put it everywhere else. It was the exact same with all the nigger speak from twitter.

The worst part (besides how the joker was hyped to hell and back and he was like 5 minutes in the movie and he sucked anyway) is the editing. Makes you wonder if they had an actual professional working on it at all.

>game's price is reduced
>the DLC now cost more than the game

I wanted a Tom Hardy and Mel Gibson skins.

>Suicide Squad is A Clockwork Orange.
DC fanlards, everyone.

It's for hardcore fans who have an insanely high tolerance for shitty movies.

Anyone else should just read a few short stories instead, it's a better way to spend your time.

He's talking about the change of public opinion on violence in movies. He not comparing the quality of Suicide Squad to Clockwork, Marvel cuck.

Portal 2 actually, never implemented trading even though they said they would

But he's using it as an analogy, he's removing the shitty film from criticism completely and disregarding any valid points there might be against it.
And fuck marvel, but DC movies are some hilariously horrid shit. Only FOX, Chris Nolan and Sam Raimi seem to know how to make superhero flicks.

>But he's using it as an analogy
No, he's not?

He only commented on what the reviewer said about the violence in Suicide Squad. To which he said that the same thing would happen if Clockwork Orange came out today.

Reading comprehension, it's not for everyone.

people just don't understand leto's joker

okay, he may not be ledger's joker, but in 10 years he will be as revered as nicholson's joker

>No, he's not?
Yes he is, learn how to read you increasingly dumb shit. He's directly comparing it to A Clockwork Orange without any context, which you attempted to provide after the fact. Either post complete sentences and ideas or don't bother trying to fix them in post, you sycophant.

>okay, he may not be ledger's joker
He sure as hell was trying to be.

>game has DLC
>only available on a different DRM client

Not really.

christ, you faggots are pathetic

darkness 2

wtf man.....

So why was the movie good


Fucking skyrim

Jesus Christ, you're a fucking moron. He said >Modern reviewers on "a clockwork orange"
referring to the snippet of the review that was posted. The snippet was about the violence in SS. Maybe if you have actually seen Clockwork Orange, you'd know how violent it is. But the violence is nothing compared to films nowadays. Stay mad, Marvel pony.

Absolutely, the only differences being a much worse actor with a much sillier outfit.

Who are you quoting?


Depends if he shows up in more movies or not. There's really not all that much of him in SS.

All I want is a trilogy of GOAT Batman beyond games

he looks like colonel miller with green hair in the thumbnail of that vid

All criticism of Suicide Squad would apply to A Clockwork Orange nowadays. Which is hilarious after watching both movies.
What a sorry cunt.

Yeah, we need more of those.

>game has DLC

Mad Max?

It seems so weird

They probably thought Just Cause 3 was going to be well received and be their main focus. Poor sods.

Jewish echo

Hate of this movie has nothing to do with your SJW boogiemen. Critics and average movie goers hate it for the same reason they hated BVS

It's not a fluffy popcorn movie ala Transformers or Marvel movies, and is dark and depressing. It tries to tell a story and have a dark atmosphere rather than appealling to teens, women who want to fuck Loki, and people who love shitty one liners

>ever following any memes from Sup Forums
Literally worse than Sup Forums

If it's nothing about the SJWs, then why are the audience reviews generally favorable?
I mean, I understand that audiences tend to be more forgiving. But come on. Look at that disparity. Movie reviewers are largely the progressive liberal types, who want to make their reviews a matter of politics.

>game has multiplayer achievements
>servers are closed


>rather than appealling to teens
But teens like edgelord stuff, is BvS and Suicide Squad too much?

Don't get my hopes up, user.

>Coming soon!
>game is old as hell and devs are long dead

Transformers also have review disparity, does it mean SJWs are trying to hurt Bay films too?

>doom updated with new multiplayer achievements
>nobodys playing doom multiplayer
>its now impossibru to get 100% achievements now

Why you guys so jealous of sick nick? is it cause he's a bigger degenerate than you?

>game has a cliffhanger ending
>reply to this post or your mom dies in her sleep tonight

>game has achievements for playing with your friends

Remember immunity cat

>dev never released any DLC
Isn't that good? They aren't trying to milk your fat flabby neet man titties for mommy's money. Possibly content with the games content and deeming it as finished. A rare thing in video games in this day and age.

It allows people who want more content to have more and it's easier to make than a whole new game

I just checked all the scores, and all but the first movie gets above the 50% range for audiences. I think it's safe to say that under 60% is not seen as generally favorable by the audience.

Also, the first transformers movie came out before issues of sexism became trendy. Where now everyone wants to label Suicide Squad sexist, and Joker/Harley's relationship abusive.

joker was literally the worst part of the movie

You also forgetting people were petitioning to remove unfavourable reviews from Metacritic and RT.
In 4 month time scores will more or less align. There's really nothing to do with SJWs,.It's a DC film, most likely it's shit, but audience is desperate, similar situation with BvS.

>and Joker/Harley's relationship abusive
It is, though. Joker's been manipulating her since BTAS. He doesn't really love her back, but he makes her think he does so she'll keep being his second-in-command.

thats just a part of leto's MISCHIEF

Suicide Squad was pretty decent.

But the first act was a fucking mess. I think theres plenty of scenes that could be edited better and condensed.

Better than the New52 version

>game has dlc
Remember when games were made with passion and love?
Remember when games weren't made as a cash cow?

So without all these faggots spewing "hurr dc fags, marvel cucks" is it good, or bad but enjoyable, or downright bat v supe bad?

>In 4 month time scores will more or less align.
What? No. You don't know what you're talking about. Metacritic and RT are aggregate sites. They're not going to "take down" content, because they are not the ones who put them up in the first place. They only use the content as data. The petitions will do absolutely nothing.

However, I understand the frustration DC fans feel. Because their material is getting unfairly lambasted by the bias progressive media.

>back of Condemned: Criminal Origin's box states [downloadable content] as an available feature
>it's all gamerpics

so the absolute madman got so mad that he decided to not act good

The movie actually sugarcoats it.

It seems to imply Joker does actually love her, but Harley isn't as crazy about him as one would think.

You're right, it IS abusive. But the point is that movie reviewers are holding that fact against the movie. They're bothered that the movie would portray an abusive relationship with a seemingly uncaring tone, for the sake of entertainment. And they're giving the movie a lower score because of this.

a solid "meh"

>then why are the audience reviews generally favorable?
Because audience reviews can be spammed by idiots like you. That's why literal garbage has 90% scores in IMDB. You can't argue any kind of bias with metacritic or rotten tomatoes because they are just aggregators. Rotten Tomatoes is also owned by WB. What a dumb, desperate cunt.

I'm saying it fan score will go down under 70 if the film is actually bad, it will align with other new DC films like Man of Steel and BvS.
or it will get higher if we have a hidden gem

it was just a TRIBUTE

>is BvS and Suicide Squad too much?
It really isn't, it's just boring as shit and trying too hard to be stylish. Notice how most of the people trying to defend this stoolie don't mention anything about the movie at all, they immediately go to the scores and blaming it on the reviewers. It's almost as if they haven't watched it and are defending it out of brand loyalty.

Why did you use the word jealous in this context? Do you not understand what words mean?

It probably comes from this picture of Mr. Krabs