It's done and 3DM had nothing to do with it
Denuvo defeated after years
Other urls found in this thread:
They are just exploiting a bug from Steam
>Voksi has also released a bypass “crack” for Rise of the Tomb Raider. As it was already mentioned in our Comment section, Doom’s “crack” is also a bypass. This crack exploits a bug from Steam and as a result of that, players can use it in order to play the full game (Steam “thinks” that players are running the free demo instead of the full game).
Denuvo isn't cracked
answer me this, can you or can you not play doom and rise of the tomb raider
also rise of the tomb raider doesn't even have a demo so kek to you
You can, but this tactic won't work for other games. Usually when you talk about defeating DRM, it means you have a generalized approach that works for every game that uses it.
this is just a bypass base on DOOM DEMO, if Steam shutdowns DOOM DEMO, your game shutdowns too.
Better finished those games soon son
them taking down doom demo is admitting defeat
won't happen
>piratefags say game sells worse because it's using Denuvo which means people can't try it before buying
>there is a demo available
>piratefags are going to get it removed
what? he's releasing cracks for other denuvo games too the coming days like just cause 3
The demo was always meant to be limited time...
The point is that Denuvo isn't really cracked and Steam can shut down your account
>doing this with your legit account
oh my lord
>digital licenses for SHIT YOU PAID FOR are contingent on you being a good boy
Even if you use a dummy account, they can shut down your game
If people managed to play a Denuvo-protected game without paying, then the thing was cracked bypass or not.
I'm a pirate fag but this is hilarious as fuck. Piratefags will find any excuse to justify their piracy. I just do it to save money, period.
i'm in a private group with the guy who cracked it right now, he is releasing other denuvo games bypasses as well
anything you guys want me to ask him? a game request or something
Read again idiot
Denuvo wasn't touched at all
It's just a bug from Steam
You can until they patch it on steams side.
>them taking down doom demo is admitting defeat
The don't need to.
>shutdown the current demo
>up another fixed demo
Sure, I can wasted my time downloading the current torrent that will finished in another days or two, but if steam fixed the demo then I would waste my time.
Even one of the biggest pirate sharing website only share the torrent link instead of the DDL.
>You can download TORRENT LINK. We will not upload Direct links, because this is just a bypass base on DOOM DEMO, if Steam shutdowns DOOM DEMO, your game shutdowns too. So we do not want to waste bandwidth.
hahahhahahaha is this guy for real
Basically they using DOOM demo to bypass other denuvo games
It doesn't matter.
Can people play the game without paying, yes or not?
I'd like to know if it's true that the bypass won't work if Steam takes down the DOOM demo.
Oh yeah, they can but for a limited time
i'm european, i'd like to see them try to take away access to games i paid for
i really do
Big piracy sites get their money from clickpaid link from their DLL download and currently some of them refusing to upload any DLL, so take that as your grain of salt.
Like they give a fuck.
What if I just play offline mode? Can they still shut me down?
Well, exactly how does this exploit work?
Does it require a legit Steam client or it's your regular "download game and replace .exe with cracked .exe / steam.dll with cracked steam.dll"?
Download it and see what it does. I'ts literally a .bat file.
It will stop working then unfortunately
>you can play denuvo protected games for free
you are so dumb, it's the appid of the demo that is letting us play these games, if they reupload it on a different appid it would LITERALLY take two seconds for someone to change the current crack to the new doom demo appid and reupload it to the masses again
I dont get this. What about the doom demo let's them use the exploit as opposed to other demos?
this is the only demo on steam that has denuvo
They can still identify your system, and ban your real account
lel no, valve distinguish between accounts not systems because a system can be shared by multiple people you fucking retard
they've said this for ages
So once the demo end there will be no more free games?
They have holdings in Europe, they care.
So any demo with denuvo in the future can be used for this exploit?
read the comment section.
It's not cracked.
The entire reason I pirate games is I don't want steam on my computer, this requires steam.
It's a bypass.
Call me when I don't have to have a useless client in order to play my games.
kek, I don't even give a shit about denuvo games
I'm just here for those salty shill tears
Are you fucking dense.
>a useless client in order to play my games
How poor are you
Ya'll need to step up your game. It's just a workaround that needs the demo to function.
Oh wow, two brainwashed drones already.
Sorry, but I'm from a time where I actually owned my games .
Steam isn't necessary to run them, so why should I have to have it?
I bet you'll get even madder when you realize I buy my games full price from gog.
gaming is dead
your precious DRM didn't do it
but it didn't help either
>tfw poor piratefags just killed demos for good.
>Oh wow, two brainwashed drones already
Oh please, you're the paranoid skeptic.
I hope you're not like 30
One less muppet on steam i guess
>two brainwashed drones
>I buy my games full price from gog
This can't be real
What is it like to have no friends to play games with?
Nothing to do with paranoia.
Has a lot to do with skepticism, which you seem to think is a bad thing, not sure why.
I do have a steam account though, here's the stats if you're interested.
I think the only game I actually bought through it was audiosurf and a friend gave me dawn of war. Then the client started shitting itself on my old pc and refused to work. This was around the same time that securom got owned by rld so I figured fuck it, when I build my next PC it'll be exclusively for piracy.
You can't deny that steam has had a terrible influence. The glut of shitty indie games that would be relegated to the creator's site or some shithole like kongregate, and also the other fuckers trying to get in on the action like origin and Uplay. We wouldn't have that awful mess that is the windows 10 store without steam's existence.
Oh but it is.
You people are all the same, there's no point arguing with you, you've got several thousand dollars worth of games on steam and you can't accept that that was a stupid decision.
Pretty good. I don't want to play online with a bunch of 15 year old furries, bronies, fedora people, Sup Forums faggots, SJWs, tumblrites and worst of all, Sup Forums.
If i'm playing multiplayer I usually play worms armageddon or timesplitters or other actually fun games with actual friends.
I said friends, not faggots from the internet.
I want to play fucking DOOM however you fucking fags are scaring me about Steam probably banning my main account, is it really possible that Steam does that? I have a fuckton of games in my account which I don't wanna lose, but I also want to play DOOM and ROTTR.
I'm downloading DOOM and it will take a while but I really don't know if I should take the risk of getting banned.
What should I do?
My friends are all real humans though, I don't talk to anyone on the internet except for people i know IRL on skype.
I'm not friends with any giant turbonerds with steam accounts, one of them does play diablo though.
Wait did rise of the tomb rider and just cause 3 have pc demos?
>Paranoid schizophrenic normalfag
Wew lad, you're a unicorn
and this is why publishers will flood over to sony.
You could try buying DOOM. It's only $60.
Yeah sure whatever.
As I said before, there's no point in trying to argue with you people because you have so much money invested into steam.
Go take your meds, user. They'll fix you
You can play it. Don't listen to the fags. The bypass method has been used plenty of times in the past, and they still work. For example, the Dark Souls 3 on steam can be pirated and you can play online with other people (cracked people). Its using the bypass/demo method far as I recall to fool Steam into thinking its another game.
You deserve to be banned for your immense stupidity.
Are you people argue IN FAVOR of DRM? What the fuck is wrong with you? The schizophrenic guy with no Steam is the most sensible one here, jesus.
I'm not gonna buy DOOM, for these reasons:
1) Even $30 for DOOM is too much, so no.
2) I don't really wanna support the travesty that is Denuvo, so fuck them
When I said main account is clearly obvious that I will use a fake one for DOOM, yet still the thing is if Steam can shit on my main account
lmao and you say i'm the insane one
suicide would be too good for you, just continue the way you are, forever
But I have way more Money invested in my PS3 and I could not give two shits about that anymore. I have 407 games on Steam and still haven't spent as much money on it as I have my PS3.
You must be in highschool or something, but it's not possible to get together IRL like we used to in college. We all have jobs and hop on Steam when we get home to play a game for an hour or two.
Very underrated post. Pirate scum wanted free shit while throwing the excuse that it will force developers to release demos for their games, but pretty much gave the devs even more reasons not to release demos. Oh the ironing.
Steam is a store/download manager, not DRM.
Steamworks is DRM, and developers choose to use that themselves.
It doesn't count because Denuvo isn't cracked, unlike what people are saying.
Do you fags know what words mean?
>without paying
The goal isn't to play the games without paying, it's to play the games without denuvo.
If you said that because you think I'm gonna use my main account for this, well that's not the case, that's why I said main account, obviously I would use another one for DOOM
>Steamworks is DRM
Pretty useless one at that
the crack is detected as a virus in nearly all scanners. what people won't do to avoid paying
>The goal isn't to play the games without paying
Yeah, suuuuuure.
If anyone is trying to make excuses for pirating, they are not pirates.
>the crack is detected as a virus in nearly all scanners
Hello, underage
I've never seen shills so butthurt
>b-b-but it's not real piracy! It doesn't fit this criteria I wrote down here look! it's not piracy okay!
Okay then.
It's true though, if they fix that bug it's over.
>tech illiterates claiming something has been cracked when is not the case
you would expect Sup Forums to be a little more tech savy
What does not using steam have to do with schizophrenia? Just because I don't see the point of the client? It's not necessary for the games to run, I get that the api is used for multiplayer but I hate online games so why not make it optional like galaxy?
It's true that I'm privileged in that my friends all live very close by.
Steam may serve a purpose for you, but not for me.
Can you even consider them your friends if you don't hang out with them anywhere but in virtual spaces?
so you bought the game as well?
Fugg you.
Why would I want denuvo on my computer?
>Sup Forums
>tech savvy
Nigga did you even look at the posts in this thread
I'd never attempt this on my main account. Use a different account at the very least.
joke's on you, i'm actually 40
you don't have to install it
you said the reason was to play the game without denuvo when it sounds like the reason is to play the game without paying
That's even worse
Suddenly DOOM Demo gets a new steamapp id, Steam wins again, you lose.
We kek
It's mindblowing how many computer illiterate people use Sup Forums nowadays.
joke's on you, it's actually better.
We do hang out, but we actually go out and do shit. In fact, we're going hang out in New Orleans tonight. Why in the fuck would we waste the little time we can actually hang out playing video games when we can do that every night virtually?
I was to use another account, but still, I don't know if Steam actually can fuck my main account even if I use another account for DOOM
I'm just fucking with you m8. I don't have Steam installed either.