Can you name me 1 single 60fps PS4 game?

PlayStation 4 8GB GDDR5 RAM

Other urls found in this thread:

Blacklight: Retribution
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
King of Fighters 14
MLB 14: The Show
Nights of Azure
Primal carnage:Extinction
Senran Kagura Estival Versus
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness
Sword art online lost song
Tearaway Unfolded
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition

I asked for a game not shovelware

Do your own research.

Metal Gear solid GZ and TP, Star Ocean 5, COD and more but I cbf

guilty gear xrd relevator is the best game of the year you retard

this console is supposedly as powerful of a 7870 and yet it performs NOTHING like a 7870

Street Fighter 5

Shovelware games are still games, friendo.


DMC4 Special Edition
Last of Us Remastered
All the COD games
Uncharted 4 Multiplayer

Disgaea 5

what does that have to with GG XRD Rev being GOTY?

Pretty much like Xbox without Uncharted and remastered PS3 games


I think what OP meant with 1080p 60fps games was that the game holds a steady framerate of 60fps, not just occasionally hits 60 and then drops again.

Fuck you pcuck.
Bloodborne never ever.

>Mediocre 2D arcade fighting game
>worse than X-men vs Street fighter

It's not even game of the month my friend.

I would sure fucking hope dmc4 remastered runs at at least 60. Shit runs at 90+ on 4k on my computer which has an 8 year old processor in it.


yeah i'm sure you have played it and aren't just salty about ArcSys not giving a shit about PC

The Xbox games have more framerate drops and have a noticable drop in resolution quality.
The 60fps xbox exclusives also look like ass too, such as Gears of War 4 and Halo 5
The Xbox is objectively inferior in graphics performance, and it's very noticable

>proceeds to list ps3 ports
Also cod games haven't been a stable 60 since like modern warfare 2 or something.

Yakuza Ishin runs at 1080p 60FPS IIRC.
So does Yakuza 0, but it has some slight drops in some parts of the city.


Retarded Tablet CPU

1) It's an arcade port
2) It's a remaster of the PS3 port
3) It's mediocre

Street Fighter V

Not the guy you're arguing with, but ArcSys isn't doing too badly with PC games. Sure, the PC ports don't come until about six months to a year afterward, but that's better than the big fat nothing of the pre-Steam days.

Simultaneous console/PC releases for fighters are still solely the realm of the big dogs like Capcom and Bamco.

Yup. It's a smooth game on every platform.
Legendary Dark Knight mode is even included on PS4, and it runs at a constant 60fps with no drops
The Xbox One version drops frames in LDK mode though.

Uncharted 4 is 28 fps with occasional 30fps

post proof that you own it.
anyone who actually can tell you that's it's amazing and one of the best fighting games of this gen.
and so what if it's a """""port"""""""

majority of the good PC games are old console ports and you don't see people complaining

Confirmed not gitting gud
Go back to P4U2, scrub


>post proof that you own it.

For someone saying Shity Gear is game of the year you are asking too much

daily reminder that PS4 has no exclusives in the top 10 most played games by population, its all multiplats

God thats brutal


>It's 2016 and SSX 3 and Burnout 3 are more fun than 99,9% of PS4 library

What went wrong?

I hope you're not just flinging shit at Guilty Gear just because Xrd Revelator is currently Sony-exclusive.

You're not that humongous a faggot, are you?

so you don't.
cool, go back to playing dota 2 i guess

Legit mentally damaged.


Because it uses a 1.6Ghz tablet CPU.

No fucking excuse. This system was advertised on its bloated performance and few of the games even comes close to this

Goat Simulator

....... I have nothing else to say.

>gets BTFO
>u-uh you're mentally damaged

If you mean games there are plenty.
If you mean exclusives, I honestly can't tell.
Is SO5 at least 60 FPS?

Hey, what can you say? Lie or no lie, the PS4's a runaway success, so there are apparently enough people happy enough with the performance.

while we at it, could someone explain me why they used to write fps for, say, psx (ps1) like 25/50 for pal and 30/60 ntsc? why is that? what does it mean?

Also, fuck me if it wasn't not possible to see at the spot which is which. In Poland shitload of psxs were NTSC ver. despite our "proper" is PAL.


woah kratos has some really pretty eyes imagine if he just stared at you like that haha could you imagine i could heha

60 FPS? As in, a meme game?

I dunno, Battleborn seems pretty meme-y

doom runs at 60 fps

some countries like Brazil had PAL-M which is PAL but in 60hz

PAL is 50hz because your CRT TV which happens to coincide with 220v/50hz electricity

So the power of the pc......woah............

Me fuckin yr mum's arsehole m9 is 60 fps


>they just keep moving the goalposts

Even if it could into 1080 60fps you'd find some other goalpost like 4k.

Steam is the mother of shovelware

that's fucking not fair, but thanks for reply

so yurop has it look the same good/bad. It just moves like MJ Fox....

>Guilty gear
>Shovel ware

>ITT: how many times can i move the goal posts

to get so handily fucking owned in a deliberate troll thread is beautiful. good job, anons.

t. master race

Senran Kagura Estival Versus
Sengoku Basara 4

>Even if it could into 1080 60fps you'd find some other goalpost like 4k.
We'll never find out, because first you would have to find a game that runs at 1060p60fps.

Steam/Valve meme games destroyed the gaming community
Counter Strike 1.6
Team Fortress

>List of 100 PC games. Half Life 2 is number 1.
The shit money and a dedicated meme force get you.

Yakuza 0 runs at 1080p60fps only dipping during a certain fight where the enemy is literally cluttering the screen with objects

Half Life 2 is the most boring and overrated game ever. Even Halo Reach is better than it.

It took 10 years to develop that's why people like it because they think lot of effort was put into the game

Boy you best not be shitting on Ape Escape 2

What's so divine about Ape Escape that people seem to be obsessed? is it a meme for Ape Escape 4 petition?

ITT: we spot the idiot
I won

It's just a really fun series. Admittedly AE2 is the weakest of the main trilogy but hey

he passed like that by me
not a single insult
I feel like tool now

I'll download the ISO again to see if I have some fun because I didn't have 10 years ago

wolfenstein the new order

nice cherry picking. got anymore crops?

if you can screenscrap the entire steam library tell me how to do it

god you are an autist.

thats impossible and you know it, the hardware is not designed for 60fps


Im so pissed we will never get another proper ssx game
We got SSX 2012 but the physics where all wrong and all the personality was gone

With the money companies spend on shit like Uncharted, Quantum Break and Last of Us they could make 3 SSXs, 3 Burnouts and 3 Timesplitters

Ok, now tell me good games that run at 1080p60fps without drops.

not that guy btw

I have never touched a Yakuza game and know nothing about them. Where do i start with the series?

Yakuza 2 but it's not that good as Sup Forums say

>3rd party/launch window optimization

This is how desperate pcucks are. They will grasp at any straws to push an anti console agenda.

gay Knack was made for PS4 hardware


>not shovelware games

I think you're asking for a bit too much from sony.

No it wasn't

yes it was


What's your definition of shovelware?

>Th-Those doesn't count!

not an argument

browse steam
go for indie sub-section and multiplayer games

or go to PSN and browse for best selling PS4

>You fell for the 8GB GDDR5 meme

perhaps PS Neo will be able to deliver 1080p/60fps


Wait to January for Yakuza 0, chronologically speaking is the first in the series plus it has the best gameplay of all the game (minus Ishin, but that's Japan only).