Do you think they will ever add belt fed machine guns to kf 2? or would they be too op? also, what's your fave perk?

do you think they will ever add belt fed machine guns to kf 2? or would they be too op? also, what's your fave perk?

mine is support, shotguns are so fucking satisfying

Other urls found in this thread:

shit game, shit company, shit eating fans, never release updates, ITS A BETA, ps4 never, dev's gotta eat, SJW CEO, more incompetent at balance than the sc2 team

What exactly do they spend their time on between updates?

I play with UE4 as a hobby and I dont see how the only work they would need for a new class like the SWAT would be new weapon models + animations.

Is UE3 that much worse than UE4?

Looks awful and boring.
>guys I'm holding the left button and moving my mouse slightly xddd did I kill them? whoa grenade launcher that does 0 damage thanks to literally no demo perk bonuses applied


They will NEVER add anything more than the SWAT perk.

>"Hey guys we're gonna do Early Access but don't worry, we'll do it right!"
>They do it absolutely 100% wrong.

No game has ever disappointed me as much as KF2

>no lan

Not even DNF? Too Human? Daikatana?

did you like kf1?

Tripwire actively tried to build up hype prior to launch and the game was shit and still is. It's like they don't play their own game because they seem to have no idea how un-fun it is. I trusted them and I regret it.

right? i don't think anyone was really surprised in the end. KF was a really cool game and I loved it in high school. i had hope for KF2.

there was a small hope they'd do early access right, but i don't think anyone was surprised that it turned out they did it completely wrong. no one even cared to talk about it. even the shills rarely bring it up.

Probs my all time fave game.

I am a shill, I hate it but I still play it all the time and am active on the official forums. I hope in vain that my moaning will influence the devs but it never does. I expect that shills don't bring it up because the game is so fucking embarrassing right now that we hope it will get better before we try and spread the word and get more players.

You've got the right ideas about what can make this game good, but I can't help but insult you for trying so long. What the fuck do you expect - that TWI will suddenly fix things up and everyone on the forums will be happy?

What can I say? I really want the game to be good.

>I expect that shills don't bring it up because the game is so fucking embarrassing right now that we hope it will get better before we try and spread the word and get more players.

Why is it embarrassing? It's not a fullprice game and it's perfectly functional as it currently is. There is a good number of maps and above average co-op gameplay. It's one of these co-op games you buy with a 4pack for with bunch of friends (like Helldivers, Serious Sam, etc.)

But it won't.

>no arming distance
>explodes a total of 2 clots with 2 grenades
Wow it's fucking nothing

I like the game and how it plays, I even don't mind teleporting zeds all that much

But fuck TWI, eternally. This game is a solid base but crawls along and slowly dies because of their shit as they try to pump unimportant shit in while modern make the only good maps it has.

You don't understand. There are a ton of passable coop hoard shooter games, all totally forgettable past a bit of play with friends. KF1 was a cult classic. People like me really really loved it. KF2 is not a worthy successor to KF and so is an embarrassment.

Dunno, don't care, game is ded as fuck, because it's shit.

Look how dead this thread is. I bet I could make a KF1 thread right now that would have more posters than this sorry affair.

Fuk u, Too Human was still kinda cool.

That's probably why he hates KF2 :^)