Oh, hi there. Don't mind me. I'm just the greatest James Bond game of all time...

Oh, hi there. Don't mind me. I'm just the greatest James Bond game of all time. I'm just picking up some salted peanuts for Uncle GoldenEye, and maybe a Blu Ray copy of Norbit.

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This, medal of honor AA and soldier of fortune were thew holy trinity of my childhood.

I never really thought much of Nightfire, though I never played it MP so maybe that's why?

>I never really thought much of Nightfire, though I never played it MP so maybe that's why?
Which version did you play? Nightfire is good because its campaign is god-tier. MP is just a bonus for FPS games.

Gamecube. It was just a run-of-the-mill console shooter with shoebox sized levels where you just shoot at random goons until the game ends. The first level did show promise with the multiple approaches but they dropped that idea pretty quickly. I guess the vehicle controls were surprisingly decent by tacked-on driving section standards.

Damn this brings back memories. At a time when I actually had friends. Playing this was so fucking fun, that fucking skyrail map in the snow place. Just pure gaming fun.

>It was just a run-of-the-mill console shooter with shoebox sized levels where you just shoot at random goons until the game ends.
I get the feeling you were playing the game wrong. It's essentially a successor to The World is Not Enough, which was Eurocom's answer to GoldenEye. You've got a decent stealth system, fantastic guns, fancy gadgets, and competent enemy AI.

You can sneak up behind enemies, point your gun at their back, and make them surrender.

What more could you want?

The only good console FPS.

Nightfire has bullet ricochet, but unlike The World is Not Enough, bullets only ricochet off hard surfaces such as metal and concrete.

What's really strange is that The World is Not Enough had shell cases that bounced when they hit the floor, but Nightfire doesn't. It was apparently for performance reasons, but it's kinda mind boggling that the PS2/GC/Xbox couldn't do something the N64 did just fine.


Love that movie

"Nippleopolis" that shit got a ring to it dont it?

>I get the feeling you were playing the game wrong.
Maybe they should've included an explanation on how to play the game "right" in the manual.

>You've got a decent stealth system
Barebones, if anything.

>fantastic guns
Opinions. Most weapon animations felt stiff, it I wanted to play a gunporn game this would be on the bottom of my list of candidates, that's for sure.

>fancy gadgets
It was typical mediocre heavily scripted Bond stuff.

>competent enemy AI
That's... not really a compliment, is it?

>You can sneak up behind enemies, point your gun at their back, and make them surrender.
That's one of those minor touches where I go "oh look, that's neat" then never think about it again.

I dunno, all thinking about it does is make me want to replay NOLF. If only it had a proper widescreen patch.

Had nightfire for the PS2. dont remember a whole lot except a castle level in the snow? And the camera guided missles.

How YOU doing?

Remember, black people run very fast. But problem run faster.


Brilliant film. Very weak third act, but everything during the first hour is pure gold.

Does anyone remember this game? I rented it once but dont remember much.

I remember shooting a lot of people in a bank and fucking up every god damn mission.

>I dunno, all thinking about it does is make me want to replay NOLF.
NOLF is kinda terrible compared to Nightfire. The basic problem with NOLF is you can't reliably dodge enemy fire by strafing sideways. That's the very foundation of all Rareware knockoff FPS games. An FPS game should be like playing tennis, except you're trying to avoid the ball. Nightfire has that unpleasant "twitchy" feel to it.

>Opinions. Most weapon animations felt stiff, it I wanted to play a gunporn game this would be on the bottom of my list of candidates, that's for sure.
The reloading animations are fantastic. Eurocom always had great gun reloading animations. And of course it has the iconic manual aiming where the gun actually follows a cursor instead of being locked to the center of screen. It was basically a refinement of The World is Not Enough, which also had fantastic guns.
>competent enemy AI
>That's... not really a compliment, is it?
It is for an FPS game.

>You can sneak up behind enemies, point your gun at their back, and make them surrender.
>That's one of those minor touches where I go "oh look, that's neat" then never think about it again.
When you're trying to play as stealthy as possible, you remember it. Make them surrender, punch their lights out.

I agree, i think its even better than goldeneye.

>Nightfire has that unpleasant "twitchy" feel to it.
Damn. I meant to say NOLF feels unpleasantly twitchy.

>though I never played it MP
MP is where it shone. It was fun as fuck and gave a lot of options

>NOLF is kinda terrible compared to Nightfire.
Haha, no.

>The basic problem with NOLF is you can't reliably dodge enemy fire by strafing sideways.
Whatever happened to playing stealthy? If you're getting shot at in NOLF you already fucked up. Not that it's particularly hard to go in guns blazing either, but then you miss out on all the NPC conversations you can eavesdrop on.

>The reloading animations are fantastic. Eurocom always had great gun reloading animations.
I dunno, doesn't look that way to me. I also think the first person animations and gun models in FEAR look like ass but according to a lot of people they look fantastic so I guess I just have different tastes.

>When you're trying to play as stealthy as possible, you remember it. Make them surrender, punch their lights out.
Is there really a situation where doing that is more practical than just headshotting them from afar?

>Does anyone remember this game?
I playthrough every year or so. Fantastic game. Some really bizarre default settings, though, such as mono audio and a clunky default control scheme that doesn't let you look up or down without manually aiming. Fortunately, the third control profile is good.

It's apparently horrifyingly badly coded under the hood, but it looks fantastic when properly emulated. It's a pity the PS2/PC port ended up becoming Agent Under Fire for some reason, which in the end didn't come to PC anyway.

Who here enjoyed the From Russia With Love game? Had a classic feel to it I really liked

>all the women had huge tits
so many childhood faps to those npc models, zoomin in with the camera and such

"I no like black, I no like jew either, but both like chinese food. Go figure."

"Hell to the no! It be long time in hell, before wong suck poison out of other mans ass!"

>Whatever happened to playing stealthy?
You seem to be forgetting NOLF regularly forces you into combat. If you knock out enemies, they wake up before long, which was a stupid MGS-inspired design decision since NOLF's levels are so long. NOLF2 especially.

The entire second half of the game is endless combat against bullet sponge enemies.

>Is there really a situation where doing that is more practical than just headshotting them from afar?
Because you are sometimes not allowed to kill people? This "bullets will solve everything" attitude reminds me of the people who play Perfect Dark and then immediately blast Cassandra in the face despite the game telling them they can't kill her.

You remember that sexy ass Royal Navy bitch you rescue in that one mission? Oh lawd

>tfw i used to play multiplayer vs the AI just by myself

>tfw using that homing rocket launcher

iirc the ninja lady had her suit zipped down showin off major boobage, she was drakes like sidekick or something. fuck i need to play this game again

and yeah the boat lady was smokin

>Who here enjoyed the From Russia With Love game?
It's not a bad game, but it has a few weaknesses.

The mission design is really "gamey". Stop three bombs. Save three hostages. Kill all the dudes who try to stop you. The game gives you a laser watch with the solve function of shooting boxes through glass.

Sean Connery sounds strange. It's really cool he voices Bond, but Bond sounds like he's got a mouth full of wet towels.

The vehicle sections are easily the worst in any Bond game. You've got this pseudo-open world thing going on, with infinitely respawning enemies chasing you around.

There are some really silly mini-bosses like the tiny helicopter that can take several direct RPG hits to the cockpit.

It's a decent enough game, but it has a strange "We're out of ideas. Let's just make Bond shoot lots of dudes for the next hour" licensed game vibe.

>If you knock out enemies, they wake up before long
That's why you kill them. Use the corpse removal powder if the body falls in a bad spot.

Gearbox's Nightfire for PC is a significantly less great game with idiotic AI, horrible gun handling, and shitloads of bugs, but it the x-ray specs let you look at women's underwear.

It's very interesting how Nightfire and Die Another Day resemble each other. Even the basic premise is kind of similar.

>That's why you kill them.
But I don't want to kill them. One of the reasons Perfect Dark is the greatest FPS game of all time is that you can disarm and/or knock out just about anyone. Making me kill people is bad FPS design.


>Making me kill people is bad FPS design.

A lot of great FPS center around the killing of people and/or other creatures. Just because you particularly don't like killing doesn't mean it's bad design.

>iirc the ninja lady had her suit zipped down showin off major boobage
Mayhew's bodyguard, whatsherface. She kicks Bond's waifu off a building.

>A lot of great FPS center around the killing of people and/or other creatures.
And those games are generally inferior to the almighty Perfect Dark. It's about empowering the player.

Is a guy shooting at me? Yes.
Can I take him down non-lethally? Is that viable? Can I maybe flank him and punch him from behind? Do I have any non-lethal gadgets? Do I want to go for a non-lethal approach?
If so, then I can do that if I choose. If not, then I'll blast him. Or run away.

Heck, that's why Hitman: Absolution was so great compared to prior entries - being able to put people to sleep instead of breaking their necks because reasons.

>And those games are generally inferior to the almighty Perfect Dark

Now I don't know if you're serious or just pulling my leg.

Isn't Perfect Dark the highest rated FPS game ever made? Sure, the fact it was getting 101/100 scores might have skewed things somewhat, but I don't think any other FPS games have as high a collective rating.

TimeSplitters 2 > Nightfire

>TimeSplitters 2 > Nightfire
TimeSplitters 2 has a terrible pistol with an unacceptably slow fire rate.

I never played night fire, I did play Agent Under Fire. Is the multiplayer comparable, I remember Agent Under Fire having some great multiplayer, loved playing on the castle stage with trip mines every where or in the city area with the spiderman grappling hook.

Would you recommend buying it? I'm always looking for more vidya for my N64.

almost, PS2 version a better

>Would you recommend buying it?
It's worth owning, sure. Avoid the PAL version, though. The PAL version feels strangely lurchy, like they fucked up with the framerate conversion somehow.

It's actually one of the better selling N64 games, with 1.5 million copies sold.

>almost, PS2 version a better
No. The PS2 version has framerate problems, just like almost all PS2/GC/Xbox crossplatform titles.

muh nigga

If you emulate the GC version, you can enable lovely per-pixel lighting, making it easily the best looking version.

played PAL PS2 version and found no framerate problems
i mean holy shit you people praise shit like Goldeneye N64 and that was unplayable, this is much much better and has no framerate problems that i recall

Nightfire was my shit back in the day.

The theme song is better than a good chunk of the actual 007 movie themes, like hot damn.


>Avoid the PAL version, though
>mfw I live in the UK

Guess I'll buy nightfire for the GC then. Thanks anyway dude.

>played PAL PS2 version and found no framerate problems
The GC version runs at a steady 60fps. The PS2 version has more visible framerate dips.

It's in a whole other league compared to GoldenEye for N64, which wildly lurches around.

You should have posted the actual title sequence, too.


Excellent visual design.

my nigga


This is the best song in the game

I've always felt Nightfire's title sequence was much tighter and punchier than Everything or Nothing's.


The way some people talk, you'd think EON was the first Bond game with an original title sequence.


>Fort Knox
>Max NPCs
>Randomized weapons

>dat mini tank and mini helicopter

Can we go back to an era when this style of licensed game existed? Because modern ones are worse than just shovelware.

Never played this but it looked appealing at the time, like they accepted they could never match Goldeneye so they took a different path.
Does Sup Forums think EON is better than Nightfire?

>State of the Art
>Sentinels only
Don't mind me, just the GOAT coming through

Things started going south between 2008-1012. Eurocom had to churn out the PS2 TPS version of Quantum of Solace to meet the film's release date. Treyarch did the same with the PC/360/PS3 FPS version.

Eurocom then made the 2010 GoldenEye game, which was very polished and very good. And then in 2012, they were given six months to make 007: Legends as tie-in for Skyfall, and while the final game has some good points, it has serious, serious problems in terms of polish and length. Game basically killed Eurocom, and we have Activision's greed and/or incompetence to thank.

Basically, making games has become harder, and deadlines have become stupider. It's a shitshow all around. You can't make a quality tie-in FPS game in 6 months. It's simply not possible. You need 6 months just to polish a game and make it fun.

Can someone tell me what controls are like for GC/N64 emulation on the PC?

I don't have a gaymen pad/controller

Best weapon comin' through.

I just mean the high effort 'respecting the IP' type of title rather than the 'generic 6/10 shooter with brand on it' variety. Back when people tried to turn an IP into a video game rather than turn a video game into an IP.

no way, that shit sucked
nightfire a best
though i don't remember why so take it with a grain of salt

>Can someone tell me what controls are like for GC/N64 emulation on the PC?
Tricky. N64 games are generally easier to make work on a mouse and keyboard, since you can just bind the analogue stick to the mouse and the C-buttons to WASD, but with the GC, it gets a bit complicated.

Not impossible, though, especially if you're doing it per-game. There's a crouch button, a jump button, a use button, etc. That stuff can be mapped to Space, F, C, etc. Mouse aim will be a bit sluggish, but it'll work.

It's a crying shame most of the best Bond games never came to PC.

Everything or Nothing isn't a bad game. It's actually a really decent TPS game. But it kinda becomes repetitive, just like the Uncharted games it very likely inspired. You spend more time cover shooting stuff than actually being a spy.

still TImeSplitters 2 & FP > Nightfire

Nightfire is on PC and has online multiplayer so it wins by default

The GoldenEye 007 game that came out for Xbox recently is the best bond title. N64 multiplayer online with updated graphics? Sign me up!

>Nightfire is on PC and has online multiplayer so it wins by default
The PC Nightfire is a completely different game made by Gearbox who managed to break the dynamic lighting system and decal system and weapon selection system in GoldSrc.

The level design was actually pretty fun. The grappling hooks in multiplayer were a stroke of genius, letting you sneak into places. The snow level is the prime example of this. Some asshole shooting sentinels off the castle roof? Sneak around back, hook up to the top and shoot that fucker in the back.

Free Radical made the GoldenEye N64 HD remaster. But I think Nintendo got in the way. Activision then tried to get Free Radical to make a new GoldenEye game, but the deal fell apart, so the job was give to Eurocom, who made GoldenEye 2010/GoldenEye Reloaded.

The legalities surrounding Bond games has always been a shitshow.

kiko? i remember fapping as kid

>The legalities surrounding Bond games has always been a shitshow.
Does it have to do with who owns the James Bond IP itself, or?

Eurocom were an exceptionally good licensed game developer that went the extra mile and always pushed interesting technology and game design features in their licensed games. It's a tragedy that they were mismanaged by Activision and thrown away like Superted. Like, even that G-Force tie-in game they made was great. A comedy film about secret agent hamsters or some shit, and they made quality platformer tie-in game.

In Goldeneye's case at least, they have the issue of Sony owning the IP, Nintendo publishing the original game and Rare now being owned by MS.

I'm not a commie

but sometimes free market capitalism is just all fucked up

>randomized weapons
>everyone starts with the heat-seeking rocket launcher

This game use to give me motion sickness, even though it was great

It's complicated. The Bond IP is controlled by Danjaq. They license Bond out to publishers who then commission developers to make games with the IP.

For example, EA used to own the rights to make Bond games. So their commissioned Eurocom to make TWINE & Nightfire, Visceral to make Agent Under Fire, stuff like that. But in the case of Rareware's GoldenEye, I think the ownership is split between Nintendo, Rareware, and Danjaq somehow.

I remember reading that Eurocom actually finished a PC port of GoldenEye 2010, but I don't think we'll ever see it because Eurocom went bankrupt in 2012, and Activision no longer hold the rights to make Bond games. It's a horrid mess because it means that you are basically never gonna see Bond games get re-released regardless of how old they are unless someone jumps through a shitload of hoops to cut every piece of red tape needed to satisfy the lawyers.

>it means that you are basically never gonna see Bond games get re-released regardless of how old they are unless someone jumps through a shitload of hoops to cut every piece of red tape needed to satisfy the lawyers.

>meanwhile emulation for these games on the PC is sketchy at best


>Holdings companies

And if you think that's bad, Activision pulled all their Bond games off Steam. And Origin's link for Nightfire only leads to the PS2 version, which of course you can't actually download or anything.

It's really not a good situation, and should be taken as a warning of how things might turn out across the industry if we embrace the digital future where nothing has physical copies.

Imagine never being able to buy Alien: Isolation ever again because nobody can figure out who owns the rights to the game.

I remember avoiding subway trains and a timed bomb defusal mission

>the unadulterated fun of killing niggas remotely
>the day you realized they both have missles

Dick grew 3 sizes that day.

>I always thought they were just for recon or fucking around or something