What went so, so right?

What went so, so right?

Other urls found in this thread:


not a whole fucking lot


To the guy who wanted to become a pirate leader:
You better have a good crew because me and my buddies are going to found a Space Police, and will serve and protect all law abiding citizens of the galaxy. We will also have a government that builds space stations and huge battleships to support our law enforcement efforts.

Cashing in on the gullible idiots that weren't old enough to play Spore on release.

he looks like he wants to die

>you must be 18 to post here

>randomly selected parts of Earth animals slapped together

I'm mad.



first animal i've seen that looks like it goes together

probably statically designed lol


>Gender: Prime

It's primed to fuck your ass, gaiboi.

This Tbh

I kind of like that, because the concept of male/female dichotomy may not apply to alien species

Nothing other games haven't done before.
Only with bad developers who wont get blamed.

Yet, v as a boogyman sure is getting popular suddenly as the thread will show as people jump in saying its our fault for being overhype.
I wonder why? :^)


Insemination only works by penetration user. There isn't anything out of male and female that could work otherwise.

where do i get the game? Is it out already?

gender isn't defined by penetration

I only hope that suit shuts the fuck up and doesn't constantly need a recharge on every fucking thing

Here's your (Xe)

>all hype procedural

I don't know OP.
You tell us, what DID go """right"""?

that one i would fug.

Reproduction is done through insemination.
The male is a term with multiple uses, but in science, organisms (regardless of method) will always be termed male and female.

>Reproduction is done through insemination.
Spoken like someone with no understanding of biology or imagination.

Sexual reproduction isn't even the only form of reproduction on earth, what makes you think it would be for all alien species?

this havent you seen Dragon Ball Z and how Cell created the Cell Jrs?

Would you a space plant?

>First animal that actually looks realistic

There's sexual reproduction, and asexual reproduction.
Asexual has no gender.
Sexual has two.

>Diet: Absorbed nutrients

>The wait is finally almost over
>Gets pushed back to the end of the week for PC only

How are you cucks dealing with this?

I mean, isn't "Diet: absorbed nutrients" true for every single living organism?

Sexual reproduction: 2 genders
Asexual reproduction: 0 genders

Anything else is Tumblr-pandering, which I don't think is beneath Sean and his numale crew of cucks

In theory, there could be sexual reproduction with more than 2 genders and there are species on earth that reproduce with 2 genders but have another asexual gender.
Not all species on earth are male/female. It still doesn't explain what "prime" sex means in the screenshot.

It means they ready.

Maybe it's like a plant? Idk

>asexual gender

Just... Just shut up and go back to tumblr or wherever you came from, you're obviously not fit for having normal human exchanges

It means it's prime for sex you goon, now unzip your dick and treat it. Don't forget about the cool down though, after some drilling you'll have to let yourself cool off before you start again. But don't worry, with enough experience and resources you can improve that too.

Why benefit to a species would there be to have more than two genders? To over complicate mating and cause a massive extinction eventually leading to a two gender system?
Every species on Earth is mainly split into male and female counterparts beyond anomalies like hermaphrodites which are still in technicality one gender or the other genetically.

fish, plants and fungi just squirt that shit everywhere

Simple: I don't give a fuck about this game

There are plenty of species on Earth that do not use penetration to inseminate.



Asexual reproduction is an actual thing in the biological world, you idiot. it's not just "m-muh TUMBLR". maybe don't drop out of high school next time

Huh, that's not what your mother showed me last night.

>i know exactly how alien life works everywhere in the universe

Yeah, okay.

In an ant hive there are female(queen), male, and asexual workers.
I agree that there would be not much benefit to having more than 2 sexes, because it overcomplicates searching for mates. It would help for more genetic diversification which would improve the speed at which a species adapts to the environment.

...No there aren't.
Every time you see "neutral" or some other made up bullshit like for moss, you can be sure a Jewish liberal scientist was behind it.
Plants are male and female. Bacteria are male and female. Every creature God created is either male or female, on any planet. Only leftist nu-males think otherwise.

>i know exactly how alien life works everywhere in the universe

Yeah, okay.

>Age: Elderly
>Gender: Prime

>that thing
>Diet: Absorbed nutrients
>Weight 174.39kg
>Height: 3.40m

Is there any kind of correlation that goes into this shit? Because it sure as fuck doesn't look like it. It's elderly but in its sexual prime, looks like a dinosaur but eats by absorbing nutrients, is the size size of a monster truck but weighs as much as the average American.

What is this garbage?

>What is this garbage?
This garbage is nu-males buy, friend.

>weighs as much as the average American.

it does. gender is a basic design choice that works so much that it surfaces on macro level despite not being genetically coded the same in most species.

It's a transsexual transformer who is only attracted to optimus booty.


A third component for reproduction is a small difference compared to needing completely different species to live, and such symbiotic relationships are present all over the fucking place on Earth including with humans.

>it does
Well then show me an alien that has this dichotomy

Lower gravity, alien biology, lower density.

There are animals that reproduce sexually without penetration. See: fish.

"Gender" doesn't mean "sex"

It means a subclass within a class. A table can have genders too, such as squared or round.

>weighs as much as the average American

pretty good/10, I like your style


Woah i never would've noticed that. props user

thanks user i hope you riked it

>Gender discussion
>On slash v (videogames) slash

Worth every cent

the planet of origin doesn't matter, in several billion years Earth has favored dual gender models because it's efficient in every situation, from desert to cold, to sea to plains and shit.
It's so much more efficient that some species have genders despite male and female sharing the same DNA, like turtles. genders is a stronger requirement than genetic code. think about it.


It's like I'm in Frontier forum.

Most plants are asexual you fucking uneducated moron

What you gonna do? Scream at a plant for being asexual


Holy fuck, you're right.
It's the same two pebbles copied, rotated and scaled all over the fucking place. What the fuck?

user, there's millions (maybe billions) of species here on earth. It's impossible for them not to look like earth animals slapped together.

Gender prime just means that its the first gender. They don't use male and female because aliens may have more or fewer genders or genders that don't match up. As for its appearance that could be a low gravity planet with an atmosphere rich in microbes. It could essentially be a land whale. Like the average american.

>He thinks plants are animals

Greater genetic versatility

A species that could easily and often mate with 3 sexes would have a better chance at surviving than one with 2. The problem is that it would have to be as easy to mate as 3 as to mate as 2 which would be difficult under the best of circumstances.

Cool idea for a scifi race though.

There's at least 3 genders, though. I've seen Prime, Alpha, and Symmetrical.

Could be Female, Male, and Asexual, I guess.

And they still have genders, they're still male and female, regardless of penetration or not. Just like ANYTHING that reproduces asexually has a gender. Wether that gender has any impact on the reproduction, is another matter entirely

Asexual REPRODUCTION yes, you are totally right. Of course it is a thing.

But that moron I originally quoted was talking about asexual GENDER, which is LITERALY AN OXYMORON.

Learn to read before you jump into conclusions about people.

Secret of the universe is 2.

2 shitty pebbles lying together scattered around everywhere.

Read the thread chain you uneducated moron

>Symmetrical gender
What? I kind of get Alpha, maybe, but what the fuck is Symmetrical?

>hurr durr there's three genders

Can't unsee now, thanks.

Some slugs have both reproductive organs, so both impregnate each other when they meet, because they meet so rarely.

Could be something like that.

>Im going to SAVE FACE and use CAPSLOCK to say things that i DIDNT SAY but am now SAYING to SAVE FACE

There are plenty of funguses with shit tons of genders. Other animals have multiple genders. You don't nescessarily need to have every gender present to mate, genders are just different phenotypes based on a chromosome difference or even just hormonal changes in development.

>>weighs as much as the average American.

The original complaint was about penetration. Read.

Okay so a species with one gender. What do you call it?

Actually gender is a social construct you cis scum.

asexual, or one of those weirdos that change sex

Maybe they reproduce by being

this lol
fucking forumdads

so is speech

now go make up your own language so i don't have to be cursed with the ability to understand you

Keep your religion and your science separate, dummy.

Dude literaly look at what I said, just scroll up and see if I didn't write
>asexual gender

I mean... Enough is enough man.