>brb, going out for a smoke
>last login: 7 years ago
Brb, going out for a smoke
Must have been nice playing on Steam with your dad.
I'm thinking about doing a Hiroshima version of this thread later today, what do you guys think?
>ITT: autists that got blocked on steam
facebook/steam friend block me :'(
Smoking kills user
>we'll play when i come back from work user
>last login: 5443 days ago
tell me more about ur dad, OP
I regularly remove all my """friends""" and create an entirely new steam persona.
Brb grabbing good.
Last online: 23 760 days ago
>Life of a wagecuck
shiet nigga
go away Pillz
I do this pathologically AND ethically
because I trial and error
>that wonderful feel when you remove a complete shitter and block him on whatever platform you ever chatted on
>someone brought firecrackers to school brb lol
>Last Login:7452 days ago
Oxygen too
>One sec, sound in the house
>last online 342 days ago
>the clan is dying
>nah man its not dying
>last seen 2 years ago
>Your alright, don't show up to school tommorow.
Last login: 6319 days ago
I just hope my online bro is okay. Last time we spoke he said he was meeting this new chick...And after that...nothing.
Last online: 1733 days ago
Either he joined Gadaffi's army, got murdered by his new gf or simply left gaming as a whole, which is quite unlikely. Maybe one day he'll come back...But maybe not ;___;7
>Flying back to LA tomorrow, cya when I land
Last Online: 5443 days ago
'Just do it' gets me every time
>brb need to piss.
>Log off Skype and play different game.
>He's been online everyday since.
>I keep my online status invisible.
>He sends random messages, "You online", "gonna play some CS:GO, you in?", "Are you okay?".
>I always check the message but never respond.
>Steam informs me he's playing CS:GO, but I continue to ignore him.
>Five months later I change Skype status message to let him know that he missed me by a few hours.
>He sends a wall-of-text letting me know he'd glad I'm alright and want to catch-up over a game.
>I wait for him to get offline before I reply with an "ok"
>Repeat the cycle all over again.
they're offline exactly because of people like you, and you'll make them feel like shit the moment they remove you and they'll feel like they're the bad guy/gal in the whole situation while getting rid of a stalker
Dude. He legitimately gives a shit about you. Friends like that are hard to come by. Maybe for you it's hard to deal with people sometimes or maybe it's just him. Open up to him. I wish I had a bro like that.
why are you like this
3 4
and now hes in germany
do you not get tired of copypasting this same fucking post multiple times a day everyday for 10 fucking years?
IF, IF its a true story, i can see why he blocked your weird fucking ass.
god damn literal fucking autism
Wait what? Was there an update or is this a refugee joke?
LOL they do it becasue they are embarrased as that is all they do, they are never not playing games, then they come online and act like they've been busy. Im not talking about the ones who do it to hide or ignore anons
Yer a faggot Harry
He's a good bro. Helped me through some tough shit.
I don't know.
>tfw only have 2 steam friends
>tfw you randomly go offline for a month without telling anyone anything
Dude. Please go be his bro and tell him you're having trouble. He seems like he'd understand and honestly help you out. Like... Fuck. That right there is a friend.
Nothing wrong with this. Some people are completely neglected at home and it's not your job to be their fucking foster parent.
Well user, all I know is that I'd like a decent online friend like that so you have yourself a keeper. Try to be a better friend.
>tfw she is appearing online less and less
>you have less to say since the more you try and talk the creepier you seem
>soon she will be offline forever just like all the others
Why can't I keep pretend girlfriends around?
>tfw i have over 70 steam friends
>tfw i don't talk to any of them except one (excluding friends from outside steam)
>tfw most of them are dumb Sup Forums memers
why do i even have them added user?
Most of them probably added you after 1 round of (random game)
The worst part about this is he probably died in a air strike or something.
I wonder if there have been any updates
>"brb windows update wants me to restart"
>Last Online: 581 days ago
the fuck happened?
No one really knows. In my heart I hope he's okay.
i honestly can't remember. I know some of them added me from a Sup Forums group up to play an old mmo and the rest...i think i may have just met on other mmos.
unfortunately only one of those lot actually stuck around. then again i rarely using steam anymore.
Just tell "her" it's been fun and you will cherish the memories you two had together playan vidya gayms and/or chatting and stop sending her messages. If she contacts you 1-2 times after that (not counting replies to your final message) then you two are good. If she doesn't talk to you at all - its over.
>if I never come online again, you can assume I've killed myself XDDDD
>never comes online again
>tfw got blocked out of nowhere by qt gamur girl that shared everything in common with me
>still have some pathetic dreams with her
~alternative~ short hair gamur girls, not even once
what did you do? Women don't just randomly block people, they have reasons for that, if she wanted nothing more to do with you she woulda just removed you, but block?
>steam friends are all old HS friends or people I added in HS
>the rare time I do log on it's playing catch-up and like awful family holiday dinners
As far as I see its "her turn" to message me anyway, I don't really like the idea of anyone looking at messages from me on any service saying things like "Hello?" and "Are you there" so I just don't send them.
Maybe I should just send her a pic of my dick
>"Hey dude wanna play a game?"
>We proceed to play a laggy game of SF
>"Shit, come to my home later and we'll play instead of this shitfest"
>Go to his home and play a game, bunch of other people comes by and play
FGC is way fun then any community.
nah, it only seems that you're afraid to create lasting relationships.
Maybe it's too hard to open up to people, feel vulnerable?
>Friend starts to be "busy" and "away" on Steam a lot
>Invite him to games, try to talk to him - nothing.
>Busy and away statuses are now an every day thing, is busy and away to the point where it defeats the purpose of being on Steam.
>Shrug and break off all contact with him
>After 2 months he starts bitching why I never invite him to games or talk to him
I guess I'm the clown for considering such people friends, but don't expect people to beg you for your attention if you're away 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
nothing we always just had normal conversations, she even told me she "liked" me but at the time I didn't really get what she meant since i thought she had a bf. we didn't talk for like 3 days and not only she removed me but also blocked me from every single thing I had her.
>have four friends
>only talk to one
>"you should really get more friends"
>fucking fine
>join reg
>acquire five more friends
>less than two weeks later they've all been deleted
Don't try to make me be sociable faggot
>Maybe I should just send her a pic of my dick
Thats the best option at the moment and I'm not even kidding. Do it.
Just purge them and start anew. I don't know why people don't do this.
>"I'm going for an interview tomorrow. See you guys tomorrow."
>last online: September 10, 2001
>brb, gonna gas the kikes
>last login: 71 years ago
what's the point in doing that? what if one day they randomly just want to chat? Either way having friends that I don't talk to doesn't matter when I barely use the thing as is.
He's still waiting for his update.
>Steam "friend" adds you from game
>Weeks later theyre still on your friends list
>Never talked, they just sit in your friends list
I think I need to do a cull soon, but then I'll look like a weirdo who has too few friends
What was he trying to smoke?The fucking world tree?
>145 friends
>talk to two at max, one we mostly just have fights over political bullshit, other is online really late at night only sometimes
Probably never actually updated but too embarrassed to admit he never updated when he comes back
>tfw lost my best internet friend from when i was 13/14
>used to talk on Xfire and browse Sup Forums together and prank calling people on Skype (back when it didnt cost money)
>still remember laughing my ass off when he called a gun shop asking if they sold silencers to use on his neighbors dog
Sandanon is prob dead.
>FGC is way fun then any community.
What did he mean by this?
>what's the point in doing that? what if one day they randomly just want to chat?
you just said they were dumb Sup Forums memers and have like almost above 50 that you don't talk to.
why don't you just start chatting with them and if they just give half ass response then delete them.
>Either way having friends that I don't talk to doesn't matter when I barely use the thing as is.
no problem then i guess
>"brb my crazy uncle wants me to test his time machine XD"
>Last online 17th September 2020
>Random guy on Steam adds me
>Never introduces himself or talks to me
>A week passes as I forget about him
>See him on the friend's list one day.
>Check his profile
>His friends list is full with girl profiles
It works but i blew it again not long after by asking her out even though she has a boyfriend blah blah she was like why me huurrr your banging and play games geee i wonderr why
>over a hundred buddies on steam
>only a handful is actually people i play vidya with
>never really give a shit about talking about stuff unless it's a subject i know will have 100% their attention so it's not a waste of their time
>have discord for more vidya related stuff
A lot of girls and women are like this.
She wanted you to make the first step and got frustrated that you didn't.
It's actually a well-known thing to happen to people; me included.
Literally all I had to do was to just ask this girl out, but I was too beta to do it.
If you don't make the first step with this kind of girl they will just drop pursuit and pretend you don't exist afterwards.
Fighting games are just maximum comfy, man. Nothing like trash talking with friends but improving your game. This is coming from an oldfag.
>tfw friends are now starting to get families and careers
>tfw we still find time to do fight nights once in a while if we can get everyone together
>summer is a big time since we'll cook out and invite more people
>just cold beers, drinks, cooking awesome food and fightan games along with other activities
>tfw some of friend's gfs/wives/family will come to the bigger get-togethers and join in on smack talk during matches, get hyped
>tfw one friend has a son in kindergarten that loves the shit out of third strike
>other has a son just one year older
>both of them play ryu and ken and just mash but it's awesome
Dunno how long these times will last but I'm cherishing them.
if they spammed me all day with memes i'd more than likely delete them, but honestly man just a waste of time to sit there and have to delete them one by one. Unless steam has a delete all friends option.
I wish I was your bro. You seem to appreciate if people try to be good to others
>tfw you stopped logging into your steam two years ago
>somebody commented on your profile asking you to come back
I'm sorry
On xbox you cant remove friends as i wanted a blank account even asking people to fuck off and remove me some punk motherfuckers refused obviously just to be conplete shits as i told them i wanted a blank account fuckers
>trash talking
I'm sorry that you come from an abusive household, user.
huh. well hopefully that works out for you. dunno why you'd want a blank account unless you're selling it.
I know about that but I don't know if it applies to my case, I didn't knew her in real life, it was just internet shit but still i felt a really strong connection with her, she knew I liked her and all, but she knew from the beginning that there was no way to "ask her out" you know what I mean? I mostly try to forget it and stop trying to reason why it happened but i find myself having dreams from time to time which are outside my control sadly
>tfw about 80 steam friends
>haven't talked to anyone in months, years
PuGs are my family
There's a difference in real shit talk and just joking banter. Nobody seriously throws out hateful remarks, just playful jabs at others or rubbing it in if they whiff or screw something up. Usually it's for laughs.
Stop being a huge fucking faggot for no reason you twat.
>14 steam friends
>talk to 7 of them regularly
>all these people with 150 friends but only talk to 1
how do you manage to have so many friends but never talk to them...
I just know how shitty crippling depression is and know how hard it is to need that kind of person. I try to be nice to others because I'm doing shitty.
>how do you manage to have so many friends but never talk to them...
>People add me
>I accept
add me on facebook right now