Literally why isnt HM use automatic? If I have a Pokemon who knows Cut...

Literally why isnt HM use automatic? If I have a Pokemon who knows Cut, the tree should automatically disintegrate when I walk into it.

a what now?

Hidden Machine, you utter fucking casual.

Serious legit answer:

It makes players feel like HMs are useful and relate to overcoming realistic problems. HM use also gives the player some sense of agency, even if it's selecting the right HM at the right time.

Otherwise, yes OP, it's a completely dumb mechanic in a game made for children.

Why do HMs even fucking exist in the first place?

Seriously, there should just be normal transport over the region with Pokemon moves only being used for exploration, rewards, and faster travel instead. If they want to cut off players, do it in a way that doesn't halt the game

Literally why aren't all Pokémon threads moved to /vp/?

Rejoice faggot
There are no more HM in Sun and Moon

Because Pokemon is a video game too you cuck

Pokémon is an anime too you cuck. /vp/ is a board dedicated to the Pokémon games.


/vp/ here, we sent these retards to you so they'd stop making shitty threads on there. It's your problem now, deal with it.

Because they think /vp/ would be too generous about criticisim and condemn it as an echo chamber.

Because as long as someone doesn't come along and makes the thread about the anime or the card game, it can be put here.
hint hint

You have to have several reasons to revisit old areas if you want to make a good rpg

Didn't they let you just use the A button in the second gen?

>water Pokemon
>Has to be taught swim

The alternatives Game Freak used besides HMs in the past weren't much better either.

i.e. the fat dudes dancing for no reason.

Why the fuck were they called hidden machines anyway

Cut used to cut the grass so that's a good reason for having to do it manually.
Can't defend the other 7 HMs.

no you teach them surf

they can already swim, but underwater. you can't breathe underwater so you have to teach them to stay near the surface

Please tell me this is true

Between the Donald Trump Pokemon and this I might need to buy a 3DS

>don't want to ruin your team with shit hm moves
>have to waste one slot for a hm slave

It is such a horrible system and always has been.

They at least become a non issue in post game.

I'm pretty sure in the latest video you can just pick your pokemon to ride over water and fly in the air. I don't think you need a move for it.