>People actually defend him
What the fuck is wrong with this industry
Other urls found in this thread:
day one patches are not something invented by this developer user
>day one patch is going to alter the core game
Yes, for bug fixes
But telling people not reviewing retail game as it is out of package is a fucking bullshit excuse
The cynics win again!! Hahaha life sucks lol, :(
oh no, not this shit again
>What the fuck is wrong with this industry
Too many things.
Literally Peter Molyneux of our time
>What the fuck is wrong with this industry
ask gaming media who, instead of actively defending the consumer, slurp on publishers' cocks and continuely screw over their audiences
I can't understand what you are trying to convert here.
>dont review the game that people will actually play on release
why is that bullshit?
What about the people without internet?
Are they just fucked?
>b-but don't play it yet, it's not ready
day one forced patch
>We'll fix the game after the launch!
This is the mindset of developers in 2016.
You get blacklisted for speaking against publishers user
>wait a month or two for game to be patched
>buy it at less price than day 1 players
>enjoy a more complete experience with less frustration
Who else in mature adult with patience?
But then you might just say "don't review our game we are continuously patching". Its retarded. If you say your finished (selling it), its ready to be reviewed.
>don't review the game they actually shipped
That's why.
It's an anti-piracy method
>a releasedate inside of the finished game
That's nonsense.
holy shit
I totally forgot about them declaring they're "gold"
that makes it so much funnier/depressing
I don't understand what the June date has to do with anything
Damage control. I'm sure the day 1 patch is gonna improve a lot of things, but it's not gonna fundamentally change the game.
Anyone with half a brain realised that NMS was always going to be the next Fable/Spore, only on a much smaller scale as it was made by literally whos who relied solely on E3 hype
It will be forgotten about a month after release.
nice one not including the full story, faggot
Publishers have an acceptable level of playability that you must meet before they can begin print; finding bugs in your software after that fact and fixing them is not a problem in the slightest. Literally every piece of software goes through this. And it is absolutely fair to say that you shouldn't review it until the final product that the consumer plays is released; SimCity got a10/10 from Eurogamer before release which was obviously undeserved after people started playing the game. It works both ways.
Needs and edit of that comic
>Listen, I know it looks like a log of shit is coming out of my ass and onto your plate, but It isn't even fully out yet. How do you know I won't pinch off this turd and have it turn into a solid gold brick before it touches your plate?
The date isn't even right. What the fuck are they smoking.
>What the fuck is wrong with this industry
I'll tell you exactly what I think about it... *crickets*
That's right. I could not care less. I literally could not care less. I do not give a FUCK about NO MAN's SKY. I do not give a fuck about any of the stupid shit you retards spam over here. I simply do not care. The only time I've heard about this is hear. I've not heard a single person I know even talk about it, not once.
It means that this game there is not the final version it was the version from june. But I don't believe that.
Pure damage control. No day one patch has ever changed a game dramatically. This is as bad as MGSV shitters. Also if anyone is old enough to remember, the halo 2 bullshit.
If professional critics review the game early without the patch--they should publish an addendum regarding the changes noted with the Day One Patch. The vast majority of players will update when prompted and will never play the unpatched original.
You can't police YT and other streamers though.
Why do you post like a faggot? Who actually types like that?
Fuck you, user.
>saying you don't care while posting in the thread.
Are (you) happy now?
>we're including the true game in the day 1 patch
Yes, yes, the bugs with your upgrades will be fixed. Wooohoo.
me on the right
>single player game needing major patches
how about you actually finish your game before you ship it.
You son of a bitch.
Fuck off home to leddit you shit cunt.
Jokes on you, immunity cat gave me LIFETIME protection.
You seem lost.
>don't review the game until patch 1.2.8-B/rev1 is out, it isn't the real game until then
>It's not what players will experience
But it's what players paid for
No please
That's because the "hype" surrounding this game mostly comes from reddit and being the eternal edgy contrarians that you all are, you can't wait for it to fail.
Was Peter Monlyneux not 'our time'? Are you 12 years old?
At least NMS will be out soon and everyone will forget about it
just looked at this numale selfie up close for the first time
that guy on the left has a burning man shirt on what a faggot
>still replies
the game will be forgotten in a month.
screencap this
When did Sup Forums become so anti-patch?
Absolutely nothing wrong with a FREE update that fixes messes made---out of laziness or pure oversight. Especially if it hits servers before the game is released in a wide-spread manner. Now, if the update fixes little to nothing--we can get the pitchforks and lit the torches.
Until we know, enjoy the busted 1.0 gifs and stay cautious.
Why? We all know.
Remember Primal?
Mirrors Edge?
And ... uh...
this. What if I don't have Internet and can't get the patch? Why ship out a broken product in the first place. I'm all for patches to refine the game and all but it seems like most modern developers are using patches as a crutch to rush their shitty game for maximum jewbucks and it pisses me the fuck off.
That shitty Gearbox flop still gets autism threads. It could last a while, since the spergs have built some part of their 4chin identity around creating shit threads about the game.
What if i'm just completely indifferent too it?
It would be cool if the game is good, but I'm not hoping it fails.
there is absolutely nothing to suggest the patch makes any significant change
unless the review copies are loaded with this patch, sean is a nigger
>What the fuck is wrong with this industry
There are a metric fuckton of laws in place to protect the rights of the publisher, but next to nothing to protect the rights of the consumer. There is no industry standard or oversight to prevent greedy publishers from deliberately releasing unfinished products or taking advantage of their consumers. Publishers have realized that there is almost no limit to what they can get away with legally and free of consequence, as long as they spend enough on PR to mitigate the backlash and make excuses. It's only going to get worse until someone decides it's time to hold these companies to a set of enforceable industry standards involving the quality and business ethics of products, not just their sexual and violence content. Until that time they will continue to take advantage of their consumers and fans.
>paying 60 eurodoos for this indie game
What the fuck is wrong with this industry?
It becomes an issue when they fundamentals of gameplay are shit and the dev is claiming that a day 1 patch is somehow going to magically fix everything.
I shouldn't have to patch the game though. If the game is shit pre-patched, then it's shit and people should have the right to call out on it.
No one in their right mind is going to disagree with you about devs needing to refine their games before release--but let's all be serious and realize that the "what if I don't got Internet?!" counter argument is super edge case. Even you posted it in the hypothetical which means you likely won't have this problem and are just looking for ways to bitch.
The better argument is taking a strong stance against this perceived laziness of developers and boycotting all games with massive Day One patches---but that's going to limit your game choices a fair bit.
Games usually go gold a month before launch, devs have a month to make a day one path.
Needing a path the first fucking day is the problem, not if they are the only ones doing it or not.
Could this not be because the game has a huge online/community focus so a closed-off single-player experience may not be accurate and therefore unwise to base a review on?
>game is from a month-old build
>it's complete garbage
>"but they've had a whole month to work on it! Surely it's going to be goty after the D1 patch!"
Bonus points for 'it's going to be great on PC once the mods come out.'
>Media gets sick of Sony refusing to send out review code and their "Day 1 patch" excuse because they won't get to finish reviews by the time the game launches. They go out and buy copies from stores breaking street date
>HG and Sony go into maximum damage control claiming anyone reviewing the game will never make a true review
Fucking hilarious. Sony's delay tactics trying to fuck up reviews so that no one would have a review on Tuesday forced the media to actually grow a spine and get their own copies so they can have a review on Tuesday. I hope they tell Sean Murray to fuck off.
Remember when we bought games on Day 1 we were guaranteed a working game instead of "Wait for the patch!"
Remember Master Chief Collection and Assassin's Creed Unity? They had Day 1 patches. Fuck load of good those patches did for those games.
>What if I don't have Internet
I get your point but let's be real here, I'm pretty sure less than maybe 5% of people that regularly play games don't have internet in this day and age.
>huge online/community focus
>huge online/community focus
I wonder what it's like to want to be a gamer with no internet connection
like uncharted 4 along with over a 3rd of the ps4 library?
i completely agree
BB threads are just OW shitters jerking their game off by comparing it to an even shittier game
If it wasn't for the fact the game is Single Player and the multiplayer aspect was smoke and mirrors the entire time. You might have a point.
You Giant nigger
Fuck off
I--admittedly--have not been keeping up with the exact claims the devs are making about the patch. If it's something nearly as extraordinary as you are claiming, I have doubts too. Once again, we will see. It's likely just a few engine smooth outs and maybe FPS increase. As I said---proceed with caution until we know.
Disagree with this. The issue at the heart here is how you see modern gaming. Are modern games not more "alive" than their cartridge forefathers? There are plenty of games that have increased in quality from free patches that fixed framerate, UI, bugs and would definitely increase game quality and usability. Granted, if your problem is not technical and more based on gameplay design decisions--that's not changing or at least not changing soon.
The stupid and/or ignorant consumers.
If you think letting people know what the game is like before they buy it will hurt sales, you got a shitty game and bad business ethics.
>being this young
it was shit
>I'll tell you exactly what I think about it... *crickets*
This 100%
>watching a stream now
>he's swimming in shallow water
This got me thinking. Are there mariana trench deep oceans in this game? Is this the scary underwater game we were waiting for?
How about cities? Or is it all desolate animal planets?
>game has a huge online/community focus
Play something like EVE Online to see truly online/community focused game
What other players do has no impact on your experience. Chance of meeting other players is so miserable that multiplayer might as well do not exist, and the only mark player could leave are the names.
Different expectations. The anti-patch lobby on this thread make it sound like a golden era where devs only shipped 1000+ hour masterpieces with no bugs--this is a bold face lie high on nostalgia. Plenty of games were terminally broken pre-patching ability.
The best time to be playing games and being alive is always the present. Remember that.
I cannot believe people fell for this game. I've seen it fucking everywhere advertised as "millions of world made by an indie developer" and people just caught in this bullshit like the dumb faggots they are.
Seemingly there are planets that are mostly water with some sea creatures in them. You just have no reason to go down there because all the materials you want are on the surface.
No cities.
>go gold with your long awaited game
>naturally, people get a hold of it early
>wait guys, it's not going to be like that
>the patch will fix everything
I'm old as balls, I'm saying what would it be like for someone to want to play a game today with no internet. No day 1 patches for offline people.
Imagine playing Bloodborne completely offline and running into the lunarium key glitch
thank you for posting this