>The Institute is said to be the most technologically advanced faction in the Commonwealth, even moreso than the Brotherhood
>Their weaponry is worse than not only plasma weaponry, but even STANDARD LASER weapons
You can't make this shit up
The Institute is said to be the most technologically advanced faction in the Commonwealth...
>expecting anything quality from bethesda
>you find shitty post-apocalyptic in safes that have been locked for centuries
Fuck me for wanting a good game huh
shitty post-apocalyptic pipe guns**
>this is what the casuals who love Fallout 4 fall for
I liked the designs at least. Lazer rifles used to look more or less like every other gun before Bethesda turned everything into Forbidden Planet because 'lol 50s.' The Institute guns feel more like something somebody would actually make to use.
Pipe guns were such a fucking mistake, holy shit.
Who cares about making sure things make sense when you can have randomized loot instead? That would require making more than one table for loot spawning. And that's like ten minutes of extra work man, fuck that.
The laser is blue, not red. Now that's technology
>tfw someone finally got a system for new animations to be put in
Porn mod framework soon
>Can't even make your own
Evidently they don't invest as much money and labor into developing stronger weapons as the Brotherhood does. They focus on other things which are very advanced.
What, do you think technology advances evenly in all branches? Tell that to the medieval Chinese, who invented gunpowder extremely early, but were so bad at making glass that they had to use paper windows in their houses.
Look, I'm not defending Bethesda as a company, but your example doesn't seem that unrealistic to me.
Don't forget they are also bigger and clunkier than standard laser weapons. 200 years of development and all they could do was change the laser colour.
I'd imagine that it's churned out on a plastic line.
Still makes zero sense for it to be unsatisfactory as fuck, though.
Bethesda should've kept in that hand weapon, but they scrapped a lot of ideas to save time.
It's one thing if their weapons were on par with plasma, they could copy and paste designs and have their unlimited robot workers mass produce em. But having weapons that are actually the worst in their category is just ridiculous. Labor is barely a factor when you can have basically free labor in the form of robots, and money never seemed to be an issue in the game. They ever need anything, they send some synths to go get it, who don't have to be paid, and whose lives mean nothing to the Institute, resulting in miniscule tradeoffs.
if you assume the institute guns are for synth use only its perfectly acceptable to sending out disposable robots with cheap disposable guns in mass wave attacks cause who gives a fuck. of course this is ruined by then not having at least one better gun model for real person use.
I kinda liked pipe guns, it fit with the Post-Apocalyptic style and making things from scratch, but the problem for me was that it was 1 of 4 guns in the entire game. If basic NPCs had them, that would be cool.
Also what said.
Agreed. If the Coursers had some heavy duty shit, it'd be understandable for the cannon fodder synths to use garbage
It's not that they're necessarily worse, it's just that their per hit damage is lower. But you'll notice that their Fire Rate is much higher than a standard Laser Rifle's while still not technically being an Automatic Weapon and therefore being ruled by Gunslinger / Rifleman instead of Commando.
They don't have infinite resources, and given they already mass produce robots, something has to give somewhere. The Institute Rifles, when deconstructed, only produce plastic. They're clearly made of far more substandard materials than your typical laser rifle, which is probably how they're able to mass produce them AND synths simultaneously.
I've wanted to play more for a very long time
I've not wanted to undergo modding it
and I cant find a download for the DLC
Why not purchase a legal copy, you insufferable poorfag?