Name a single trilogy better than this one

Name a single trilogy better than this one.

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Mgs hd, and superior stealth.

God of War



Wait up, did they bring back matchmaking for OG Spies vs Mercs?


SC molests MGS in every aspect possible.

This is a hard one. I'd say I had more fun playing the Crash Bandicoot trilogy.

First 3 Contra games


Splinter Cell is or was the best stealth series for this beautiful game mode alone.

Wizardry VI, VII and VIII.


The only great MGS game is the first one, and we all know it. MGS 2 and 3 are both just OK. Nothing awful but nothing brilliant either. The first game is the real masterpiece and the one all others ride on the coattails of.

>mgs 3
>just OK

People like you need to be hung from lampposts

Pandora Tomorrow is better than Chaos Theory.

Fight me.

And SC1 is better than either. I'm not kidding.

The Witcher


MGS had shit stealth though

Not that guy, but although MGS3 has some cool TECHNOLOGY, it feels pretty amateurish when compared to the Splinter Cell games.

MGS3 has some really bad gameplay mechanics, and I actually prefer MGS2, despite how contrary that might seem. MGS only got worse as the games went one, and everybody knows it.

MGS, despite it's blocky visuals and the fact you can finish the entire thing in like 6 hours, still has a certain charm to it and still manages to be very enjoyable. The other two haven't aged nearly as well despite being younger.

The first Witcher game is shit though.

>Superior Stealh
>Hide behind the wall, knock, move around the other side
>Dodge rolling through hallways

MGS is a good story seriesm the quirky gameplay serves in it's favor, but I agree it hasterrible stealth throughout the series. In the Splinter Cell series you actually feel like a spy, almost like any situation can be fucked up big time if you're not paying attetion.

MGS has awful A.I, that's the problem. A guard can be standing right in front of you, but as long as you're slightly out of the fixed camera damage, he doesn't see you.

Its very simplistic

absolute trash tier taste, user

I wonder why no one ever talks about Super C.

>It's good because it's the oldest one

I wonder that too since it's the best out of the 3


I have no urge to play SC 1&2 ever again, except maybe for hearing Lambert's and Fisher's ebin bantz. Chaos theory was god tier though, and Double agent gets a bad rep, found it a pretty fun game to play. Blacklist was alright, and fun to play a co-op campaign again, but I simply couldn't get over the Fisher replacement and nothing in the story worked for me at all.

they are pretty damn equal in my eyes

Reddit cancer.

Spinoff fighter/rpg dont count. Does Dawn of dream count?


How has this trilogy held up? Are they all still fun to play? It's been so long since I played a splinter cell game


Ape Escape

Unreal Tournament 1? Why?

Videogames don't rot, you nigger. It's just you who changes.

Play them, relearn their mechanics and control scheme, and find out if you had good or shit taste back then.