Get a new PC, replacing the toaster

>Get a new PC, replacing the toaster
>Cool, let's see how are games that I couldn't play
>Zombie Parkour
>Zombi U
>Fallout 4
>That Mikami game that is like a worse version of RE4
>Witcher 3: Railroad edition
>Watch Dogs
>Metro 312423423
>Blops 3
>Alien anti technologisation
>Dark Dreams Don't Die: No Gameplay Edition
>Peace Walker 2
>Mirror's Edge: now with procedural generation and more combat
>Limbo 2: back to tweetdeck

Should I just install Space Engine and some more demanding STALKER mods or is there anything worthwhile to play? Is Dying Light any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why did Kstew butcher herself?

Dying Light is good.
>Fallout 4

>list literally two dozen good games
>derp i should just play some faggot indie and slavshit

What did (you) mean by this?

Are you implying Fallout 4 is good? I can see myself enjoying nuDoom here and there but F4 is everything bad about Bethesda rolled into one and I did try to watch numerous gameplay videos. Keep in mind that I also hate crafting more than anything in vidya.

She's perfect now

Is that Mikami game I can't seem to remember the name of any good?

Is the action good? Is the stealth good? Map design? Fun?

1. Space Engine is a program
2. While I enjoy Alien Isolation and D4, they are not good games, nowhere near good games.

I think I might enjoy Wolfensteins, Blops and similar neo FPS games but they're hardly inspiring experiences. I'm trying to find a really good game here, not a bunch of "eh, it's okay" ones. I'd play MGS V if I didn't absolutely hate the story, bossfights and map design.

I will certainly play new Deus Ex even though it's obvious it's going to be really bad.

I misunderstood your post. My apologies. But yes Dying Light is alright. Though there are some on that list I would recommend even if you have to pirate.

>Zombie U
>Evil Within (Crafting is optional if you are good enough)
>The Wolfensteins

I did try Zombi U, it's not half bad especially after turning off the iron sights. Shame the dismemberment animations are so wonky and unsatisfying. I didn't like the first Metro and I always considered it to be really hamfisted way to do STALKER so I avoid it. I will definitely try Wolfensteins even though as with nuDoom they are done in a way I hate - namely through tons of scripted animations to "punctuate" gameplay.

Evil Within is at the top of my list currently. I also have zero interest in playing Dark Souls 3, half of DS 1 was enough.

I was sort of lamenting the downfall of video game blockbusters. They used to be at least above average.

Yo dudes, I just got a new PC aswell. I was using an ancient version of utorrent on my old PC, I'm wondering what I should be using now. Help a nigger out?


you fucked up, there are no new games worth playing let alone upgrading for

No doubt the quality in AAA games has gone down so I'm with ya there. Wolfenstein doesnt have many scripted animations unless you count fucking up and needing to escape a grapple or interacting with the environment (for example a power switch you have to hold for a certain period of time while looking around)

Forgot to mention that for Evil Within the crafting is really just a glorified version of manually reloading in the old REs. Highlight the kind you want to make, hit the button a few times, done.

My main complaint for Zombie U was how easy it was. Died only once and that was because I went full retard and put a mine down too close.

Well there are mods... here and there. But I can't say I'm looking forward to any game right now.

I actually died right at the start because the zombies kept pulling me down from ladder.

I really liked dying light. It has a good sense of progression and nights are very rewarding but tough to get by. Gameplay is really good, story is acceptable, but it has a very disappointing ending


Did you try this?

Are all modern Anglo ugly cunts gay?

I'm in the same predicament. I can't tell if games just aren't as good, or I'm getting old (30) and just don't like video games anymore? I still get into Arma on occasion, and some strategy games but after a couple hours I"m usually like "this is a waste of time".

I was glued to my video games back in the day.


Never, didn't even know there were mods of this scale for it. Thanks for showing me user, time to beat the game again, this is some good shit.

I don't' understand, it's like a parkour zombie game? Too much jumping around for my taste.

Games have lost quality with time user. Games have a much bigger focus on cutscenes and voice acting, rather than gameplay and story. Then again that doesn't mean that good games don't come out. For example I highly enjoyed dying light despite it looking like dead island which imo was shit. I'm one of those guys that pirate and if I like I immediately purchase dying light was one of those. In terms of multi-player, I highly enjoy Rainbow Six Siege, imo best shooter out there despite some bugs and a shit client. If you're a JRPG guy, Zestiria was solid despite some flaws, and it's prequel, Berseria, is looking very good and seemingly trying to correct Zestirias mistakes. Enjoy your past time user, judge games by yourself.

That's fine user different people like different genres. Do you like platfotmers? Try shovel Knight. I'm a guy that likes all sorts of video games so I like recommending people games

Alien was pretty good

You just got bamboozled. There is no reason to upgrade/buy a new generation console if you don't like jrpg's. AAA Games had been sucking for some years now and good games can be played in a toaster.

Nigger, I (OP) am 33, it's not the case that the games are not good anymore, there's plenty of good stuff, I'm just talking about games that have big budgets so you'd expect at least some level of visual fidelity to go along with (at least) mediocre gameplay.

>Rainbow Six Siege

Only seen gameplay and I don't play anything multiplayer focused. Also way too many crafting-like "loading" prompts (hammering boards etc).


Didn't look into it but screenshots look very uninspired, like another meadow running JRPG.

>Witcher 3: Railroad edition
What the shit gargling fuck are you talking about?

>receive quest
>get a quest outline
>get an order "go there"
>get a waypoint on the map
>drive a horse to the waypoint
>get a choice
>if a then "go there"
>on the way to the next waypoint, a battle ensues
>after battle, another dialogue choice
>get waypoint
>discover corpse/barrel/gold/get attacked again
>go back to questgiver bramblechuck
>kill or spare
>receive xp

There is zero exploration in W3, the game is too scared for that to happen. You're constantly on rails. It's insulting how much hand holding the game does.

>There is zero exploration in W3
You're an idiot.

How exactly do you explore when the game tells you where to go (explicitly, aka with words) and also places the waypoint for you?

There's also a fucking detective mode which is always put in to discourage exploration.

Did you enjoy "exploring" while following glowing footsteps?

How about some classics then m8? Did you ever play ghost n goblins? The psp remake was good

>it's not the case that the games are not good anymore, there's plenty of good stuff, I'm just talking about games that have big budgets so you'd expect at least some level of visual fidelity to go along with (at least) mediocre gameplay.

basically I'm discussing AAA games or whatever the fuck they're called

I liked Castlevania PSP remake better

I want Kristen to sit on my face

Is Technomancer any good? I'm talking about story and mechanics

Just play old games

The Evil Within may be worse than RE4, but I'd say it's till the best 3rd person shooter this gen (the bar isn't exactly high though).

How bad is Mad Max?

For AAA stuff, I really have a hard time recommending. Aside from Siege and other multi-player focused games I play, almost all of them are shit. I liked W3 a lot, but I have to admit the combat is just passable. Mirrors Edge sequel was terrible. I liked the Metro games, but those titles are niche. Popular triple A games are just very dumbed down, and people that are looking for solid gameplay come out very disappointed, so I really can't give you a solid recommendation. Phantom Pain had very solid game play and graphics, but everything else suffered deeply, and the boss fights are pretty bad