Make her a girl and asian so weebs and permavirgins will flock to her

> Make her a girl and asian so weebs and permavirgins will flock to her
> Give her one of the most overpowered kits in the entire game
> Give her high damage, armor, and HP but ALSO give her massive mobility via jets that recharge every 3 seconds and last forever
> Make her impossible to kill by giving her pilot form the smallest hitbox ever and a pistol that does more damage then it should
> On top of all that give her one of the most broken ults in the entire game that charges unnecessarily fast

She needs to be nerfed.

Other urls found in this thread:

nerf this ;)

On a scale of "Salt Shaker" to "Utah Salt Flats", I'd say you're up there near salt flats level.

Stay salty fgt

>Korean girl


If you can't hit her mecha you're absoloute garbage. Her ult is super ez to evade.

Her damage is garbage too

she was UP so they just buffed her you dweeb

> He thinks weebs aren't attracted to all asians

I would argue with you if you weren't so autistic.

>'re just salty!

No, she's legitimately broken.

She needs a buff cause everything about her is weak, also would have been cool if Ana boosting her causes the explosion to be bigger and have a greater impact

Yeah right, her pick rate isn't even that stellar in competitive.

>Blizzard crafts perfect waifu character specifically tailored to 4chngs tastes
>Sup Forums sploojes itself uncontrollably shilling for the game
>Blizzard takes all that marketing money set aside for nerds and neets and blows it on casuals

Like the game or not, the people running Blizzard know what they're doing.

>mfw discording D.Va shitters and watching them melt

Thumbnail immediately made me think of this

Protip how to kill D.iva pretty fast

git gut

I take her out pretty easily with Tracer.

And i'm not even that good... In fact, I'm down right terrible.

>High damage
>Fast charge rate for ults

>high damage

unless you're a tank with a big enough model to take a ton of pellets, her guns do shit damage

>Having trouble with D.Va

Nigga, seriously?'s cute :3c

>hear "nerf this"
>look for giant blinking triangle
>move away fast if you have high mobility or hide behind a dead wasp to block the blast

her guns do shit damage too, she has decent defense though
mostly her personality just irritates the shit out of me, even as an "ironic" character

;) this

does it even make sense for her to say that in the game? shouldn't it be "debuff this"? saying nerf this is nearly 4th wall breaking.

>"El oh el, hehe ;)"

>nigga wut?

So imagine that there's a shitter sooooo bad that he cant kill her. And that shitter will come to forums and cry about character being OP and durrr nerf this.

The worst part, blizz will listen to him

they're called koreaboos

If anything needs a nerf, it's Roadhog's heal ability. That shit's ridiculous.

If there's one thing that Dva actually excels at though, it's stalling. Fucking hell the stalling.

>Fly in with full armor
>Put up matrix and nullify damage only Reinhardts can dream of stopping
>Matrix's gone and you gotta cut past the armor
>Need to wait for the mech to explode
>Jittery little girl hopping everywhere
>Kill her now or she'll drop another mech if you don't have the firepower to stop it

>Her reinforcements probably caught up already at the Exploding Mech part and are all over you/your team

Her blast needs to go thru walls and shit in that area or if someone is using a shield it breaks when it's done

>nigha wut?

>needs a nerf

Good luck with that, she's the second least played tank in competative high levels. Only second to roadhog aka ult sponge

>lets shoot for a new high skore >w

>tfw no gamer gf like Hana "" Song

>nerfing any other tank when Reinhardt exists

that's the only thing she says that isnt annoying as shit
mainly because i liked to imagine it as some kind of passive aggressive dare to blizzard

They need to restore Torbjorn, Widowmaker and Symmetra's original values. Next they need to hit Torbjorn's turrets maximum health. Drop it to 250.

And that'd be it. Oh and shave off 50 of Genji's health pool. No character should be able to move that freely and have standard health.

That's retarded as shit, and I play as much as possible since she's my favorite character. That would make her ult literally auto win.

Hey good thing she's not hyeunyonhvhuarosangsiunhsonhphrang gook something. Everything else is cancer though

You're retarded. Her DPS is bad and her ults are easily reset by death. GIT GUD FAGGET.

Her backstory is that she's a MLG Starcraft player, so it'd make sense for her to say that.

She's a gamer. I don't think it's 4th wall breaking. I don't even think it was intended to be.

The VA in this game is terrible

>give her one of the most broken ults in the entire game that charges unnecessarily fast
>Most Broken
>charges unnecessarily fast

Nigga, it's easy as fuck to avoid her ult. Hell, by simply standing behind the payload is more than enough to mitigate the explosion.

Also, her ult takes a while to recharge, what the hell are you talking about OP? You should be complaining at how easy it is to charge your ult as roadhog.

>Simply smash your E to get a whopping 20% ult charge.

At least she has an accent. Sounds authentic even those her voice is pretty shit.

I want to forget about these horrid overwatch back stories

Exactly, not like it matters since Mercy could just swoop in and undo any damage you did

the world is not worth fighting for

It's not authentic because her VA is Vietnamese.

"Nerf this" is perfectly in character.

shitty and annoying, i always tutn off the speaker whenever these are tracer or gookgamer in either team


Man, i don't know which is more cancer, Viet or corean.

>give her high damage

Hahahahaha how the fuck is's damage real hahahahaha nigga just walk way from her like nigga turn around and hold W haha

>go to Sup Forums
>find dva thread
>there are no new dva pics.

I am disappoint.

Time to fix that.

I'm actually talking to a girl I met on Tinder who's last name is Song. I don't think she's a gamer, but we have a lot in common, and she's way above my league, but she actually seems to be into me regardless.

How the hell do you get annoyed with character dialogue like I don't even know what most of them are saying half the fucking time

I'm not convinced she's a gamer. She's WAY too good at gymnastics to be a gaming pro.

Yeah, i always turn off the volume and listen to something else
>bland and generic ost
>crappy and annoying dialogues
>super heroes with no personality

Reinhardt is fine besides the fact that his melee range seems to actually extend past the actual model of the hammer when he swings

It's not going to last.

>generic black hair anime girl
>b-but she is a gamer
>every fanpic is done in weeb anime style
Man, weeb are so easy to pander to

I wouldn't normally think so, but this is the first time I've gotten along with a girl this well in years.

And she gave me her number before she told me she's probably going to delete Tinder.

Won't know if I don't try.

They all got personalities, it's a character based game sorta like fighting games they aren't gonna have deep shit other than the basics but I never get annoyed with the voices

you need to be executed

shit that needs to be removed
>discrord orb
there, i fixed the game

>OP kit
She was worthless dogshit for eons and she still can't do any fucking damage so it takes fucking forever to build her Ult even after the reduced damage requirements.

Rein is still picked significantly more in meta anyway due to Zenyatta replacing Mercy.

ITT: Shitters

She can be a pain in the ass but I find if I spray and pray and slap her shit with a Helix Rocket then I have a higher odds of generally surviving her bullshit. But man facing down more than two on an enemy team is pretty fucking lame. Especially when they're coordinated and know what they're doing and your team isn't.

You're joking right, Zarya I kinda understand but I never had a major problem with her unless I play obviously

>it gonna dejavu something
>nerf this
>game on
>die die die
and other cringe shits. Are you deaf or something

You're a SEAnigger or chink right?

Overwatch is fucking the situation the game.

It's never a fresh 1v1. If it was I would but crush every one in the world if my Genji.

It luck,timing, what a abilities aren't being cooled down, how much health you have, what character your using ect.

And the only thing is DVA is fucking annoying. They need to link her boosts and shield to the same source so if she runs out she cant run away or block dmg.

Besides that her damage output is okay.

I woulda been happier if she wasn't a character in the game at all but whatever.

Despite all the cringy screamy voice lines in Battleborn, they have some personality

No, I just don't care about dialogue THAT much

>I absolutely hate Anime culture, and I play DVa about 85% of the time. She's more of a trash talking gamer, from 7 years ago
"Ready for GG"
"Nerf this"
"Time to raise my APM

We got these meme from 7 years ago?

>one of the most broken ults in the game

whats it like sub 50 rank OP? How fucking stupid do you have to be to post that.


>can zip out of danger like tracer
>reflect damage so he can kill AND run away
>has two different types of attacks that do te same damage at any distance
>can double jump and wall climb
>one of the fastest characters out
>his ult is just mash to win
>current meta memes him as the best

He needs to be nerfed.

>destroy D.Va's mech
>she pops out and denies you by saying "No!"

someone sounds hurtbutt
she's easy to counter

>huge target
>STILL has the fucking enormous headshot box
>ult buffed through the roof is still mostly worthless
>weapons still bad

She's pretty much right where she needs to be.

>>nerfing any other tank when Reinhardt exists
Ffffffffuck you.
>bitching about Reinhardt when exist
>bitching about Reinhardt then Roadhog exist
You weren't joking about those voice lines holy fuck

>high damage

>High damage
>Overpowered kit
>Impossible to kill
>broken ult

>high damage
>impossible to kill

Someone got blown up in Quick


Try Going in With A Roadhog. It'll Surely Help.

>I can't play McCree after they nerfed Fan the Hammer

Are you fucking kidding me? Four or five shots to her massive fucking critical hitbox while moving in, wait for the eject, flashbang, FtH, dead.

I bet you're not even rank 50.

>blizz fags calling for nerfs

its like im really back in 2005

How's that rank 40 going for you?

based shitter

>removing heroes you can't beat
>removing a skill you can't beat
I mean they might need to tone down Discord Orb a bit since with Zenyatta's buff he isn't trash anymore and can already rip through most characters pretty quick but damn.

>no mention of raising ana's ulti rate to at least mercy levels

This. I'm only rank 46 (yes I'm terrible) and even I can fucking avoid D.Va's ult pretty easily unless I'm right out in the open and a slow character in which case it was probably my fault. I don't see why people have so much trouble with it.

>tfw got a quad kill with that broken ulti on Numbani in a comp game of 56 v 56 today

t. genji main

pm'd you the nerf ;^)

she does MORE damage outside her fucking mech, i just killed like 3 people tossing long range shots from her pistol which has zero drop over distance.

She has no abilities outside the mech. If she had abilities, she'd be OP.

>Hear "Nerf this!"
>Literally hide behind a fucking pebble
>No damage

Fucking retard.

So? Reaper gets to run in and team wipe people anyway.