Why do you still play western garbage if you aren't underage or a normie casual?
Why do you still play western garbage if you aren't underage or a normie casual?
Hes right
only western game I've played recently was Ratchet and Clank, and it's bretty gud
Did Halo killed FPS?
Other way around?
Western devs are actually held to a standard. Jap devs just rehash the same garbage for the same audience, and their games have degenerated because of it.
Yeah tell me again about all those "innovative" turn based JRPGs with soapy anime stories.
user, are you trying to tell me CoD and the like aren't the "rehashed same garbage" too?
Multiplayer games are on another scale than single players. And for that matter, I'd say that Call of Duty is a hell of a lot more fresh with each new iteration than say, Mario Kart or Smash Bros. or whatever notable multiplayer games Japs have developed.
How? They both always have the same core gameplay, but then they both offer some new gimmick or tweaking (CoD in space, Mario Kart Double Dash or MK8 with hover wheels, etc).
You don't think that changing the physics of the game and all movement options with it drastically affects the gameplay more than having "hover wheels" in Mario Kart?
i don't.
only western game i was looking forward to this year was Doom but it has Denuvo so i'm not supporting it
I don't. All the good western developers died off ages ago.
Not really, since it still has the exact same gameplay, same skillstreaks, and hell the newest "in the future" CoD still has a reskinned M4A1.
that guy is obviously just talking about RPGs and like most weebs, that's the only genre he knows anything about.
The whole damn industry is stagnating. The West and Japan just put the same shit out constantly.
OP is right though. The majority of Western games are soulless cash-ins. The best shit comes out of the Ukraine/Poland where we have devs like Techland and GSC.
>normie garbage
more like
>I can't find a reason why I hate some shit but because its popular I'll spew memes and shit because I'm unoriginal and uncreative
>tfw __all____ video games are shit now
Nihon companies can get really fucking awful too, arguably worse than western companies. Musous are fucking lazy and always have tons of DLC out the ass.
The problem isn't just to do with the industry but the audience too, the majority of people who play video games tend to see it as a simple hobby, meaning they don't know much about the standards of what makes a good game or how the industry work.
With this they become easy prey for companies where a lot of things become a norm like releasing an unfinished game and finishing it later.
They don't hate video games, they just don't know much about them, where they either don't care or think they care but still don't understand.
It's as if only a small group of people actually cares because of the fact that caring about this medium makes you look like a nerd to most people.
In other words: casuals do affect video games in a negative way.
>All across Europe you have the same tales of medieval dragons and elves
Fucking americans
>generic turn-based combat with nothing but waifus and femboys as characters
Western games at their worst are boring and pretentious, even a relatively good Japanese game is generic as fuck and mostly only sold due to waifus
That's the problem with this post because it only mentions RPG's when there are other genres to be mentioned