D-did we do it, Sup Forums? Did we finally create another Tortanic??

D-did we do it, Sup Forums? Did we finally create another Tortanic??

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We didnt do shit besides fling shitposts

Fuck you you retarded piece of shit.

no, as usual, Sup Forums has no influence outside this board, and nothing changed because of Sup Forums

>We did it bros

No seriously please fuck off with this. We aren't giving it shit because we want a new Tortanic, we're giving it shit because it's Starbound in 3D.

Every game since TOR has been TORtanic with some of you fuckers.

>most places love it
>going to sell like mad
>absolutely no way in hell reviewers will hate it
This is going to be a Doom 2.0, Sup Forums screaming it shit then pretending they loved it all along when it comes out and is good.

Except for the reddit shitposters on Sup Forums at the moment doing all that 'INFINITE LOL CONTENT' crap, they're just trolling.

It'll be boring after 3 hours. The leaker has already described it as "Boring" and "Repetitive"





And iv seen leakers describing it as fun and enjoyable.

We can argue opinions all day, but the fact is the vast majority of people who buy NMS know what it is and will enjoy it.

But that's wrong. The majority of NMS players are people who bought into the "You can do... ANYTHING" hype, and don't actually understand that the game is just 3D Starbound, who will be promptly dissapointed when the game is released.

>The majority of NMS players are people who bought into the "You can do... ANYTHING" hype
You fell for Sup Forums memes, well done.

First off, reddit absolutely loves this game. Just pop over to the No Man's Sky reddit and see for yourself.

Secondly, Sup Forums couldn't do shit today and this isn't even close to being affected by Sup Forums's opinion. I mean, there isn't even an ingenuity in the bashing of No Man's Sky here, it's all just parroted (often false) statements about the game that could easily be refuted by a simple google or watching a stream.

HOWEVER, I am sorely disappointed so far by what I've seen and the devs does not seem to live up to what was promised. And I have probably been in the top 10% of hyped people for this game.

3 days delayed on PC


They are so mad.

>The majority of NMS players are people who bought into the "You can do... ANYTHING" hype
Considering that only exists on Sup Forums, and no one on Sup Forums is buying it. No.

Go into one YouTube comment section and you will see the faggots misinterpreting the game the whole time. There are about 10% that actually understand what the game is (3D Starbound), 80% of them are talking about how they can do anything, and another 10% fighting over whether it will be shit or not.

>youtube comments
>a measure of anything
>ever something you should even look at for a second

>youtube comments
This is you, this is how stupid you are.

haha *high five* man

>Claims they know what the general populace thinks
>Doesn't go where the general populace is

So I guess you guys were memeing this whole time then?

can you name 5 people you know who actively comment on youtube

this board theoretically took money out of NMS devs pockets. i was considering getting this game, but not now after this fucking fiasco

I actually preordered because of Sup Forums shitting on it so much

Swings and roundabouts anonsan, swings and roundabouts.

Also Doom 4 sold like garbage and didn't break even.

I don't even understand the fiasco, sure, most signs point that it WILL be a fiasco, but it's not out yet, not really, so you can't really say it's a fiasco yet.

Most likely it will be, but it's not impossible the game went gold simply because Sony wanted it, and they really have a massive Day-1 update that will fix a lot, but most likely not.

Doesn't seem so bad to me, probably because I wasn't one of those idiots who thought there'd be simulated ecosystems or anything besides samey procedurally generated shit

>general populous
You're a moron. Not even a 1/100th of the people who browse youtube post on it.

someone give me a link to download the leak

>another Tortanic

dude, just wait for the collapse of star citizen. it's gonna make TOR look like CODBLOPS II

A lot of those comments are not really fitting for that image, you do realize that, right?

>this sub has gone to hell

>My review of this game will be about the subreddit it spawned, so good.


My brother.
My friend Timothy.
My friend Austin.
My friend Eric
My brothers main friends all do.

>nearly 1 million owners on PC
I love it when people post without facts or knowledge, wait, no, the other thing. Fuck off and die.

>1 million is good for a AAA game that cost hundreds of millions of dollars
Kek, D44mfags will never get over the fact that their game failed and no one liked it or bought it.

>Also Doom 4 sold like garbage and didn't break
What the fuck are you smoking

Oh, you're trolling. Nevermind.

>1.3 mil on PS4
>0.5 mil on Xbone
>0.9 mil on PC
Shit's as bad as Brink famm. Zenimax wanted it to be as big as Skyrim.

>Doom 4 sold like garbage and didn't break even.
Post source

you genuinely need better people in your life. not even memeing

I love all those made up statements and numbers user but you're going to have to try harder if you're going to bait someone on Sup Forums.


>The YouTube commenters aren't representative of real life people
>Turns out, it takes real people to make youtube comments
>"Wow dude get better people in your life"

This is some abstract damage control.

The modern AAA shooter takes at least $50 million to develop, and even more to market. You don't make that back with pitiful Brink-tier sales.

You can meme about VGchartz all you want but those sub-1mil sales on PC are a fact. Also
>One source described a meeting in which ZeniMax executives told Id leads that “Doom 4 can and should be as big as Skyrim,” as far as both sales and cultural impact.
Doom 4 is a failure. I'm sorry you're constantly trying to spite an anonymous imageboard and can't fathom a game not doing well.

Yes faggot, we as in me and all the other people giving this game shit. There are more than one person giving it shit, if you haven't noticed.

Forgot my picture. Until you can find other sales figures, any other numbers are all in your head.

Pfhthahah, oh wow, conversation over.

Like talking to a rock.

>a source from 2013

You know, Sup Forums really does have a huge fucking problem with how badly they want every fucking game to flop so they can memepost about it being the next TORtanic. It's gotten old at this point.
I say this as someone who has no interest in No Man's Sky whatsoever, it's just fucking annoying.

>2013 'source' clickbait article
>more baseless claims with no source
I said try harder, not fail harder. You're the worst troll ever.

>One source described a meeting
What a great source! Not.

Where's your source that says Doom 4 didn't flop like shit? And why does age invalidate a source? What, you think at one point execs went "Yeah, maybe we're OK with this game we've spent 9 years and hundreds of millions of dollars on selling like 2 million"

Here's another source that proves me right once again:
I don't see you posting any sources to back your claims up.

>You can meme about VGchartz all you want but those sub-1mil sales on PC are a fact
Actually its not, steamspy and the like cant show hidden account which make up a huge amount of Steam users

Doom very easily sold over a million copies on Steam

But you're a shitposting moron so I expect some terrible attempt to save face in reply.

I love exploring games, I'm pretty keen for this one.

Subnautica is one of my favourite games.

>still not a single source that is relevant
I fucking love your dedication, but its also pretty sad.

Here is your last (you) shitposter

Holy shit you are delusional.

>posts a second 'source' that copied the first source
>the source itself is made up
>more clickbait
>wanting to prove Doom failed when it blatantly didnt
You're terrible at this. And the exact sort of TOR tier idiot shitposter moron Sup Forums needs to purge. Fuck off and die.

so what's at the center of the universe?

Name your criteria for a relevant source, because all you're doing so far is discarding anything that breaks your fantasy land where Doom 4 wasn't a horrific failure.

>>wanting to prove Doom failed when it blatantly didnt
Again, you don't spend 9 years on a AAA game and be fine with 2 million sales. How much do you think Doom 4 cost?

I never said that, I said it would have sold more than websites say on PC because thats how those websites works, you cant scan a private account.

Im sorry facts offend you. 60k sales missing from hidden accounts is an entirely assured fact for something that in revealed numbers sold 940k.

I hate this board since the Tortanic happen, FUCKING EVERYTHING must be a Tortanic with you fuckers.

What you dont get is this, nothing will come as near as the Tortanic because that shit was AAA, hyped as fuck and all the money that went into it was outrageous.

But guess what, Sup Forums didnt had shit to do with it, seriously, no one gives a fuck about Sup Forums, any opinion that Sup Forums has is just a small echo heard from the outside in the industry, people who plays game casually and normies.

If a game is shit, people are going to call it shit, with or without Sup Forums opinion, example of this is The Phantom Pain.

Also the Tortanic is still up and running and has a healthy population, it turned on it self, the real shitfest was Evolve that now went F2P.

TL;DR: Sup Forums opinion will never matter outside of Sup Forums, Sup Forums will never accomplish anything new because this board is shit.


>Again, you don't spend 9 years on a AAA game and be fine with 2 million sales.
>still no source
Hello Sup Forumstard! Got tired of shitposting NMS I see, well thats okay we have plenty of threads for you to mindlessly shitpost and ruin Sup Forums with.

No more replies for you.

>go to a website known for normie opinions
>go to a certain community on that website which is based upon enjoyment of the game
oh boy what a surprise they love it

>can you believe this shit ? they like this game in the subreddit dedicated to the game ??

So, did anyone see the video of him reaching the center of the universe? Can't find it, is it still on pornhub?

What source do you want for that? That Doom 4 took 9 years to make? Yeah, here's an official announcement: ign.com/articles/2008/05/07/doom-4-announced
That 2 million copies is not a good number for a AAA game? Yeah, Brink exists, that's a source in and of itself.

Good job on bringing up Sup Forums out of nowhere though, also it's hilarious how you keep trying to get the last word and keep saying "I'M DONE REPLYING TO YOU BYE" when you've already said it here , you should learn to keep your word instead of embarrassing yourself.

Also you didn't answer my question, probably because you can't: How much do you think Doom 4 cost to make?


at least the devs seem to realize the potential disappointment, with the day 1 patch and all
best case scenario is they do like terraria and end up patching a bunch of free content in

My dad does

He goes out of his way to troll people

We are Aussie and he likes to go on American football clips and talk shit about how it takes no skill then laughs and shows us the replies he gets

Now I understand why Sup Forums flames Ausfags so hard.

I'm buying a ps4 just for NMS. AND I'm buying the collector edition off ebay for $120-$180. Be mad niggers, I'm going to have fun.

You mean the site that has total war warhammer only selling .06 million units, even though we know for a fact it broke half a million units within the first few days of release
Get the fuck out with your shitty ass bait.

Post some other source then, because there are literally no other sales numbers on Doom 4, and if they're still hiding the figures that must mean they're pretty embarrassed.

>a subreddit exists for praise of the game

TOR was successful. Time to swallow that fact

>budget: $200M
>gross: $139M
Good to see nu-Sup Forums is contrarian enough to deny reality.

>TOR was successful
Post source or fuck off

Don't need to post no source you retards. Just swallow the fucking facts already. TOR WAS SUCCESSFUL.

No, you didn't create shit.
The developers of No Man's Sky created shit.


Don't assume this board is here for any purpose other than entertainment, you retarded cunt.

How can one dev team fail so hard at PR.
>Plz don't look at the leaks guys
>We swear our game is good the leakers aren't playing right
>Sony says we should push back the PC release we're trying to make the best game we can guys

>The Phantom Pain.
its only Sup Forums opinion that mgsv is shit so fuck you

its the best mgs game ever made

>Starbound in 3D

from what I understand NMS isnt even that

>a company that made Joe Danger and literally nothing else
Seriously, how do you fall for the hype?

Fuck you guys are spoiled. We're about to be able to explore an entire fucking universe and you guys are sitting here crying about multiplayer. Back in my day.. We'd be lucky to explore more than 1000sq feet..

I don't think you guys understand what this fucking means for gaming and art in general. No mans sky is an ENTIRE fucking universe. That means there are going to be universes within this universe., there are going to be intelligent life forms that we can't even grasp yet.. Cultures we could never imagine... You could probably find the next Mona Lisa in this game if you wanted to. Can you imagine the music some of these aliens are going to be creating? All of this shit is going to be ours for 60 bucks and you guys are complaining. Shut the fuck up

We've taken 36 pre-orders at my local store. That's more then any other game ever.

Battlefield and Fifa get just over 10

Joe Danger was great fuck you

Sup Forums Actually did it. For the first time since yesterday we shitposted into oblivion and we were right all along. The cats outta the bag now No Mans Buy is total trash.

hahahaha 3/10

>developer makes vague statement that leaked copy isn't final because it doesn't have their vague day 1 patch

technically not a lie, much like everything sean says.

Tell me you're being sarcastic...

>wants to feel a sense of belonging with Sup Forums of all places
>parrots opinions
seems right

It's copypasta

t. ding dong bannu

The board is a reflection of the outside universe.
As above, so below. As within, so without.

>captcha: select billboards
>no billboards

>Tell me you're being sarcastic...

Friendly reminder that Sup Forums is but a meme visited only by children who want to feel edgy and oldfags who don't want to grow up


>waaah waaah Sup Forums wants every game to be tortanic waaaah Sup Forums is always wrong
>thread full of hyperbolic falseflaggers trying to make dissenters look stupid

this is why i only come here to shitpost

In 3 weeks it'll be around £30 and actually worth a buy at that price.


YouTube comments are the lowest of the low. I'd rater have my children browse Sup Forums than look through youtube comments

Wait, do you comment on youtube videos?

>set aside your expectations and be receptive to what nms offers

Literally hand out your $60 and spread your buttcheeks.