ITT: Dead games.
Not games nobody plays anymore, but games that are literally dead.
ITT: Dead games.
Not games nobody plays anymore, but games that are literally dead.
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Fuck EA.
MMOs were a mistake. Games that actually expire should never have been made to begin with.
Even if the game sucks, some dipshit kid shouldn't be denied the opportunity to ever play because he was born in the 2000s.
I will never buy anything from Sony because of this, two of my favorite MMOs killed because of John Smedley's incompetence.
What's the alternative? That we never make multiplayer games, because eventually they will die?
>am I fitting in yet guys?
>FFXI will never be like it was
It hurts, Sup Forums.
Local multiplayer is a thing, but I can forgive your very young ass for not knowing about it. Seems like a sin to include it on any game nowadays.
>What's the alternative, that we never make online* multiplayer games, because eventually they will die?
There I added a word to my post faggot, now respond.
>local multiplayer
like LANs? because thats VERY local
The closing of the servers was some crazy shit. Everyone had god mode for the last week or 2 and you just watched everything fall to pieces with servers crashing from overload on the last day causing people to logged out while those that were able to see it watched as people crumpled into paper balls.
I still hear the plug being pulled from time to time.
it's sp game you retard, coop was never populated anyway
Wow, this looks like fine early 2000s shit
Don't cry because your game is dead and can't accept it.
shit man i only played it for the last 2 days and experienced close of servers :( i wish i could play it a little more when game was up
Why we don't we have more sci fi mmos? why every mmo must be shitty wow fantasy clone? Why nobody can make sci fi fps/tpp game with real shooting mechanics and no bulletsponge enemies?
>Bad Company 2
lol, i've been saying it's dead in a last 2 years you moron, after bf3 and bf4 got released bc2 just died
Try harder next time
It still hurts.
Once Rocket left, the game has went to shit. Community is toxic and game is still in early alpha.
The lawsuits related to that game was some pretty funny shit. Fire a guy the day he goes into space, steal his assets, and break contract then pray he doesn't come back.
Please don't do this
Why? The game is DOA
my favorite
>tfw TSW will die like Matrix
Why people don't make NWN-like coop instead of MMOs?
Don't answer that. A rhetorical question.
January 28, 2014
Day 2 this game will have less than 100 players. Guarantee it.
Took the money and ran because he knew he couldn't deliver on promises.
Smart man if you ask me.
Still can't find a game that fills that gap.
The only gap this game left was when they fucked me in the ass for $60 because of how bad it was. 100 player servers was pretty cool though
Screencapped because you are going to be wrong as fuck
This could have had so much fucking potential as a concept. All we got was everyquest in a city with combat that amounts to little more than rock papers scissors. Fucking shameful.
I have word with you son.
ITT: people who can't read the OP
Rest in Peace, Rusty Hearts
Surprisingly tolerable GB content comin' through.
>not soloing on private servers
i will never forgive this
Got in during closed beta, played open beta, shame about what happened with full release.
Did it even get fully 'released' per se? People still got the open beta tags on the forums for years.
>his young ass doesn't remember MUDs
RIP the greatest shooter of all time
All those games are dead though. Stop crying.
Planetside. There is work being done on a private server though.
Good thing I like the sequel too.
And fucking NC Soft still won't sell the rights
Being a CoH fan is suffering