Why are MMOs so anti social now?

Why are MMOs so anti social now?

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because millennials are literal garbage

People can't stand losing and being outplayed. Devs almost but not quite figured out where the money was and went for that, resulting in single player games with chat functions.

>not tabbing out of combat so you don't punch him if he runs by

Is Dark Souls more of an MMO now than actual MMOs?

whats happening in this picture?

something that current mmos can't achieve

why is the red angry man on a lama yellin insults

because main focus isn't NEET troll hiding in basement but normal guy dude bro faggot type that has a normal life therefore doesnt want to deal with this shit in vidya gaem as well

The red guy was trying to recall out, but I stole his bloodmoss. Recall is a spell that teleports you to a previously marked location and it requires certain reagents to cast. One being bloodmoss.

So now he's stuck. He's going to have to hoof it to wherever he was trying to go. Plus he's red since he's killed a bunch of players so he can't go into town.

I'm the hidden thief in the image. He can't cast reveal on me either since that also takes bloodmoss.

Because casuals can't handle being pk'd

They also can't handle being bad

Cuddle box the game nowadays

what game is this?

Runescape Classic.

What happened to the world I used to live in?


Games in general have become anti social. I blame Xbox Live and the stigma with online gaming it created.

Clash of clans

I logged into Guild Wars 2 a couple days ago and watched general chat just waiting to see if someone would say something.

I waited 30 minutes, not a word. I was in the new zone too, the one everyone is in.

It makes me miss even the shit tier stuff like barrens chat

>not carrying explosive potions

>pker not understanding how to separate regs in multiple bags for just this purpose

trash deserved it.


People say all kinds of stupid shit in the WoW general/trade chat still.

In large part because the players themselves demanded it

His own stupid fault for not making a maze of containers for his reagents.

God, I miss UO. It's bizarre to look back at how the game was when I played it at the turn of the century, compared to how MMOs are now.

Devs need to stop looking at WoW as the pinnacle of MMO gaming (because, let's face it, all WoW did was polish what had already been established for years) and start looking towards UO instead.

Beause normies.

duty finder/raid finder/group finder (especially cross-server)

solo to level cap (quests giving EXP)

combat systems that prevent you from chatting with your party members during battle (global cooldown)

DPS meters and other add-ons that detract attention away from making new friends, and instead to min-max RPG values

and last but not least, themepark MMOs seem to be a bit more antisocial than sandbox ones. usually sandbox MMORPG developers cut corners and "make the players the content" in an attempt to draw out the lifespan of the game, which inadvertently puts an emphasized focus on social interaction and hierarchies.

titan quest

You massive mass of mother fuckers, Camelot unchained is coming, just be patient, the sun will rise again.

I remember the days when I was playing Ragnarok Online for the first time. I didn't know shit about it so I had to ask other players and sometimes we even party up and help each other out.

Few years ago I tried to get back into RO and I realized I was soloing everything, going to datamine sites for info on exp/maps/monsters/loots, and forums for guides.
I barely talked to anyone ingame

Holy shit, its graphics looks worse than UO 3D

voice chat and social media

>duty finder/raid finder/group finder (especially cross-server)

This. Also I'd say flying mounts to a degree.

There's just no reason to interact with anyone on your server anymore outside of the people within a guild you might be in. You either queue up to get to your dungeon or fly in a straight line to be there within a minute or so.

I still remember FFXI where you sat in town looking for a group and then had to prepare yourself with silent oils and the like to be able to get to camps. And when some guy was a being a fucker on your server, everyone heard about it.

Sadly that won't ever happen again as it does not sell.


First time playing RO felt like those mmo anime.
I was lost as shit, I had to depend on other people to play the game and there were all kind of mysteries and myths around, making a guild was considered an apex goal and it was just blissfull fun.

Now I don't even play mmos anymore, I know I will never capture that feel again

Because 99% of modern gamers will write a ticket and try to get you banned for typing "YOU LITTLE FUCKER".

They'll never catch that market again either, for various reasons. Big reasons are:
1. People have choice in what they play now. Carebears flock to shitty themeparks so all of the open PVP games are brutal gankfests.
2. There's no lack of information anymore, thanks to shit like wikis. You can't have a mystery because once someone figures it out everyone has that information. You have to go in willfully ignorant and it's still just not the same.

Yeah, pretty much this, the main problem here is everyone in this thread.
MMO developers are just pandering to what people want, which is a big mistake since the MMO community itself doesn't understand or know what it wants, because hell, most people who are participating in this genre are new to it and they haven't experienced any of the cool shit that old MMOs gave.

They just simply haven't tried it or seen any of it, so whilist you're here spending weeks upon weeks complaining about how nobody has topped UO or RO or whatever fucking MMO you played, people are playing MMOs with the idea that this is how it's always been and how it will always will be.

Like look at this cumsock here, he had the ability to go in blind and play with randoms but instead decided to play alone with datamining in one hand and "KIRITO 4 LIFE" on the other.

>Picts are a separate race from humans
Ok, you got me interested, care to explain why you think so and a little bit about the game?

>There's no lack of information anymore, thanks to shit like wikis.
This is a big issue. Whenever I play OSRS now I have to keep myself from referring to the wiki about every little thing.

>kickstarter game
>special snowflake races that make DAOC's later races look normal in comparison
>RVR only (dude wat)
>sub based... for a KICKSTARTER GAME
>3+ years in development with no end in sight

Fucking hilarious.

As much as I loved DAoC, this looks like straight up garbage.

with all the datamined shit in MMOs, everyone's fucking doing it. Going in blind when you have all those sources of information is like asking Sup Forums for source.

employment hours
market fairness

all of these.

This, ladies and gents, is why Sup Forums is such a shit place nowdays


>everyone's fucking doing it
everyone is playing half baked shitty korean garbage pay2win MMOs as well
that doesn't mean you should do it as well
>b-but muh efficiency

Placeholder graphics, the real shit is being worked on.

Picts voted against Brexit, are these humans? no of course.
Now, it'll be some sort of Medieval fantasy EVE (economy, player build structures etc ...), the only difference is the you'll have to chose a Faction, no FFA aspect, the identity factor will be huge, big incentive on faction and server loyalty, your choices will mater.
Read this:

The market moved away from making friends and towards playing with friends

>tfw farming in the Moon Glow cemetery to build skills and get bone armor
>tfw hear a lich
>tfw see Corp Por

>sub based
This will keep kids out, kids kill communities.

>RVR only
You'll have allot of people from the two other faction to rape and full loot.

>3+ years in development with no end in sight
They had some recruiting issues, things are oiled now.

>As much as I loved DAoC, this looks like straight up garbage.
It'll be social and brutal, listen nigger, you'll even be able to craft your own spells.

EQ and then WoW made more money, while UO didn't. They will never look at UO. Sorry m8.

Players want them this way or devs thinks so, at least

...am I brilliant, or that's obvious and I'd better fuck off?

Isn't UO the wrong game to talk about that idea?

>be provoker tamer
>kill dragons all day everyday with little to no risk
>recall out when you see other players because they're either reds or blue scouts for reds

And then you set up a vendor and sell npc goods at inflated prices because NPCs don't have limitless supplies

oh, and I forgot to say:
I played UO and RO, but stopped there so I never really got into City of Heroes.
Anyone have stories of what made CoH great?

>You will never find that onr glitch again where you can spawn creatures in your home and grind off of them for hours
I miss UO so much.

Do modern MMOs with tamers let you tame upper-tier creatures like Greater Dragons?
Or manipulate mobs into fighting eachother?
OR let you run around with a 20-bear platoon?
I know, I knmow, they introduced pet slots because people had too much fun griefing

>wanting to be social with random strangers over the internet
how about you get some real friends, you fucking loser?

why not both

because one if for friendless losers, creeps, and other trash tier people

>anyone born after 1982 is garbage

Ok m8

>God, I miss UO. It's bizarre to look back at how the game was when I played it at the turn of the century, compared to how MMOs are now.

It's bizarre because shit wasn't really figured out yet at that point. SWG feels the same way as UO in that respect, even if that brings with certain clunkiness. Now the entire genre is very formulaic with just different skin and flavor on top of it. Even games that people single out, like TSW for it story or something are fundamentally the same thing.

Having to coordinate with other players takes too much time for facebook trash who want instant rewards for no effort.

I actually think we're sadly looking at an entire generation of half-assed kickstarter MMORPGs which are possibly the WORST genre choice to develop that way because they require serious dosh if you don't want them to look like games fro 15+ years ago, which means they'll never get enough traction to make a difference in the genre.

anyone play ESO
its on sale right now

But that already looks a hundred times better than the game I played.

I haven't played that much MMOs, what is "datamining"?

Opening the patch files after they've finished downloading, before the server is even back up, and looking at everything in the game. What new items there are, where they are, what all the new stuff is.

It's like opening christmas presents before christmas.

I dont believe he was telling the truth
Then I notice I am 27 years old and haben play UO for 8 years

What happen to the Sup Forums server ?

>user asks to know what game is on the picture
>5 replies and no information, only shitposting

THIS is why Sup Forums has ALLWAYS been a shit place to be in. Maybe that user asked because the picture look interesting to him, maybe he would've ended up liking the game. But nah, let's just call him a faggot for not knowing something we do

If you don't recognize the game in the picture then you don't belong on Sup Forums

warcraft 2

It's a game called UO

You happy

Also they have right to shitpost to that post.
New generation 'gamers' doesnt have patiance or skill to play UO there is no reason to give him an answer

OH, it looks like the guy in the robe is saying "you have hidden yourself well" but it's a game message.

How do you not recognie the original runescape?

>maze of containers
that'll be fun to replace, just cast magic lock on a chest. If you keep the box window open you can even aceess everything inside without having to recast unlock.

Also if he had brains he would have use search

what does UO mean?

every genre is like that
i remember when there was fun obscure ego shooters around, they werent prefect 10/10s but still very enjoyable and had their charm

but after COD every single ego shooter just follows this one recipe but puts in a different flvor but the dish is the same

He isn't in War mode, look at the cursor.

because they keep catering to retards with 9-5 jobs that have no time to play

It's still the kind of game that you better forget until its out. It will just get delayed again and again and you'll just be disappointed. They delayed the beta for 1 year because a single guy decided against joining the team and left suddenly, that doesn't sound very promising to me.

If you can't recognize fucking UO, it means you know jackshit about video games and shouldn't be here in the first place.
If, even more than that, you can't image search before asking, it means you're a goddamn retard and should fuck off promptly.

Raid finder/group finders for EVERYTHING. No longer do you need to join groups of players with experience to play certain content.

Marketplaces ran through listing items, players type in what they want and see all sellers instead of having to find sellers.

>they keep catering to people who have jobs and can pay them instead of 13 year olds using their dads allowance

Correct me if I am wrong but cursor color changing only applied to 3D games

Going through all data uploaded to the official servers (even if it's not released yet) and publishing it. This usually ruins any surprises available along with exacerbating one of the biggest problems of MMOs now: the convenience of the internet has trivialized them and their wonder. Wrath of the Lich King was revealed by datamining some 4-5 months before the official announcement, for instance.

But more onto my other point there, information for MMOs is just too consolidated now. Back in 2005 on WoW all you had was Thottbot and Allakazam, both clunky versions of Wowhead. Spec guides, raid guides, leveling guides, how-to videos, they weren't nearly as abundant as they were today. The whole community was exploring and discovering more about the game. Now a couple people do it and tell everybody else the most optimal things to do.

What made CoH great was the character creator and setting and movement

The game itself was always a lackluster watch the cooldowns game besides that.

Devs pander to the large casual audience rather than the smaller dedicated audience

Devs make everything except dungeons easily doable solo instead of having actually interacting with other people being heavily recommended to get shit done quickly even outside of dungeons

Not that guy but have an unrealted question
Did they datamine the MGS:V ?
There were clues about ACT3: PEACE if I remember correctly

Yes, that's where all that info came from.

It was a feature ever since day one UO.

Ultima Online

>not spoonfeeding underaged newfags is why Sup Forums is "shit"

Because it's not special anymore to play with other people online. Actual now it's the norm and people get annoyed about it.

Content, story focused PvE games.

facepalmed so hard when i saw Legion overview trailer.. followers yet again. you shouldn't have to resort to followers in MMOs.. your followers should be OTHER PLAYERS

>and start looking towards UO instead
That's been done a hundred times and the games always turn out to be shit.

Well fuck me I didn't notice that maybe I toggle it off

dark souls is irrelevant gb2dsg

How's UO today? Its funny that the servers still active but literally no one talks or bitch about the current state of the game

It's very different and there's a lot less freedom compared to before Trammel.

Also many armors are pointless because there's a bunch of magical gear with crazy ass resists and the like and also there's power scrolls that boosts your stat/skill cap to 120+

It's not bad but there's not a whole lot of what you remember back then.

You don't benefit from a group in most MMO's nowadays. You can't just quest alone, grind alone and even do fucking dungeons alone. The story and game format is all about you.