What would be the appropriate nerf, Sup Forums?
What would be the appropriate nerf, Sup Forums?
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He doesn't need one
With Zen being so good roadhog is a prime target for discord. He has zero armor and has no mobility.
You could stop playing a shitty videogame.
Nothing, git gud
Nerf Discord so armor and shields are treated like normal health instead of applying a flat percentage damage boost.
Haha, but it's fun! xPP
Needs to be redesigned along with every other one shot bullshit thats not sniper headshot/ultimate.
>Roadhog hook combo
>Hanzo scatter
>McCrees flashbang + fth
Doesn't even matter if these things are good, they have the potential to freely one shot a 200hp hero and need to fuck off.
reduce hook hitscan and make it only work when it actually hits the enemy
>players can't get pulled through walls/the ground
>the hook can be dodged after being thrown
all you need to fix it
Just fix the fucking tickrate and he'll be perfectly fine
15 million people can't be wrong, valvecuck
Remove Widowmaker from the game.
Let him use his chain as a grappling hook.
>15 million people can't be wrong.
More people than that thought the Earth was flat, fucking dumbass.
That's still 14998000 more people than those playing your hat simulator :^)
>my game has more people playing it! xD
oh brother
I haven't played hat simulator in 4 years.
You do realise that the 15 million player number isn't concurrent, right? TF2 easily has 15 million unique players. I like Overwatch, but come on - no need to be a defensive retard about this.
He doesnt need a nerf. He needs a buff. Hes so fucking fat and slow his 600HP gets ripped apart in seconds by pretty much any hero that isnt Winston or Lucio.
they already did
they reduced his rate of fire and im pretty sure they reduced his hooks hitbox
1. Either prevent him from being able to heal so much WHILST TAKING DAMAGE.
2. Or, reduce health to 550-500.
He moves the same speed as everyone except tracer and genji
Reducing his health makes him useless, his only tank ability is having so much health to begin with.
But being able to disable his heal upon dealing damage to him would be fine. I'm not sure if it should be like Bastion where it disables upon taking even one point of damage, or if you should have to break say 100 damage to stop him.
Only scrubs think this guy isn't D-tier.
He's the "Bastion is OP" character for people who have played more than 30 minutes but less than 5 hours.
>Can instantly kill anyone with 250 HP or less with a simple combo even a Winston without a brain could do
Give his left click a lower base damage at point blank, but heavily reduce his damage falloff to compensate.
Still annoying getting hooked around walls.
Still mad about how they buffed Zen.
Of all the things they could have done to buff Zenny:
-Increasing his healing
-Fixing his right click (maybe changing it into something he could protect himself and/or allies with)
-Letting team mates see discord targets through walls
-Applying a damage debuff to discorded targets
-Applying a speed boost to Zen while OoH is active
-Letting him have two of the same orb active
They chose to just buff his HP and increase his speed while ulting, when he's already invulnerable.
He's supposed to be a support class, not an offense class that happens to have a supportive ability. All the HP buff does is allow Zen players to play less cautiously and go for kills more.
He still can't heal for shit, he still can't get back to the fight any faster, he still activates Junkrat traps even though he's floating wtf man. He still isn't viable.
A 0.5-1sec period were characters can react to being instantly killed after a hook. I dunno about you guys but Roadhog is fucking retarded
>1. Either prevent him from being able to heal so much WHILST TAKING DAMAGE.
He'd be complete trash. He can't outheal most damage dealers as is. And he can't get away quickly because of his close to nonexistent mobility.
Also: people who complain about Roadhog healing while taking damage are forgetting about the fact that he's helping the damage dealers charge their ultis faster, so usually the only Roadhogs who heal out in the open, while taking direct fire are complete noobs.
>He still isn't viable.
Keep hook as it is if it connects. If it misses, put it on a 10 second cooldown.
This would encourage less throw and pray and maybe a bit more of a mind game than "he's gonna throw it and live 6 seconds and then throw it again."
Fuck off mate, buggy hooks that pull the person to strange places should be fixed before any of that. You obviously don't play roadhog enough if you don't know how often the hook bugs out and doesn't pull to the right place.
>He still isn't viable
That's why he has the same pickrate as McCree right?
Post your SR so we can laugh at you
yeah zen is now a regular attacker
same HP as mcree or soldier but better self healing due to mostly shield health and some healing ability on the side
with his orb of discord he's even better at medium to long range than mcree
Roadhog is the shittiest tank now
>What would be an appropriate nerf for the worst tank in the entire game.
Reduce the hook range by like 10% desu senpai
I've been hooked too many times at bullshit ranges
sure buggy hooks should be fixed but everything I said still holds true
Double his HP.
He sucks.
Fix disgusting hook hitbox
Take away his right click. Then you good.
>increase healing
His healing is fine. If someone on your team is consistently taking more than 30 damage per second, then they either got killed by burst damage, or don't know how to circle strafe.
>fixing right click
Right click is also fine, it's best use is catching people around corners before they get a chance to shoot you. Using the discord marker helps a ton. It also helps to whittle down a rein shield without standing in the open.
>team mates see discord
>speed boost with OoH
Worst idea I've ever heard, considering harmony should always be on someone.
>two of the same orb
If they did that, they would have to cut the potency of each orb, which would make him an inferior Lucio.
They didn't necessarily change Zen, they fixed the problems that people were complaining about the most.
Change Zen's 150 shields + 50 hp to 100 shields + 100 hp. 150 regenable hp is actually fucking ridiculous when you think about it. It means he can get down to a quarter of his effective hp and if he's not damage he could potentially heal it all back no problem in seconds without even needing a health kit.
If you honestly think Roadhog is overpowered and needs a nerf there's no getting around it, you're a whiny shit who is terrible at this game.
Roadhog is a 1v1 specialist with no mobility in a game that's based around team play on an objective. Roadhog is never going to be more than a pub shitter unless they rework his focus.
>The one hero with a literally 100% pick rate isn't viable.
Why are shitters allowed to say anything?
This guy is T E R R I B L E. He's a shitty training-wheels Reaper, now. There's no reason to play him
One of those will never be fixed because you literally don't understand how latency works, and the other one can be dodge if you have a movement increasing skill. I see hooks that hit tracer/genji disconnect from them all the time.
>hooks combo kills you or his team mates will kill you during the animation
>hooks stopping Ults
>hooks catching flankers
>hooks pulling Pharahs
>hooks pulling people into a gangbang
>hooking around corners
>surprise hooks when you turn a corner
>hooking healers
>hooking people off the objective
It's only every 6 seconds that he can delete a character from the map and make a game changing play.
Reducing his fucking ridiculous range
I thought this was a decent post until I hit
>Applying a damage debuff to discorded targets
Then there's
>He still isn't viable.
With Roadhog, you have two options.
Option 1 is that you reduce the range of the hook.
Option 2 is that you reduce it's hitbox.
Or neither because its fine the way it is.
Option 3, buff him like he needs to be, because he is a terrible tank.
He's fine, also Zenyatta is good now so he gets raped easily.
It's even more annoying when I hook someone and they don't pull in, or they pull behind me or above me. The hook is just as much a problem to the roadhog as it is to people being hooked.
Roadhog doesn't need any nerfs, in fact he's kind of in a bad place at the moment since the meta shifted to zeneyatta and McClick
>He's a shitty training-wheels Reaper
Literally the only thing they both have in common is that they kill tanks well. Even their weapon effective range is different.
1. Make his hook cooldown 12 seconds and reduce when he deals damage.
2. Double his HP.
Fix his hook hitscan, make it so that we can shoot while being hooked also.
I'm Sup Forums as fuck but even I know nobody in this sub likes this toon.
Without reading any posts below yet, I'm going to say take away his health ability and make it something else. Fuck, I don't care if it's a bottle of juice that raises his strength, but giving a tank the option to heal himself back to full is pants on head retarded.
>increase ult damage output
>can cancel ult to save a portion of the ult charge
>fix hook hitboxes, if someone hits a wall the chain comes loose
>landing a hook gives 15% ult charge, with a bonus based on the distance they're reeled
He should be about singling out priority targets and forcing the rest back.
how about this, make him how a tank should be: someone who can't one shot half the roster in an ezpz combo, but rather someone who is meant to take damage for the team. not saying completely destroy his damage, but maybe just tone it down, make it to where his hook isnt a magnet on a rope, and focus on making him tanky just my opinion
He is balanced now Zen is good and Ana exists.
>Mad about buffing best support
He reks now m8 like he was originally intended to. Feels damn good as well.
I hate junkrat more than anything else in this world. I hate his dumb fucking traps. I hate his free panic button aoe damage mine. I hate the dumb fucking players who fucking afk grenading the same spot for half a hour. I hate his free kill ult. I want him nerfed to the ground. Literally the most annoying character to play against
Both are tank busters, but Roadhog has no evade, worse offensive capabilities, a crap ult, and "le ebil hook" which makes everyone paranoid about him and focus his fat waddly ass down to dead.
I don't know if people get a damage bonus against Roadhog or what but his 600HP is *nothing*. He dies sooo fast.
He already is a tank in the sense that he is a huge determent if you don't kill him first.
Not all tanks need to be "Giant shieldbot who does nothing but reduce damage"
>He still thinks people thought the earth was flat.
+2 second to hook cooldown
Also when you have to plan your Ult around Roadhog's hook cooldown, then you know he's a massive threat. Same rule applies to Genjis that defend properly with deflects, flashbangs, etc.
I'm not saying he's broken but I'll be damned if I can say with a straight face and say he isn't cheesy. He's practically cheddar.
He doesn't need one. I've heard it said before that roadhog is only good for feeding other people ults and it really does feel that way some days.
>"Giant shieldbot who does nothing but reduce damage"
In a game where dealing damage charges an otherwise extremely strong skill, yes, that's exactly what tanks need to be.
>One of those will never be fixed because you literally don't understand how latency works
I understand how latency works and I know that it may or may not be fixed but that doesn't even matter for my basic statement
what is your problem even?
He is tanky. He has 600hp with a self heal, and people have to shoot him either because a) his team because if they don't, they get hooked, or b) he's a big ult battery for your whole team.
He's fine, other than the gigantic vertical hitbox of his hook.
He is the pubstar of Overwatch along with Genji, any competent player would shut him down.
The worst part about that degenerate is his ability to drop fucking bombs when he dies. Why is this needed exactly?
Except most of the strongest ults can be interrupted.
Can YOU guess what Roadhog does incredibly well?
>He thinks that I actually thought people thought the Earth was flat.
hog is meant to punish people out of position not go around killing tanks like reaper is meant to
That's what Reinhardt or D.Va is for, retard.
Make it so the hook actually connects when I hit someone.
Make it so the hook doesn't fucking connect to me when the killcam clearly shows this cunt missing by literally a mile and then pulling me through a wall only for him to completely miss his shotgun but still kill me anyway because apparently all modern FPS need a way for low skill players to get kills and have fun.
Charge up 6 ults while only denying one ult?
>Road hog
>Needing nerfs
Ur shit m89
with the zen meta roadhog is the least of your problems
and if you dont have a zen on your team youre bound to lose
Make the fucking game 60 tick rate, make the hook work in distances depending on hook hit area.
>Hook headshot
Brings target to point blank range
>Hook torso
Brings target halfway
>Hook legs
Small half second movement stun and allows target for 3 seconds for 50%
>Hook arms
Target can't use primary weapon for 4 seconds
Make walls solid and allow friends to get in the way to stop the hook (friendlies already act as solid objects)
Kill cam is not accurate.
The only way I feel he could be nerfed is to add an arming time to his concussion mine to stop the throw n' blow.
Oh, and reduce his ult's active time to 5 seconds. 10 is far, far too long.
That's the point, you fucko. No one wants to pick him BECAUSE of that reason. He is shit. garbage. He serves no purpose that other tanks don't do better without being a massive liability..
Fix hook hitbox, it's already favor of the shooter so why make it even easier with this stupid hitbox?
>one shot bullshit
>2/3 examples are combos
They've already nerfed the hitbox on the hook, they aren't going to nerf it anymore, stop asking for this.
you sound like a 12 year old
go back to trying to balance your game, riot
Make the hook a projectile and not hitscan, hopefully fixing the bullshit pulls he is capable of
Lower damage of left click so he doesn't one shot most of the characters
Hanzo scatter is pure RNG
>Muh ults
Yes dear, i'm sure your tacticool vizzer will help your team immensely when he turns the fight into a 5 v 6 and lets his team steamroll the point while you spend 20 seconds walking back
this is literally the most stupid fucking post about game balance i've ever read
Not if you aim at their feet.
The hitbox of his hook needs to be fixed. For a one-shot kill on anything but the tanks it shouldn't be so easy to hit.