Other urls found in this thread:
it's a chocobo
It was made by Sup Forums veterans, so it combines recommendations by people with generally good taste and recommendations from old Sup Forums threads (before it got flooded with newfags)
What is there to explain? Its to help prevent on some level people asking if a game is good or not and asking for recommendations. People are still going to do it, and that's fine, but if it helps people find good vidya and helps threads be high quality, it ought to exist.
As for why other people who aren't Sup Forums use it, its because its useful. If its useful, other people are going to use it, even if they don't go to Sup Forums itself. And that's fine. This isn't a sekrit klub. Sup Forums-fags can fuck off.
Sup Forums's recommended games has long since been overtaken by le reddit, this isn't news
>This isn't a sekrit klub. Sup Forums-fags can fuck off.
People like you are the reason this place is a shithole.
Back when Sup Forums wasnt as bad as today
Its been long abandoned
No, this place is a shithole because many people think shitposting is more ideal than actually discussing games, or because people can't ignore their desire to get comedy out of messing with others. Platform war shitpost threads are evident of this, with there constantly being several threads full of such at any given point in time on Sup Forums.
This problem is compounded by in general low-effort, low quality threads, from the constant FRIDAY NIGHT threads to 3x3 threads and everything in between. All that's really needed though is for mods to enforce rules of no shitposting, as shitposting is ultimately what truly drowns out discussion on this board.
If you truly think sekrit klub mentality is a good thing, then fuck off to Sup Forums where you can post sadpanda links to your heart's content, reveling in the fact that someone, somewhere out there will not know how to access the porn immediately. Enjoy the shitty scanlation threads where everyone posts 10-minute long pastebins with links on how to download scanlations so as to make it possible that anyone who wants to put raws of a manga onto the internet has to jump through hoops and beg while sifting through shitty malware just to find something that works. Sekrit klub mentalities are shit. Fuck off.
It's scientific fact that communities grow shitter as they grow larger.
I like how you insult Sup Forums when it is perhaps the board that has retained the most of it's quality over the years.
Sup Forums is infested with general these days, it has fallen very low as well
>reddit steals something from Sup Forums
wow I am shocked when has this ever happened
Sup Forums was one of the first boards to fall to a larger community. it is now 99% moe shit
Its the reason we stopped coming up with OC
What was the point?
Thats why we are stuck with pepe forever because nothing came out to replace it
Are you people really this arrogant to think the collective "we" stopped "coming up with OC" because another website exists?
thats just a reflection of the anime industry, its always been about the moe
>it is now 99% moe shit
Man, you're trying to fit in really hard.
I saw it happen, Ive been here for 11 years and the OC started to dry out the more other websites stole it.
No we make nothing, that way nothing can be stolen.
It's because Sup Forums has mods and janitors that give a shit slightly more than Sup Forums
Sup Forums is in really bad shape nowadays, have you been to it recently?
>i'm new
fuck off
Your delusion amuses me.
>more than half the catalog on Sup Forums has been Rem threads at several points the last week or two
>dozens of waifu war threads
>retained most of its quality
Top fucking kek
Yes, communities get worse as they grow larger, as more people equals more shitposters.
sekrit klub mentalities don't keep these people away however, and oftentimes such a mentality can breed its own form of shitposting. Sup Forums is full of shitty low-effort waifu threads and and sadpanda threads.
The highest quality board I would argue is Sup Forums, with the shittiest boards here being Sup Forums, /vg/, Sup Forums, [r9k], and [s4s].
I've been here since late '06. This user is quite accurate.
It can mostly be attributed to Sup Forums turning from creative shit into banana maymay utter shit sometime around '09 or '10 though. Most Sup Forums memes (hell most of the memes on the internet) spawned from that board for years. Including many eventually became adopted by Sup Forums.
Most of the creative and talented shitposters left.
Thats what Sup Forums has always been about
The cancer are the generals
Pretty much this.
I don't think you fully understand the irony of your own words.
It's fine to ask for recommendations not based on memes or porn or political garbage (What game can I do this alt-right thing in the news in?)
It's not fine to purchase/install a game and say "Just bought/torrented this, what am I in for?" I don't know you fucking idiot, how about you play the game and find out?
Pretty sure he is craposting and masturbating to all the replies you keep giving him
I only come here for news shitstorms like E3 or when nintendo does something big, Sup Forums hasnt been a good place to discuss vidya for years.
But I cannot browse any other places so I just keep to myself, Im old anyways is not like my opinions are going to be changed by discussing and Ive already discussed my favorite games to death here in the past
if you think Sup Forums is good in anyway shape or form you must not have been here before it went moe
Yes, because before Manabi Straight and Lucky Star all anons only talked about the big three, right?
And all of the more famous trips before that only circlejerked in threads to manime, right?
>talked about anime
>talked about waifus
>talked about anime
Oh boy, because things like gb2/l/ weren't a thing or alike? Or Anonymous of Gensokyo didn't circlejerk about Cirno and shit like that.
i ignored everything tripfag related. anyway there was more variety in anime discussed then there will ever be again on that board and it's sad
lol Sup Forums is shit m8
>i ignored everything tripfag related.
Must be tough to ignore tripfags when 90% of the posts were tripfags.
>anyway there was more variety in anime discussed then there will ever be again
That's because of the market shift in general, like the other user already said. Or do you want to keep discussing the same shows over and over again?
Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums, by far.
A history of Sup Forums and vidya throughout the years
1995 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1996 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1997 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1998 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
1999 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2000 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2001 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2002 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2003 - Sup Forums doesn't exist
2004 - old memes & Sup Forums & videogames
2005 - Sup Forums & videogames & old memes
2006 - newer, original memes & fewer videogames & fewer Sup Forums
2007 - Rickroll, smash dojo, billions of new "epic memes". The beginning of the end. Sup Forums starts to get hated because of the influx of new people, and ostensibly less videogames
2008 - Same as 2007, with some good OC but the board is already starting to smell
2009 - apex of "Sup Forums HATES EVERYTHING XD". 40% of the boards hate Sup Forums
2010 - HARMONY arrives, for a small moment, Sup Forums gets bearable. But because of the Puddi Incident, Sup Forums is overrun with Sup Forumstards
2011 - Sup Forums truly turns into Sup Forums2.0, especially after El Vidyo
2012 - The shitposting about everything and the release of Katawa Shoujo gives birth to /vg/. Quality of the board drops dramatically.
2013 - Shitposting is rampant, all boards agree that Sup Forums is the worst board on Sup Forums. Videogames & Sup Forums content are shunned, only seen for a few rare moments.
2014 - The impossible happens: The board gets worse with the whole GamerGate shitshow. It's literally impossible to have good threads.
2015 - Sup Forums shares a huge userbase with Sup Forums, and leaks all over Sup Forums and the internet. Any and all games that get any kind of popularity/goodwill is instantly despised by the boardmind. There's no more shitposting, just posting.
2016 - ??????????????
Prove me wrong:
You can't.
>gives birth to /vg/. Quality of the board drops dramatically.
the point is to give new people interested in watching older anime that they would have never seen without someone suggesting it. nowadays if it's not new or moe shit, no one is interested.
>literally impossible to have good threads
There are some. This is from 2014.
>90% of the posts were tripfags
Does anyone have screencaps of Sup Forums from its early years? Because this is actually true. Sup Forums's early years and what it is now are very, VERY different in terms of community
>Katawa Shoujo birth to /vg/
Also LoL and Stracraft II.
>the point is to give new people interested in watching older anime
Why? There's an Sup Forums recommendation list for that purpose. Usually newer anons make threads about older anime to either tell about their new experience or to ask what was it like when it aired. The only replies those threads get are some nostalgia posts and then the thread dies off, because there's nothing to talk about, since everyone's already seen everything and knows everything.
Stop being retarded you fucking toonamifag.
Early Sup Forums was a lot different, and in many ways worse.
I find most people who claim there are no video games on Sup Forums only think this because they choose to shitpost in non video game threads. Fuck off.
I prefer the era before ironic shitposting. If I had a time machine I'd do it all again.
>not being a Toonamifag
>not chilling with friends watching anime late night every saturday while listening to a cool robot give speeches and reviews
His reviews are even spot on.
The point isn't that there aren't videogames here you fucktard.
It's that the board simply can't work its intended purposes nowadays, aside from a few, small exceptions.
Just TRY to have a thread about ANY new game that isn't from a pre-established franchise that got any kind of popularity. It's fucking impossible. So nowadays you can only get working threads for games from "older" franchises.
Of fucking course it was a toonamifag.
That would require games worth shit from non-established franchises, and there aren't a whole lot of those. When they pop up, we have threads.
See, this is an example of how fucking retarded Sup Forums is nowadays.
It's the "being contrarian for the sake of contrarian" bullshit.
hell yea dude. The good old days when anime wasn't for fags. I don't miss it but they were still good days
I'm not the guy you were talking to, actually. I just can't stand when people shit-talk Toonami.
There are quite a few older anime that still get discussion on Sup Forums, though he is right that the board is mostly stuff that is currently airing, though I wouldn't call that a bad thing. Sup Forums is full of talk of modern video games in between looking back.
>this extremely handpicked selection of anime from back then means that old anime was only like this
I love this retarded bullshit.
Anime is still fine, and that clip is from last year. Toonami isn't just pre-2008. Modern Toonami is currently airing Iron-Blooded Orphans, Parasyte, and One Punch Man, so I don't know where you're getting that from.
Nah, there just aren't a huge number of games not tied to existing franchises that are good. Its always been that way. What games exactly are you looking to discuss and can't?
Remember when Loli and Guro had boards? Good times.
That was the good anime user. They picked the non weebshit that appeals to people watching for action instead of the girls
>First Sup Forums boards were mostly porn
Wished I had internet before.
I only found about Sup Forums with the habbo raids and memes.
And how the whole site would constantly go down for weeks if not more?
I mean like back then no one would call you a fag for watching toonami because it was dope and a lot of people did it
I didn't say that. People only pay attention to the older anime that was considered good and ignore all the other stuff that aired during that time. 90% of everything is shit all the time. I just posted Toonami stuff because there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with watching Toonami and calling someone out on that is lame.
Modern anime is fine.
wow now I see why there are so many weebs. They were here first...woah
Why would mods and janitors give a shit about working on Sup Forums when they actually do what they are supposed to do they are just shitposted to oblivion? Half the threads right now wouldn't exist if the mods did their jobs, but the moment they are deleted faggots would go a riot screaming censorship like it always happens
>sailor fucking moon
>not weeb shit
they picked more action oriented stuff because that's what the time block was going for, but don't pretend it wasn't jap as fuck
>Note: These boards may or may not be worksafe. All users give up their right to a worksafe environment when entering these boards... you have been warned.
I wish this rule would still apply today.
Sup Forums has been shit since 2008, miserable cancer between 2009-2011, and has only in recent years been elevated back up to shit.
Sup Forums just likes to pretend they're better than they are because they don't know any better and fellate themselves for clicking a button and being directed to their shitty faghole, all while being deluded enough into thinking their garbage cesspool is even moderately better than the rest in this hellhole.
Has chinkmoot posted lately?
I feel neglected
same, the test post back then made me feel even more so
>he likes shitposting
Its funny how you think that faggot cares one iota about Sup Forums, I give that asian nigger a year before he sells us to someone else
jap moot did this
Why do you emphasize on only playing AAA trash?
>The highest quality board I would argue is Sup Forums
Have you ever seen Sup Forums
Holy shit you're actually serious aren't you
Sup Forums became too nice. They don't get as angry whenever someone does newfag shit as they used to.
same as western civilisation
really makes you think
getting angry is a waste of time. One of the first lessons every poster should have learned from Sup Forums is that you don't engage retards, you ignore them
It honestly should still apply.
You shouldn't be fucking browsing Sup Forums in a public environment
What are the nicest boards?
That's like asking which of these fresh turds smells the best.
Sup Forums, /r9k/, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /qa/, /vr/, [s4s], /fit/, /jp/ are all really nice boards (as in the userbase is nice to each other)
Has Sup Forums really fallen in quality, judging by the replies? Because it looks to me pretty much the same as it did back when I arrived in 2011.
damn son
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are pretty nice. Its hard to piss people off on those boards. I went to Sup Forums to talk about video game music and they were surprisingly more accepting of it than Sup Forums in some ways, where you'll always have someone here complaining "Why aren't you peoplel istening to real music?"
And on Sup Forums I've just had a hard time finding people act in any way mean.
>Sup Forums
>nice board
Sup Forums, as somebody who goes there maybe every few months
I don't see how Sup Forums isn't a nice board
you have to be a real dedicated shitposter for Sup Forums to not like you
>the highest quality board is Sup Forums
Dude, Sup Forums ranks among the very worst of boards. What are you on?
>it's hard to piss off people on Sup Forums
Mention Teen Titans Go, new PPG, or Steven Universe. Instant triggering.
Well, it's nice as long as you agree with them on their hatred of Jews.
>Sup Forums
>not the scum of the earth
It's the only board on Sup Forums that I actively hate
The first and most essential thing to always learn is to lurk before posting. And it should apply to each individual board as well.
Half the reason why boards are divided between SFW and NSFW is to keep anons from making imagedump threads, but at the same time, there's always a shitton of generals or just half dead threads which turn into imagedumps anyways, only real difference is that they aren't dumping lewds. There's really no reason for this.