Why did you stop playing, Sup Forums?
Why did you stop playing, Sup Forums?
Because the summer sale hit, then I got back into it when Ana hit and have been playing regularly since. I've recently discovered the joy of Winston so I'm working on getting better as him
got burnt out in comp
went back to ss13
Ran out of stuff to do
>same 12 maps
>same sad team builds i.e 3 hanzo
>Lootboxes ooh! 4 voice lines
>winning or losing doesn't even feel of consequence
Because I had to sleep. About to start playing again for the day.
Lucioball should be a permanent minigame
Because it gets boring as hell after a few days.
Also it somehow managed to create a community worse than dota.
Never started, Blizzard games have the depth of a puddle and the appeal of an adam sandler movie. I have a decent chuckle at the idiots who fell for the marketing scam.
I'll come back when they make another melee hero. Maybe.
I haven't, it's literally the best game ever made.
Bored. Level 90, 57ranked. Just bored already.
the overwatch community is honestly fucking terrible
It just got stale.
Im bad at it and feel bad when i do bad.
The other day i played some lucioball and scored the first goal within 15 seconds of the game starting, then proceded to score two goals on my own team.
Meta bullshit seeping into my pubs
Game balance is ass when all the defense heroes just can't do shit against any half-competent composition
Competitive is a complete joke
having to play a bunch of tank and healers to win
stupid WoW class bullshit
I started dedicating more time to studying Japanese and working out. Between those two I haven't had time for highly competitive multiplayer games.
>people keep picking bastion when enemy team has a zen
Shit is hilarious when you're the zen.
Defense heroes are a joke right now
I didn't... im playing it right now actually ! :3 :3 :3
Still playing it right now.
browsing Sup Forums while waiting for game finding.
Lack of new maps, I guess. Although I didn't spend huge amounts of time with the game I don't feel there's much left for me to do with it.
Speedboosted shields just run over any defense heroes. The maps aren't designed in any way for Bastion or Torjb to be able to stay in one spot
took a break from lucioball for about an hour, gonna play again in a few minutes
Started playing a few games a week when the shitty competitive came out because it was a mess, then stopped completely when buy only skins were released.
It''s just a business practice I dislike on a game I already paid for, I'm not commenting on the game itself and rather the company.
Because if you want to win is the same 6 heroes and cant even play the what i like if someone else is using it already
I had to go to sleep.
but then I woke up the next day and when I had free time I played again
Olympic skins are not buy only, faggot.
olympic skins aren't buy only, the limit is that once the olympics are over you can't get them anymore.
>Cannot purchase them via in game currency
>Are temporary
>Even if you buy the 50 pack crate there's no guarantee to get them all
>"It's not buy only!!!!!!!! Waaaaaah, go level up 100 times in a few days!!!!"
Will you drones not even let me criticize what impression Blizzard has left on me as a customer?
because junkperfect didnt get a new skin
playing the same 4 maps over and over sucks ass
I've leveled up seven times and have gotten three legendary new skins.
it's clear that the drop rates are upped man. I didn't like that I couldn't buy the skin I wanted with coins either but I stopped being a huge fucking baby about it and moved on.
you are not locked in with drooling pervians for an hour like in dota quickplay though
>stopped being a huge fucking baby about it and moved on.
Thanks, but I have a sense of dignity and self control.
i just got it today and i regret it. my friends call me boring for thinking the game int fun.
>tfw im boring
Because every fps I play just makes me want to go back to Project Reality. I'm really tempted to get Squad too.
What's wrong with me Sup Forums? Why can't I enjoy good casual fun?
you are boring
Because man league of legends is just so much more refined and actually has an idea on how to moba
Playing FPSs makes you want to play walking simulators?
Because the last patch sucked and ruined the game for me. Blizzard balancing ruins games.
TACTICAL walking simulator user
Because Battleborn turned out to be the superior game.
What's this about peruvians being absolutely retarded in dota? I'm peruvian, but I've never played any ASSFAGGOTS because quite frankly they are shitty, monotonous games.
It really feels this way though.
>Opened 6 so far from leveling
>usually 3 whites and 1 blue, sometimes 2 blues
>Buy 24 crates
>Start getting purples and yellows out the ASS
> Q pressing game
I've got more interesting mobile phone games than this shit to play while I take a shit.
there's not really much to explain
peruvians, despite having their own server, queue up in the US regions and spout viva peru like fucking dipshits
It's boring. Only a few heroes are actually any fun to play as. Pretty much all the maps are poorly designed. The KOTH maps have vast swaths of corridors and buildings far away from the point where none of the fighting EVER occurs, while the 2CP maps always have one single chokepoint of a corridor leading into the control point which is piss easy to defend.
Loot boxes are awful, you never get the feeling like you're being rewarded for playing when you pull nothing but dupes or your "legendary" is fucking currency. Summer loot boxes are even shittier.
Game just has little to no replayability.
Fucking disgusting. Faggotwatch is garbage.
>hurr look someone can circle another person who has low sensitivity and/or is literally retarded
>also on console
You shame your ancestors desu senpai
I cant stop
Its my go to fun time
The game is fun. You really are boring if you don't think it's fun.
It just doesn't remain fun after a while. It's like saying Wii Sports Tennis isn't fun.
weird, it was the reverse for me
why is their a group of people on Sup Forums that hate Overwatch? It's like their are genuinely butt blasted that the game released. I know that it's Sup Forums but I have never seen such knee jerk negative responses on this board before Overwatch.
only so many times you can play the 7 maps before you get sick of it
I just can't into team based games.
I'm rank 65 atm and I have a 65% win rate, which is by all acounts pretty good and I would probably end up near the highest ranks if I kept playing more (I've been playing comp fps like quake for ages, and other comp. games).
for all intents and purposes the players I'm currently playing with and against are so bad compared to me that I would shit on them in a balanced 1v1 with my monitor shut off every single time 100 out of 100 times.
but because it's team based, I still have to lose 4/10 games just because of my teammates.
just incredibly unejoyable to me. I'll stick to games where I can carry myself on my own.
It's just a boring time waste like wow.
I have to study and after 2 hours I realized, that I have seen the whole content.
>tfw you want to play but always too nervous
i've had the same since like a week or two after launch and im still only lvl 25
I got fucking muted 5 times already for just making little kids cry and for nothing else other than how they didn't like how I was playing in comp.
I don't understand this shit honestly right before I got my current mute all I fucking did was say "you are hacking" they all flipped shit than I said "blah blah blah" and than "you are hacking". That's all wasn't even being serious but than I get fucking muted right after.
>mfw i thought the "shoehorning rpg elements into every fucking genre" meme will die eventually
>overwatch happens
but you cant level or skill up. They dont even have dice rolls. What you talking bout willis
Are you serious? The whole class system screams RPG.
so MOBAs are RPGs now?
they stealth nerfed genjis infinite wall run and the community didnt care
seagull is a sham
Level 157, I still play with friends occasionally
I mostly just do quick play or brawls though because ranked turns everyone I know into an angry asshole, I'd rather just dick around in quickplay and go triple harambe or some other meme composition than do ranked and have to listen to everyone bitch that it's not their fault we're losing and everyone else needs to step up
Been thinking of getting this.
Is there DRM? Does Blizzard have a client I need to download like Steam, Origin etc...?
Having different characters that each do different things is not an RPG element, what the fuck user, what kind of games do you even enjoy if Overwatch is too close to an RPG for you because I can't think of many things further from an RPG
you are literally playing the role of a character.
Not sure why people play bastion anymore. Practically every offense and sniper can counter it easily by just picking it off while ducking in out of a wall.
That's what video games are, you fucking retard.
>is there DRM
use your head and yes they have a client now
I haven't. I have my brother and friends to play with because I'm not a fucking loser like a lot of you loners.
Try rocket league. Same thing, but better.
With that logic pretty much every game is an RPG
No content, full of gimmicks that don't make for a satisfying experience
is it intrusive?
But I didn't, though I only play about 5-6 hours a day.
You have to launch the client to launch the game and if you close that client it closes your connection to the game server
Glad we agree.
I like CSGO, Battlefield, and some TF2, I don't like overwatch and I don't know why.
No you're just bad at the game.
Counterpicking is an intentional part of the game
>playinf nublizzard jew
I've been playing way to much overwatch.. I want to get back into csgo but I am afraid ill suck badly.
They should have made the event crates guarantee at least one event item every time.
>the new Baby's First FPS
>Balance is skewed (you'll almost always see a McCree at least once in a match, but never a Symmertra)
>games are won and lost less by personal skill level and more by how many times your team can mash Q
>you will learn to loath certain classes
>leveling system, beyond getting free loot crates and how many hours you've tanked into the game, is pointless
>Game mode variety boils down to attack/defend that transitions to payload, and King of the Hill that always devolves into a 99% / 99% contested fest
>A spray system put in merely on the merit TF2 has it (and has none of the charm since you can only use in-game sprays and not your own)
>Blizzard jerking themselves off to their own references (Blizz studios in Hollywood, D.va being recruited on the merit she was good at Star Craft 2)
>"We totally don't want to copy Valve with TF2, so here's a sniper, a medic, engineer, and a soldier that function the same way they do in TF2 with some extra cooldowns slapped on"
>No, the plot of Omnics vs. Humans totally isn't an analogy to modern culture clashes
I just wish they made Ana viable, it's so many levels below any other healer, I want to play my badass wasteland granny ;(
i didnt buy it, played it on a friends alt account
quick play is pure fucking aids, and im certainly not going to support blizzard getting away with 20 tick on ranked competitive servers
you're a supreme cuck to play that shit
MOBAs are the worst offenders of having RPG elements for no fucking reason.
> Overtime!
>Ryuu ga wa teki o kurau
> Justice rains from above
>Ryuu ga wa teki o kurau
> Nerf This!
> Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!
> Defeat!
I played at a high level as support only and it's a fucking joke how weak every hero is compared to 76 and McCree.
Because of the phantom pain
I want to play more MGSV or even MGO but what's the point
I guess this is how bitches who didn't do genocide in Undertale feel, I could go nuclear but I don't want to be a demon
I'll get in a few rounds, season's almost over - if you're playing on PS4 go Roadhog more so I don't have to play dva
fuck you man i havent gotten shit!
still play but there is 0 reason now to pick mercy over any other healer
kill me senpaitachi, i just want to have a comfy heal session
not enough maps
Because I sold my account, I stopped playing the game after competitive got released
>20 tick rate EVEN IN COMP
>didn't fix hitboxes
>instead of balancing classes these lazy bilzzcucks just added a cap on heros on a team
>roadhog's broken hook
>projectile based classes have huge hitradius that stack with the huge hitboxes
I know that all of this shit MAY get fixed in some time but honestly It didn't get fixed early when I cared so yeah that's why.
They do. It's just that the item is probably an icon or voice line.