Press c to crouch

>press c to crouch

>press X to run
>press middle mouse button to toggle iron sights


I use C to crouch, fuck all of you.

i used it for a while once because my ctrl key was broken, it's seriously not that bad unless you're playing a source game or something

fuck you i crouch with c if i want
>you faggots

I wish lapis was shattered.

C to [spoilers] toggle [/spoilers] crouch if it's a slower game (Thief, Dishonored, Deus Ex, whatever). CTRL is for higher speed games

>press middle mouse to melee

>use arrow keys to move

>press 3 to jump

>c is switch weapon
>alt is crouch

>not using ESDF

>press lctrl to crouch
>press lshift to run
>press spacebar to jump
>press WASD to walk
Anyone who does this is a pleb with no hope of salvation.

Tab opens menu screen

>press Ctrl to throw grenade

i like the way shes drawn, shes the best thing that happened to stevenu

>Not using Alt to crouch

f forward
b backward
l left
o other left
j jump
c crouch
s to shoot

I agree, kawaii as fuck

>press E to fuse with Jasper
>press F to punch her into the ocean

>tumblr universe


>"Look Mommy, i posted again!"

>press shift to sprint
>literally, pressing shift alone makes you sprint forward like a maniac

>press E to jump
>press Space to activate

How can people even use ctrl to crouch?

It's like they want their pinky to be all fucked and shit.

Leave that poor thing for the shift key. There's no reason not to use C.

Is this one of those "Raisins are bad" meme?

to press C you'll need to move either your finger from D or your thumb from space.

In WASD your pinky's doing nothing, so it might as well press ctrl.

mods strikes again

Your thumb reaches both C and space at the same time (pic related), what the hell are you talking about?

Also I can argue this with saying that you need to move your pinky from shift to ctrl.

I can confirm that you can not use your pinky for both ctrl and shift at the same time.

That sure looks comfortable user.

>using thumb to press C
That's messed up

>I can confirm that you can not use your pinky for both ctrl and shift at the same time.

Well yeah, you can't sprint while you're crouched in general.

It actually is, never had any ache other than when some retarded game thought it's a great idea to put crouch on ctrl and fuck my pinky up.

Do you guys keep your hand like pic related or what?

You use the point to press C and the joint to press space. 0 problems, max efficiency.

That is comfortable as fuck

Yeah that's how I do it.
I could see how it that'd work. Whatever works for you I guess

I don't know if you've got a tiny hand or a fuck huge laptop but that image is messing with my head

It's not mine, found it randomly on google.

Whatever floats each others goat I guess, I just find it weird that people are struggling with ctrl so much and think that C is like the end of the world, when for me it's the comfiest thing ever.

>I can confirm that you can not use your pinky for both ctrl and shift at the same time.

Yes you can.

Keep the tip of your pinky finger in the groove between ctrl and shift, you don't need to move it that way and it works fine.