I´m looking for a RPG where I have loads of abilities at my disposal

I´m looking for a RPG where I have loads of abilities at my disposal.

Anyone have something to recommend?

Other urls found in this thread:


Skyrim, it just takes a while to get all those abilities.

For anyone's reference, that game is Tales of Maj'Eyal (ToME).

I suppose Infinity Engine DnD RPGs.
Baldur's Gate 1/2
Icewind Dale 1/2
Dragon Shard
Demon Stone
Temple of Elemental Evil

Neverwinter Nights 1/2
Planescape: Torment

Maybe some of those don't have the range of abilities I seem to remember them having, though.

Hard to come up with something that's not an MMO, though.

eh... I´d rather not.

This. Playing any spell caster in a dnd game offers you shitload of abilities. I think wizard in those games are the most fun to play except for the first 6 lvl.

Sounds good, I´ll check all these out.
Thanks user.

(A mage in) Dragon Age: Origins might count, too. ToME's abilities are much like DA:O abilities.

Basically the newer / less niche roguelike the game is, the fewer abilities you're going to have, though.


I'm currently busting my ass trying to figure out which version and which mods to use for the best BG experience.

Is BG:EE good on its own? Do I have to use the recently release Enhanced Edition Trilogy with BG2:EE to make it good?

neverwinter nights is goat

man i need to get back into ToME but playing without permadeath always feels like cheating yet having to redo the early parts all the time gets boring

I played Baldurs gate 2 forever ago and it still doesn't look half bad by today standards and gameplay is decent vanilla

There´s the adventure mode that´s permadeath but with several lifes, that´s pretty nice. Not completely permadeath but almost.

Divinity: Original Sin

It's also a great game.

I'd recommend the EE for pure ease of access. Why bust your ass instead of just dropping the $10-20 or whatever and get playing.

If you want to be modding and doing trilogy / contiguous play through all the games, either pirate it or get the GoG versions. I couldn't tell you what the modding process is, though. I think this is the site you want.

Check out DivOS

Seiken Densetsu 3.

>Get to pick 1 new spell out of 50 every level up
>Can use it once then you have to rest

"""""""shitload of abilities"""""""

>tfw this thread made me buy divinity original sin
thanks, it looks cool. hope i didnt get tricked

If I were to ever make a game it would take heavy inspiration from ToME, Elona, and Secret of Mana. ToME's biggest, and only real strength, is the class and ability system.

Seriously, just make more shit like that. Fuck balance just make fun.

it's good. the story is kind of threadbare and there aren't a lot of interesting characters, but if you're more interested in the mechanics rather than the world, there's enough goofiness and fantasy stuff to keep you entertained.

the combat might get stale in the last 10% of the game, but until then it's fantastic


I came to this thread to mention Elona, though I'm not sure that's what OP wants. "loads of abilities" is vague.

There's also Adventure with infinite amount of lives but the game relentlessly throws fucked up bosses and uniques your way every other corner so you'll be fucked six ways to sunday every waking moment but anyway
Also, why redo? unless you wiped you drives clean and reinstalled windows ToME usually good at finding it's files and progress you had in case you just deleted it or whatever

I already have, a lot.

I was going to suggest it but I'm tired of writing up a big speech every time. It's such a hard game to describe.

He's making a sequel.

It's not a roguelike

What? Is that was the steam thing was? I haven't followed it in awhile.

He's also planning on releasing it on Steam.
But Noa isn't relevant anymore. Ano took the game in the right direction while Noa left it to rot.

I think I'm playing a Martial Arts character. How should I progress? Also how good is Continuous Attacks?
For what purpose? What genre then?

>try Elona
>miserable attempt at fighting ends with cute putty himiliating me for several dozens oh hours until it beats me to a pulp
>try eating some shit off the floor because i'm starving
>puke all over the place and go insane because it's human meat
I don't understand why am i so fucking retarded when it comes to Elona

>When you accidentally get karma so low you can't walk into town without getting murdered very early in the game

Not him but the last time I played was so long ago that martial arts wasn't even gviable yet.

His english is much better than it used to be

Martial Arts has tonfas and I remember that Bare-handed damage is high as fuck if you level Martial Arts high enough.

I got mad when tonfas could no longer shield bash because I took the bashing trait at chargen just for them.

I've never actually made a melee character. Bumping is boring to me. Go to /jp/ and find the Elona thread. Ask for Kai, he's doing a Martial Arts/Magic character and his Elona autism has ascended to a place beyond the gods.

Best I know is that the special action that makes your unarmed attacks do elemental damage is really good. I think it's just called Attribute or attribute punch or something.

not only you have a load of abilities, but you can have a load of arms, in order to get more weapons to get even more abilities



>It's such a hard game to describe.
it's just a solo D&D game

I mean its selling points. Ranching little girls and selling their eggs. Fighting big daddies. Running a shop. Slaying gods, slaying INNER GODS.
The sense of raw investment ruined me for other games. I can barely get into most anymore because I feel like there just won't be enough to do.

Pretty sure not even D&D is as batshit crazy (if we're going by normal games and not homebrew stuff).

You would need a GM on mushrooms for that kind of campaign.

>Ranching little girls and selling their eggs.
Really can any of the "human" races in Elona even be considered human? They can have sex with literally anything and make babies (Man x Man, Woman x Woman, Rock x Dragon it doesn't matter). Plus they have no concept of human empathy or ethics either.

I never heard of this until I started coming to Sup Forums

I assume it's fun, and I also assume it's going to kick my ass with complexity and difficulty a la Dorf Fort.

Is this correct?

>"what are its selling points?"
almost unlimited amount of content, and unlike most video games, they don't put limits in their events, almost nothing is specific, that's why you can breed with any race, from any sex, the limited amount of description and the lack of cutscene let your imagination fill the gaps
that's exactly what people are looking in an "open-world", no one care about big maps, but big content

if the GM is the kind that can go weeks on end, an not just "huh yeah, you found the devil god and kill him, end of campain" that's exactly what happens, forget the quests with swords, we're no meta-mutants with 10 guns

>and I also assume it's going to kick my ass with complexity and difficulty a la Dorf Fort.

the only hard part of the game is to figure out the controls and how interact with the world, once you understand you can use the numpad for everything, you're set, then you can just try out different things

it's not like DF where you need to read a wiki to not get fucked, the core is a simple RPG and you can play without hurry or bleeding your eyes out

It isn't "hard" like DF but it takes time to learn everything.

Or maybe the GM is just Japanese.

>once you understand you can use the numpad for everything


I have a tenkeyless. What do?

then you'll just have to use the regular keys and menu
the numpad is just more ergonomic

Alright, one more question before I dive in.

Do I want this optional stuff?

Kingdoms of amalur
Knights of the old republic 2
Mass effect 1-2-3

Not joking, all those games are fun overall

what kind of optional stuff?

Etherwind is a hell of a drug user. Ever read the book that comes with the ranch? Everyone can pretty much a-sexually reproduce now.

I had this theory for awhile about the karma system and how it's only effected by murdering certain people and how feeling guilty for something can somehow make you a criminal. I can't remember the specifics but it basically revolved around judging everyone by their own self worth and that the way others see you makes you tangibly more important as a living being. Probably because of Etherwind a-sexual reproduction and stuff.
I don't usually like fan theories but fuck man I love Elona

You want to get the latest version of Elona Custom.

Real Life

Looks like mp3 music and custom graphic body parts.

oh okay

I'm just being retarded.

I'm gonna go play now.

>mp3 music and custom graphic body parts.
I've been away for so long, but as
said, I know everyone is over elona custom
have fun

It's easier to get into than DF but I've heard it compared to it a bunch of times by people who love DF and I've gotten to try Elona.

You aren't going to start it up and scream "How do I make this video games?" but you are going to want to reset 4, 5, 12 characters before you know enough to stick with one. The post you linked to is my Inner God slayer. I've spent over 2000 hours on the game prior to that one on different characters just learning stuff. Right now I could probably make an equally powerful character in a quarter of the time, but it would involve a lot of nonsense cheesing and no fun "thematic suicide" grinding.

The music and custom graphics aren't necessary now, but maybe you'll want them later.

>Elona talk on Sup Forums
I've never been so happy. Fucking love that game, 1000's of hours in it. And it's free

Well, it is one of my favorite games.

I like how this game literally lets you capture local wild-life and change them into monster girls by interacting with them and changing their sprite.

Arrow keys are fine, I've played thousands of hours with them because I find numpad uncomfortable. g to pick things up, D to drop things, tab to swap between menus, I think C for your character sheet which is on a different menu cycle than D so tab through that as well. Z to zap a rod, a for special actions, W for aoe special actions, I think v or V for magic spells, note the capitalization on each of those.
You can hotkey any item, spell, or action to the number keys. * to target specific things and get a bit of information. I think * is also the key to track experience in a specific skill. Oh and R to rest. Enter does 90% of the rest of what you want

That's all you need to know really, it'll come easily. Almost every single menu is most easily accessible by hitting D or C then tabbing through.

> skyrim
> rpg

Pick one

Make sure you're playing Elona+, custom is even better.

Music packs aren't bad, personally I go without graphic packs.

Elona+ is pretty sweet once you've gotten used to the base game.

Likewise, usually we get a bit of chatter if one of us forces it into a thread but it's rare this many people who like it show up in one thread.
Makes me really happy when we can get a new player to try it.

I have to ask but what makes custom different from generic old Elona+? I just download it whenever a latest version shows up because I feel I have to.

I'm probably gonna download and start a new character just because of this thread. Not sure what build to go though.

How did you walk diagonally?

It seems Elona Custom is just a fully english translated Elona+? Never tried Custom though.

What the fuck? For real?

You can legit make a farm / ranch of Little girls and harvest their eggs for profit.

Want to play a Necromancer? I wrote up a super indepth guide for the /jp/ general not long ago. Figure someone might get a use out of it regardless.

Here: pastebin.com/GkNQ39sY

Hit both arrows at once and pray, worked 40% of the time. A lot of the time I'd plan my route really quick so I could just hold right then after one move hold up as well to go diagonal. If it was a life or death moment I'd of course just move my hand to the numpad.

See you can interact with your pets and change their sprites. You are not LITERALLY changing them into monster girls but just the sprite. Imagine role-playing as a perverted gene engineer who captures animals/monsters, genetic engineering them so they have a humanoid appearance, and then changing their sprite to a monster girl that matches the monster (Like a Dragon into a Dragon Girl for example). It's pretty funny.

Yep, play Elona user.

Actually, several pet lines have monster girl evolutions. Slimes, bees, rabbits, several demons and I think a ghost off the top of my head. Remember this is a game /jp/ has a constantly up general about. There are monster girls.

That Necromancer sounds sweet. Thanks user. Got that bookmarked

No problem, spent a whole day writing it so I'm glad someone will get use out of it.

There are quite a few changes.

You can also fuck them.

I'd rather make little girl egg omelettes and eat them.

You can add so much customization these days that with enough time they can literally become monster girls.

Guild Wars 1. You can solo all campaigns with heroes nowdays.

>mfw Bells were nerfed

Modded Skyrim. I have several hundred spells that all do different shit, and modded perk trees that actually offer different abilities and powers. I still don't understand how Bethesda is so fucking incompetent with their vanilla products.

Bells were just too good man.

Exploiting this thread rather than posting my own.

Any suggestion for RPGs where gear teaches you abilities, in the style of FFIX?

Looks like it's time to stop grinding Diablo. Thanks, anons.

I once tried to get into Elona ages ago, but didn't have time time to get used to the controls- I was on a trip, if I recall. So, I just have a couple of questions.

If I like DF, CDDA, etc, is it likely that I'll like this game? It's always seemed interesting.

What all can you do in it? I remember something about seducing folks, adventuring, owning shops etc- but how in-depth are all of the features it promises?

Guild Wars 2.

Well, there are people who have played for over a thousand hours in this thread, so it's probably deep enough. See the necromancer tutorial the guy posted above. That isn't even one of the major points in the game.

Will it be hard to get into Elona if I play Stone soup and Dorf fort to some extent?

Elona is actually pretty easy to get into, it's just getting far into it can be difficult.

Really wanna play fallout 2 but I'm am a massive poorfag and only have a shitty toster laptop help me

Google GOG torrent.

Dragon Age Origins as a Mage

You end up with a toolbar going across the entire bottom of the screen

>getting far into it can be difficult
I played for over 150 hours and still didn't even beat Zeome. Kill me.

I wish they didn't nerf Performing. Making literal hundreds of thousands of gold in a few minutes was just too fun

They nerfed it too much. I think it's in need of buffs now.

Yeah, I agree. Even at high levels you only seem to get a few thousand even during Party Time quests now.

so wait

lemme get this straight

In Elona, I don't even have to run around killing shit? I can just be, like, a bard, or own a tavern, or whatever?

You could be a piano playing Bard that hires mercenaries to follow him to fight off attacking bandits, while making bank at the local tavern with your sick ass music skills