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Video Games #3484
Video Games
Zelda facebook page shares a video highlighting the appearance of Koroks in Breath of the Wild
What are some good Japanese games that aren't otaku bait?
SNK games
How do we buff Widowmaker?
Why is the Tales fantranslation scene such a gigantic piece of shit?
Post yfw this will be able to run emulators within a matter of months
ITT: Games with unforgiving difficulty curves
What is the best Star Wars game?
Well, Sup Forums?
Which punk you prefer, Sup Forums?
Street Fighter V Development Update Vol. 3 AUG15
How did Greg Miller become so successful and dpopular in the video game industry?
I just want vanilla or bc legacy server
This triggers Sup Forums
Should I buy a Dreamcast?
No Man's Sky Comfy Thread
What do you want to see in the new Spider-Man game
New Overwatch Dev Update
So how bad do you think this is gonna be?
BF1 Gamescom trailer
Where do I start with CRPGs? I think the only games I've played that perhaps qualify as CRPGs are VTMB and Deus Ex...
Make way, nerds
Legion Pre-Patch
Was trying to find a way to make it stop raining so much in TW3
What game lets me be /k/ as fuck?
1080 vs. 1070
What games would you recommend to a qt goth girl?
Well, Sup Forums
Post God Tier Vidya Youtubers
Final Fantasy VII thread
The MC of the last game you played is replaced by Spiderman
The Witness
Gaming in the Carter years:
What was he such a bitch...
Why didn't you buy Sean's game?
Name a fighting game series that has an all around better storyline
Metroid: Dread
How would you save Overwatch? Right now its more stale than it was at launch
He joined the legion
Has Sup Forums tried playing Skyrim with Requiem and Mortal Enemies + TK dodge...
Why did they do that?
Playing any other race than human
People complain about games they've never played
Game has online achievements
Make a character
What's your excuse for not owning this masterpiece already?
When will people learn that nothing good will ever come out of kickstarter...
What went wrong?
Today is my birthday!
MGSV is a better stealth game than Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Do you make or want to make video games? If so, on what scale?
Any scientific reason why males are more inclined and predisposed to play and enjoy vidya?
How many timeless classics has Nintendo made this gen?
PC Building
What did he mean by this?
Videogames can't be art
What's your most pathetic vidya secret?
How do we save it?
Constantly swears
When will you guys admit that video games have been dead for years?
I want to play an RPG that's not focused on swords and/or magic...
Is there any game that's actually good on this system? It seems like it was only good for emulation...
We try to trigger each other
Are you ready for THE precedurally generated space game with actual gameplay?
Final Fantasy XV gets delayed for only 2 months
Game says press start to begin
When will Nintendo die so someone can buy all of their IP's and give this fantastic series the respect it deserves?
Ladies and Gentlemen my name is total Biscuit and I'm here to ask and answer one simple question
What went wrong?
Hidden gems
Danganronpa thread
I stopped watching Zero Punctuation when I realised that he never actually talks about how a game plays
Happy birthday Metroid and Metroid fans!
Anyone who complained about artificial difficulty in modern games have never played Metroid...
Enderal Bread
Sailor moon
That part in vidya that made you D R O P the game
Ora ora. You have but nine seconds of stopped time before Dio finishes his attack...
Remember this thing?
Can we have Sup Forums memes thread?
Sup Sup Forums
How come the Vita flopped but the PSP didn't?
This is Grove Street
Fuck a witch or die or kill your best friend
Play the game posted below yours
SFV: Capcom doubling down on rage quitters, adding double fight money days, VS CPU and free colors
Hey Sup Forums
EDF sold more on PC in a month than PS4 in over a year
Why this game doesn't run on vista?
You were all wrong
Will there be another Dead Space?
WoW: Legion
Why are guards so fucking hard in this game?
Daily Space Engine Thread
Can I get an RPG without getting some faggoty world - saving chosen one bullshit main questline thrown in my face...
It's this hunk's birthday. Will you wish her a happy one?
Thoughts on DSPGaming?
No Mans Hype
Scrooge McDuck just killed the final boss of the last game you played and now he's after the player because he thinks...
40k RPG
What is the appeal of this game?
Tfw Friend sends you a game on Steam and you didn't even ask for it
Fallout NukaWorld DLC
The protagonist of the last game you played has been replaced by pic related
Nuka World Trailer is out!
FPS General
Is this worth 30 bucks if I know what I'm getting into? I know it's a shit fallout game...
The same framerates
When did you realize that consumers are preventing video games from moving forward?
Stories are more important than gameplay
Snow level
Is couch co-op still a thing?
Why is space in NMS piss yellow or purple but never black? What the fuck is that all about?
Games you can't discuss on Sup Forums because of retarded gay memes
Pokemon go
Is there a game that let me use the tommy gun?
Top 100 videogames of all time
ITT: Times you acted like the Joker in vidya
Does anyone else feel like this game has too much content? 50 hours in and I feel overwhelmed as fuck
When Pokémon "jumped the shark" for you, Sup Forums?
[x] Good
game is fun
Those character designs
How can people play MMOs? I get bored with them after 30 minutes and never come back. Are there any MMOs worth playing...
Nu-Sup Forums thinks this is better than the original
Games with adventourous feel
Realistically speaking and in a scale from 1 to Atari E.T. how much would a game made entirely by women suck?
The best game of 2016
How did you get unbanned from GTA:Online?
What would your dream game be like?
Have you ever cheated in an online game?
Is anyone else glad that us gamers have a unified voice that cannot be bought and will call out developers on their...
Give one good reason you don't play this
Go to site
Battlestation thread, post those master race setups
This official art would be perfect if the dumb loli wasn't in it
How do you feel about Rhythm games?
So I'm building a PC and this is what I have planned out. Anything I should switch around?
There will never be a better game than modded oblivion
How do we fix the Moba and indie gamer problem
A WW2 game from the Soviet point of view
Gaming Headsets Thread
Folders coming to PS4
Got hundreds of thousands to pay $60 for a procedurally generated unity game
Now that FFXV is delayed, Persona 5 is only in Jap shit for now...
There are thousands of worthwhile video games that you will never be able to play because you can't learn japanese
Has a video game ever made you cry, Sup Forums?
My nephew is coming over and he's never played a video game in his life
Oh, I forgot. Ex-cop
Created Fomicry
Stop being neet
Webm Thread
Sonic Unleashed
How do we fix No Man's Sky?
What's worse: delaying a game after making a big statement about a release date...
Comfy vidya music
How did the sex=evil thing start in American culture?
To you enjoy cute video game girls (male)
Any game for this bad boy that are fun?
Soooo they are in love, right?
One question. Why?
What's the many differences between Japanese and western developers?
Time for the real game of the month
Do you still play pokemons with your friends?
"see that mountain?"
Wake up early on a chilly winter morning as a kid
Gun that is pretty much completely open with all the mechanics outside
"You just hate it because it's new and popular!"
Medieval setting
One Man's Lie
ITT games only 5 people on Sup Forums have played
Alright it has been decided. The Elder Scrolls is superior to Witcher (3). Can the Witcher meme now end...
Sup Forums, it's time for a big question
How can Horde scum even compete?
Persona 5 Trailer Featuring a Date With Futaba
Overwatch Lore
It's doomed, isn't it?
Maxed out graphics look worse than fucking Perfect Dark on the N64
Which video games are you looking forward to this year?
It's Miku Monday, Sup Forums! How are you enjoying Future Tone?
Freeze screen so I can read the racial description for the lizards
Reminder for anyone that missed it that Rance 5D and VI are being released for western audiences
Id rather a complete game than some shitty as fuck game on release
Doors can open enemies
Dark Souls 3 DLC descussion
Was he right?
I'm Rick Harrison, and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss...
Has a game in the history of games ever died out so quickly as this?
Meet n' Fuck Club
What are some good games with giant musical instruments in them
Renowned Explorers: International Society
Names himself angry joe
Now that we know we gonna get a second game of this i just want to ask, what did Sup Forums think of this game?
Quick, user! Before you miss out!
Looking for an MMORPG with somewhat challenging gameplay
Todds best lies
Enemies can open doors
Is it just me, or did the quality of an average video game go down significantly in the past ~10 years?
Have you changed your preorder from FFXV to DQVII already, Sup Forums?
Its a pat tries to talk articulately episode
Keep It Clean. Respect Public Property
Random Sup Forums thread. Post whatever you want. Keep it vidya
Does Sup Forums like king's bounty? This game is legitimately comfy and it has nice music
Sup Forums eternally BTFO, NMS a huge success!
What's the last game you completed?
Games you can't be hype for anymore thread
Team game
What are some games with cute lesbians?
Does any franchise have a more autistic fanbase than Sonic?
Interest in new game
I tried playing this shit game on my friend's ps4 and the loading times between areas were just insane...
He's a joke character, right?
Hey Sup Forums...
Yfw you paid $60 for No Man Sky
How did they get away with such an obvious reference?
What the fuck Sup Forums, I thought this game was supposed to be shit, you all laughed it up, why is it so much fun...
He stole FFXV's release date
Remember when you didn't have to do this to make steam not show you trash?
Pokemon evolves by trading
Why are loli party members so damn annoying?
Filename Thread
ITT: Games you don't like, but the user under you likes it and plays it religiously
What is your opinion on new speech system in Deus Ex mankind divided?
Anyone else in the US who ordered still waiting for theirs?
Tfw you'll never go back to your old 2006 vidya days of enjoying Super Mario bloopers, top 10 badass game moments...
What is the longest amount of time you spent playing a game
First game was amazing
Now that Final Blunder XV is kill, be sure to grab an actually good JRPG in september
Zero Escape
For the next 24 hours, every single person on the planet will be trying to find and kill you
I just started playing Persona 3 FES, my first JRPG ever
Vault Sup Forums
So what are your hobbies user? you said something about videos and games?
Who /warchief/ here
Ok Sup Forums please explain me
Evil Goku with Super Saiyan Pink
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Monster Hunter
Sweet vidya tunes
StarCraft â…¡
Don't mind me, just the best 3D mario game
Oh boo fucking hoo. A whole TWO month delay
Is Pokemon Go still being played a lot? I haven't been keeping up
Let's get serious, what is the point of playing videogames?
Fan base aside, does Sup Forums think Undertale is a good game?
They fucked right?
ITT: Describe NMS in one word
Backtracking: The series
Female "warrior"
Why NMS is one of the greatest games of all time
Greentext shitty descriptions of games and have anons try and guess which game
Can you recommend my some rightwing-friendly games?
Tell me what you hate in video games Sup Forums
Is there a better vidya smile? I literally cannot think of one I'm figuratively BTFO
Would you buy a Animal Crossing x Pokemon crossover game?
Which one, Sup Forums?
Sup bitches. SUP BITCHES. It’s Chad Warden here. Aight, I’m talking bout that, PS Triple...
That one friend who moved away
Quit loli gagging and get on the eurrgh!!
Be 10
How would you feel about character-specific traits in L4D3? So people would actually have to work as a team
Hey Sup Forums
Why do we hate this game?
In-Depth Game Analysis
Why didn't she instantly shoot it?
The red square has an additional feature that the other squares don't have
Those who will be getting the translated version of this what would be your biggest hope?
Let's try this again, now with less retarded changes thanks to friendly suggestions
Lets have a 3x3 thread shall we...
This is a fire breathing turtle dragon
Can you post a better gameover screen?
Have had Stalker; Shadow of Chernobyl for 5 years on steam and have never installed/played lol
ITT: That one track that makes you cry like a bitch every time
Why does WoW suck so bad at cosmic horror?
Will it be good?
Don't trust the news
ITT: Characters that are hated but did nothing wrong
Do you think the NX could be the last Nintendo console?
What will go wrong?
Sorry guys, gotta stop playing. Daughter's basketball game
Imma tell you why No Man's Sky is shit
What do you guy's think about Pathologic? I just got it after hearing about it and looking into it...
What are some games where I can drift? Preferably co-op
You have 10 seconds to prove that demon hunters aren't underpowered
Sup Forumsidya drawthread
It's his birthday Sup Forums
Video game gets a sequel
Consumables have level requirements
What did you think of Nier? Should it be the next game I play?
Your mother, father, pets, best friend...
He's the best Final Fantasy main character
Goddamnit Sup Forums i fucked up. I preordered NMS for the PS4 and it fucking sucks
I love my PS4
This game is CUTE
Post times you fell for the hype
You get to use that item you've been saving
PSN account was banned while I was at work, and a friend sent me a screenshot of me online when I wasn't home...
Game let's you be a dick
Ay user, you get me so horny whenever you talk about video games
Do girls really have it this tough irl?
Is Dark Souls a WRPG or a JRPG?
ITT let's talk about games that don't deserve all the hate that they get
Battle stations /bst/
Is the Sonic franchise beyond repair?
Last Online: 360 days ago
Would this be how sombra looks
ITT: Find your ideal vidya girl using Akinator
What do you expect to like about Sonic Mania?
"Adjust the brightness until the logo on the left is almost invisible"
I want to make my own kof mugen
It's Miku monday, where is the Miku thread?
ITT: Worthless part members
What are some games that change genres halfway through?
There will never be a proper sequel
Blizzard's biggest failure
Let's have a Subnautica thread
I just want to go to Balamb Garden and train to be a SeeD Sup Forums
Maplestory NOSTALGIA
Last video game you bought or played?
What video games let me play as a government agent?
Hey, Sup Forums
2 years had passed. Do you still love her Sup Forums?
Games like Skyrim?
Final Fantasy will never be turn-based ever again
Is there a better game in the sonic series that this one?
User why do you always play as a girl in video games?
Just over a week until the beta demo! Are you excited to be able to play Ken-Sama's journey again, Sup Forums?
Does Sup Forums like Rainbow 6 Siege?
Vidya journalism cringe thread
I finally have a toaster that can run PCSX2
Do you miss the really weird console wars of the 90's, Sup Forums?
He downloaded windows 10
ITT: we rate each other's top 10 vidya
About to play Okami for the first time any tips?
If you say "these things never scared me as a kid", you are a BIG FAT LIAR!!!!!!!!!!
ITT: Cheap boss fights
What are some games with cheating AI?
So despite what a large portion of posters here predicted, Overwatch was both a huge critical and commercial success...
Are there any videogames that let me be an Olympic diver?
Anyone else out there play this?
What went wrong?
Game teases you for turning down the difficulty
Do you think video games need more brown lolis?
Darkstalker thread
Video game cliches you hate/bad video game design thread
Apparently it's making a come back
Lets discuss, Yoshi and his backstory
Only Sonic 06 and Dark Brotherhood are bad
Whay would be the ultimate Pokemon game?
What's next for From software?
The last video game character you played has to jump over this gap, how fucked are they?
What do you think of Katsuhiro Harada and his role as the director of the Tekken series?
Itt: top tier vidya hosts
Hi, I'm the best 3D Sonic game
No games!!!!
ITT: villains who's actions were completely justified
RPG has your favorite class in it
Name a game where Swimming is actually fun
Do women have it easier then men?
Ok guys, what am I in for?
So are you going to sell your extra ones?
Shark boss
You came into this quarry with your pointy sticks and your guns, and killed her people and her young, for what...
Admit It. The Game Is Great. Why Is It So Good?
Let's add a character that counters everything and has no counter
What kind of video games do existentialist people play?
Do low tier men have it easier than low tier women?
King of Fighters XIV
Oh look, another fangame shut down after a long development cycle of at least 8 years by Nintendo
Can Sup Forums recommend me any good JRPGs on the PS3 and or PS4
Why is nobody talking about this? The best RPG this year has just been released
Post your favorite obscure video game OST
Final boss is a QTE
Witcher 3 discussion
Final boss is your brother
How good are you at fighting games
Queen Lothric
Was MGSV bad?
Was it really necessary to have official art of two prepubescent girls naked?
Is this "Elona" game fun? i couldn't get the hang of dwarf fortress, this one looks much easier to get used to
Rate my pretentious chart
ITT: Games that will never have actual discussion
What are some games that let me kill crows?
Is there an anime based on a video game that isn't total shit?
How would you balance this map?
What was this port for?
Good evening to everyone who happens to be reading this message, I'm more than happy to announce the revival of /RFF/...
What is it about this game that makes it have very a very vocal minority claiming the game is good/bad?
17 years of technology
So we can all agree that Kojima is actually a god-tier genius?
My edgelord friend posted this a while ago so I decided to make it a template
Poorly describe a whole video game series
What are some original xbox games i should burn?
Loads of good idea for gaymes
Robin Williams will never be acknowledged for his contributions to the gaming world
OW Tickrate being increased to 60+
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the senator
Will somebody play dayz with me?
I will never lose to a smash player
Popeye is mad at you and the last character you play is going to defend you
What do you think now that consoles will have 2 tiers of hardware?
Hello, Sup Forums, it has been quite some time...
Tfw persona 5 is the only thing keeping me from swallowing a whole bottle of xanax
ITT: the biggest disappointment of your life
So, did anyone else see the Paradox survey about replayability?
ITT: enemies that unnerve you
Post your favorite Secrets and Easter Eggs
Tell me what bothers you in games Sup Forums
5 years since last portal
Monster Hunter Generations
Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest liar in video game dev history
What do SSD's do for videogames? is it just faster loading times...
Why did they make this so hard to control?
AM2R thread
Your right hand comes off?
Shit games you liked playing
Just bought this game on ps4 and beat it last night. I liked this game a lot. What does Sup Forums think of it?
So how hyped are people for Rance 5D and Rance VI's English release?
Are AA2 threads allowed? I hope so
So, what's Sup Forums opinion on the Dragon Quest series ?
A 6.0 from IGN
What the fuck is this guys problem?
Who the hell thought that giving an 1 hour limit to dungeons was a good idea? What were they thinking?
...C-Cosplay Thread?
Derelict Space Ships
Let's have a cozy Starbound thread
With all of these Undertale clones out there how come there aren't any based on Genocide...
What did she mean by this?
Post ITT games where you play as the bad guy
Why is nobody talking about this...
This game got way too much shit, to be honest. It's my third favorite Metal Gear game...
Outside of the autistic community, Minecraft is a pretty good game, right Sup Forums?
ITT: Most satisfying weapons in vidya
This is Nep
Guess what? I'm still having fun
In all seriousness I think Nico's story was far too serious for a cartoony game like Grand Theft Auto
Buyfag thread
Proper Touhou Thread
You have been killed
Let's talk about this underrated gem
This is BS. I run on a pve server for a reason...
Other FPSs similar to pic related?
The Spike Lee Joint
Sup Forums hates Toriumi sensei but loves Yukari
Recently installed a gba emulator on my psp, what are some good games for it? no pokemon games please
Really enjoyed this game, and loved the one on the Wii. I just recently heard a 3rd one is in development...
Anyone know of any Medieval strategy games. And when I say medieval, I MEAN FUCKING MEDIEVAL NOT FANTASY!!!!
What happened? Will the franchise make a comeback?
No sales
Smash Con FINAL DAY - Sm4sh Top 8
Remember when almost every MMO required a monthy suscription?
I'm playing through Persona 3 right now and I love nearly everything about it, but I can't stand Tartarus anymore...
The game becomes enjoyable 20 hours in
Will it be good
Why is Final Fantasy not Exclusive?
Remember me Sup Forums?
Pokeyman tgc online
Not maining Karlie
Did you fall for the PS4 meme?
Post cool/weird creatures you found in No Man's sky, thinking of drawing pic related
Is Valenwood not the best location for TESVI?
It's never too late to get into the megaten series
#FE sold less than 35k copies in July
Should I
Why was this so acclaimed?
What characters have the most erotic designs without being in an adult game?
ITT: Signs you're about to play a good game
Games where the main character suffers
So Sup Forums are there any JRPGs with deccently sized towns?
Will somebody on Sup Forums play dayz with an really emotional trap?
Hows your videogame youtube channel going Sup Forums
R8 H8 Masterb8
I pirated No Man's Sky for PC, liked it, then bought it at full price for PS4 the next day. Ask me anything
FFXV will be the best in the series ever
Why did Dragon Age turn from good old school style BioWare RPG to complete shit?
Survival elements
LA Noire
ITT: Monsters you would shamelessly fuck
Not owning a Sega Saturn and a 1MB RAM cart to play the best fighting game in history
What is your class Sup Forums?
You have 10 seconds to tell Ibuki why aren't you playing SFV right now, user
Why are all the defense characters besides Junkrat so boring and shitty?
Sup Sup Forums
Tell me about your favorite visual novels, Sup Forums. What are you reading and what are you looking forward to?
Abyss watchers
Why does Sup Forums talk shit about vidya that haven't been released yet?
No mans sky leaves out possibly most important detail
Tf2 used to have a good artstyle
CS:GO status: blown out
Is LEGO next to go bankrupt because of this movie?
ITT: "black sheeps" that are actually the best games of their own series
ITT: Games that had no right being as good as they are
Cutest girl in school
Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?
Okay Sup Forums, how do you feel about the Sonic Adventure series?
Use skills or strategies you've learned from videogames to rescue the princess
Been on a Metroid binge since AM2R released...
This is pretty amazing
What went wrong?
This is why you should never redesign a character
Which ending was worse?
Nintendo should put GBA games on the New 3DS eshop
People are saying this is going to be the expansion that makes WoW good again
"No Man's Buy" -Sup Forums
Which did you pick and why?
Ctrl+f "filename"
User stop playing video games and go hang out with your friends, user go play a sport...
Smash Con - Sm4sh Top 8
Who's your favorite male [spoilers]JRPG[/spoilers] character Sup Forums?
I plugged at least 400 hours into XCOM and Long War. I loved that game like no other
Warcraft lore thread
Evolving to PC Master Race
Give me your honest opinion of Nu Male's Sky
What is the most underrated game of all time?
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 6
For your role in prematurely sounding the Horde's retreat, dooming the entire offensive...
Your opinion on Sonic Battle
Started Junior year of university
Can we all agree that Nintento is for kids and Playstation is for young adults?
So how will you react when Bethesda announces their "Second Season" of Fallout 4 DLC, pass sold separately of course?
ITT: We propose balance changes
Which MMO race has the best looking women?
Tfw 12 year olds break into your home, kill you, steal all your shit and then taunt you when you get back to your home
Would you like some hot coffee?
What are some good western games ?
Can you guys at Sup Forums do me a favor...
Todd gets bright idea to make es6 and fallout5 procedurally generated
I´m looking for a RPG where I have loads of abilities at my disposal
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...