Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums

I made $4000 this summer and I want to spend a fuckton of it on videogames.

Should I buy a ps4 or an xbone? Im a big fan of single-player RPGs because I suck at all competetive games. Also what are some good games for whichever console you suggest?

get a pc

Get a pc

Seriously fuck off

I said PS4 (PEE-ESS-FOUR) or XBONE (ECKS-BOCKS-WUN). Not a goddamned motherfucking PC you illiterate cunts.

Consider suicide, both of you

Save your fucking money holy shit

build a PC

get a pc

Single-player rpgs you say? Get a ps4 for that.

I know you don't want to hear this, but trust me, as someone who knows much more than you clearly do about the subject, just build a fucking PC.

Get a pc

Get a pc.

get/build a pc. or spend it on a get a fucking pc

Get a 2000$ masterrace PC
Spend other 500$ on peripherals, and the rest on videogames

came in here to post this
get a pc

There's not enough games on those consoles to spend 4000$ on

get a pc

Maybe you should get a pc?

I'm done


I just wanted to ask a SIMPLE FUCKING QUESTION, but no one, LITERALLY NO ONE, wants to give me a legit answer.

I'm so fucking done with this website.

Seriously considering suicide now

If you want some single player fun, get PS4
Gets like Bloodborn and Nier(after some time) await you and build a PC

before you end it all, build a pc

THIS much autism generated from a post made by someone on a PC.

Off the top of my head, good rpg-like games that the ps4 has are:

Infamous Second son
Fallout 4
Just Because 3 (only really fun for dicking around)
The Witcher 3
The Last of Us

Don't forget that new games are coming soon, like:

Horizon Zero Dawn
That new God of War game
The Last Guardian


Get a hooker you fag who can also help you build a PC

We gave you a legit answer, you're just not willing to accept it. As an idort, I can promise you that the entire library of worthwhile exclusives on the PS4 is like, 4 games. And that's tops. You'd have to want Bloodborne (given), Infamous Second Son, Little Big Planet 3, and Destiny, which I consider a semi exclusive because who the fuck owns an Xbone and a PS4?

The Wii U is the only console with a sizable amount of worthwhile exclusives, but that's up to opinion. With Pikmin 3, Mario 3D world, Zombie U which I enjoy, many others dont, Smash Brothers, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong, and etc, it gives you the biggest library of good games you can't just get on PC.

The PC will be able to emulate and do the millions of other useful things you can do with a computer. You'll have more games, cheaper, that run better, with a controller of your choice, without a paid online service, all while being able to skype your friends and not being outdated in a year. PC is simply better.

that's silly
what kind of hooker knows anything about PC building?

Get a ps4, get disgaea, persona 5, FF XV and I'm not sure about others since I'm not a weeb.

Best games on ps4 are ratchet and clank and destiny imo

Literally none of the games you listed except the Witcher are RPGs you fucking idiot.