What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

This jap must smoke weed every time he uses twitter

The real MGS5 is confirmed.

That fucker sure loves his food

This is standard japanese behavior. They are weird and have low IQ.

That he's a shitty tourist if he thinks that pasta is any impressive, I bet he goes to flashy looking restaurants in the middle of the square.

It's beautiful, can't you see?

>Shitty carbonara with burnt pancetta, almost no parmigiano at all, no pepper and severely uncooked egg cream.


Pasta can be impressive, these ones aren't.

Source: italian

Asians have higher iq than whites


only because they beat the shit out of the kids and overwork them

dude weed lmao

We're happier.

They know how to manipulate these kind of survey. Also, white countries are full of non-whites.

that's the weed and medication talking, sorry

Bull-fucking-shit. We're miserable in different ways.

Isn't the egg cream supposed to be kinda raw? From what I remember, isn't the cream heated, taken off the heat, then eggs go in?

Not really. There's more of them so the statistics are skewed.

If you think the West isn't happier than Japan, you've never been to Japan.

They live to work.

>there's more of them so it's skewed
What's mean/average?

Why are you guys being racist in a Kojima thread?

Kojima is a hack fraud. Can't wait for him to get fired from his next movie game.

Because he has a tiny dick.

my dick is huge, i am happy.

Not him but you guys are fucking idiots. Never speak on this subject again.

Wow, the asian/weeb got mad with his little cock.

Farewell sausage.

Clearly the post of a 195 IQ Asian Alpha