>you get to use that item you've been saving
You get to use that item you've been saving
>Keep saving the special weapon for the end of the game
>Game ends so abruptly you never use it
>autistically save good items as last resort
>never have to use them
>Save full heal type items for emergencies
>Never use them
The magnum in Resi games. Still remember the feeling of RE2 magnum blowing the heads off like three zombies lined up with one shot.
>have item that can save me you from dying
>forget about item
My time with every Pokemon game in a nutshell
>think I'm at the final boss
>use up all those good items/weapons/ammo I've been saving all game
>"This isn't even my final form!"
>Zodiac Spear
>have item for specific encounter
>happens and forget I even have it
But you can just buy Full Restores.
>go through area
>gathering items that will help defeat boss
>use up all items fighting boss
>all items in area are still gone
>save seemingly powerful weapon all game, or work hard to finally unlock the secret weapon or power near the end of the game
>it's underwhelming as fuck
>you have to kill thousands of enemies with this secret weapon before it's useful
>Not hording all your money for no reason
Do you even game?
Anyone else remember Light of Elune, the quest reward?
Shit was cash
Nah, man. I blow all my cash on TM's.
>Use all the full recovery items you had
>Get to the part where you need them the most
Why'd you have to post him? ;_;
>you immediately regret using it
>RE2 playthrough
>use all the magnum ammo before the train
>Birkin blob
>the extra rocket doesn't kill it
>hoard fun stuff like nukes and other 'fuck everything' items
>occasionally leave a 'fun save' outside towns and blow it all on the massacre
Fucking ToS
>>do something
>>shouldn't have done it
Full name please
>enter boss battle
>boss is difficult
>finally get to use good items where it matters
>get boss down to half health
>pulls bullshit and wipes the party
>you were supposed to lose the fight anyway for the story to continue
Happened to me against Senator Armstrong in MGR. Had to go back and restock on healing items then do the final mission all over again without using any items.
I had no idea that you got more items from cutting down the debris Armstrong throws at you, because I kept on dying against that part. Fucking kek.
Tales of Symphonia
I hate that I recognize that acronym without ever having played the game
>reach part with fork in the path
>trying not to trigger point-of-no-return by taking the way that might just lead to some items somewhere
>accidentally trigger point-of-no-return
literally me