Female "warrior"

>female "warrior"

got a problem with that, faggot?

You wanna fite

> Genre: Fantasy

>female "Guide"

>female """"""""""""""""""""""LEADER"""""""""""""""""""


FUCK. What is the name of the video that this guy is in?

Fifth element

Nigga, I know its not fifth element. Its a youtube video where that guy hosts a radio show text adventure. I can't remember the name of it for the life of me.

>Gender is a cosmetic choice and has no effect on your skills or attributes

>male "healer"

It's Falconhoof.

> female commander


>muh realism and immersions


Limmys show

> muh fantasy harem

Based. Well worth it, m8.

Why the fuck does that ghost show up so much when a woman's getting eaten out?

Cause they be killing that pussy.

every priest was a man.

Because her thighs are crushing her senpai

Yeah but clerics can fight too

Healers are just shit

Np famalam

female warriors can be done well if they fit the story and aren't there just for the sake of having one/sjw pandering

>playing the most one dimensional class in an rpg

>male:"dickgirl on male$"

Not that user but I don't like to think much.

Healers are nurses


>female "girlfriend"


No. The whole concept of a female warrior is stupid

Female warriors are ok as long as they are cute

>female "mother" ?

okay. so heal is the only viable option for a woman in combat. really nothing else

Why does that look cute?

> genre: sci-fi

Well they can be witches too.

But healers can only be female.

Counterpoint: You are stupid.

>goblin priest

>attempting to reclaim masculinity by attacking women
unless the only games you play are simulators you shouldn't really be complaining about things that aren't 100% realistic

witches at max .. but not mages.


This. They can be manipulative stuts too

Futa on futa is already gay and you want to ramp it up to futa on male? That's... I don't even know how to quantify that level of gayness. It's beyond measurable.

Why not? Goblins have gods.

Tuck. Meant sluts. Posting on phone

Witches are more powerful than mages.

What about the Sarmatians?

Goblins have shamans


>Got bullied by girls in highschool so much he have to shitpost about them on an anonymous mongolian throat singing forum

How does it feel to be a whuss, user?



Conquered by men. Sold to sexual slavery


Nah, that's dumb. Goblins being shamanistic or animistic is dumb. It makes them seem too nature-oriented.

that really depends on a lot of things...
did you mean Demonologists ? they are stronger than mages probably, witches depend on a lot of stuff, also mages and sorcerers..

but a woman couldnt be a demonologist.. It requires sacrifice and a strong will.. women lack both

>male "mage"

What's the fucking difference between a wizard and a mage

They are tribes

Cause they're jews and aren't good people

Goblin Kingdoms a best.

>"female" healer

>male "gunslinger"

>sex between a man and a woman (with a penis)

>a faggy guy with a huge sword who is REALLY good at melee fighting

LOL what the fuck mate..

mages are old, highly inteligent and potent in the field of arcana... OR very talented, and train themselves to master their talent for a lifetime...

where the fuck have you ever seen an inteligent woman ? or a talented one ?

Yes, it depends, but some settings "witch" is just used as another word for female wizards.

And wizards > mages

A warrior is a warrior, even if they lose. Isn't that the basis for some of the more inspirational stories of history? And guilty pleasure lewds?

i want massage her flat

>having priests
>meaning that you're a good person
O I am laffin

>male "shaman"

>guy inside an american cube

Not in real life, but this is fantasy so it's different.

wtf i hate black people now.

So they have Rabbis instead of Priests?

Most Wizards have high level damage spells while most Mages have a lot of support spells and smaller attack spells

Those are some nice male "shamans"

If the setting is sufficiently high-magic spellcasting could be pretty trivial.

did you say something ?

>sexually interacting with male genitals when you're a male
>not gay


>male "dancer"

But can't wizards specialize in support spells?


so what you're saying is that any man who ever jerked off is a faggot

Hey fuck off shota dancers are great

in such a setting, women could use talent related magic, like an uncontrollable strong force.. NOT the way 400 year old mages do.



You're just as bad as womyn

>heterosexual intercourse is defined as sex between a man and a woman
>he considers sex between a man and a woman gay
you seem to have problems accepting reality user

>not female warrior

>male "orc"


Thanks to Sup Forums today I discovered that I'm a faggot

>female character
>its just a male personality and male backstory

>muh sexual fantasies and lack of actual intercourse

>that curve
We need to go smaller.

>male "nurse"

what're you gonna do, bleed all over me? with your anus?

fucking fag.