>Taking opinions from a lolcow
DSP is the roger ebert of videogames
>second most popular MMO
>it IS a flop
can't be, ebert was better at talking in 2012 than dsp is in 2016
>DSP's opinion on an MMO
he streamed WoW a while back, he couldn't even play that casual piece of shit
why should anyone trust his opinion on anything, let alone an MMO
Based fucking dsp
Literally only this board likes that shitty mmo. And even then it's only a vocal minority. Rift was legitimately a better game with more complex raids and better PvP.
>backed by an entire overpopulated nation of island monkeys who don't play any other mmos
>suprised when they manage a decent number of players
>there are people on Sup Forums now that actually support DSP
>because people dont play from my country it is a flop
can't make this shit up
This is now a Lala thread.
Post Lalas.
>taking DSP's opinion seriously
inb4 "B-but he won Evo"
He won the Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo side-tournament at Evo's lesser off-location tournament back before Evo was even close to being the biggest tournament in America. And the only reason he won as they used a glitched-out PS1 port instead of the arcade hardware everyone was expecting/had been training on, so most big names dropped out and nobody took it seriously.
Double Perfect
is true actually one day talking with university friends abotu games we like i said ff14 and they look at me like a fucking weirdo and laugh and said if that ff thing is still existing
FFXIV is shit but calling it a flop is straight up retarded.
>Saved Squenix from oblivion
>a flop
you need to fix that reading comprehension nigger
the point is that any MMO with FF in it's name will always survive because japs will always play it
The core of the game is incredibly boring and lifeless. And while today's WoW is a pile of shit as well it's still better than ARR at its core.
is this a bad thing? Like if a MMO community is small, but not small enought to have a dead game, is it really something they should worry?
>the point is that any MMO with FF in it's name will always survive because japs will always play it
So it is not a flop? Thanks for confirming.
i agree, its just a glorified WoW simulator
The quests are boring, the grinding is boring
The combat is boring
Every mmo that you have to "facetank" is incredibly boring and outdated
Theres absolutely no reason to not make a good combat system for an mmo
>Sup Forums likes something ironically
>newfags want to be like the kool-kids
>and start liking shit unironically
nothing new
If they know it and laughed at you for playing it, it sounds like they're even more Sup Forums than you are.
You are the fucking normie.
Yes, it's not a flop, but almost not by merit
you fucking weebnigger
>you will never, ever, EVER again get to play ffxi during its prime again
>it never went mainstream
thank fucking god. thats why the community is much more tolerable compared to WoW.
normies can stick with that game.
DSP doesn't understand it's 15 that will be a flop.
Thats not what flop means.
Good games can be flops. Bad games can not be flops.
>the point is that any MMO with FF in it's name will always survive because japs will always play it
Except 1.0 DID flop. so hard then turned the game off and completely remade it.
they didnt knew it, they just know ff7 not ff14 much less, i wish i were a fucking normie and not have autism
It profits so it's not flop.
Western fags are to Asians as niggers are to whites
I'm sure all those other MMOs are doing well! Like TOR, ESO and wildstar!
>not by merit
>because nips like it
literally autistic.
he placed 4th didnt he?
>Bad games can not be flops
Do YOU know what flop means?
1.0 was a better game. 2.0 was decent despite all of the downgrades they made. Anyone still playing FFXIV seriously is an idiot.
Who is this guy?
Its to do with money. Not quality.
As if DSP couldn't make himself look more retarded.
FFXIV is the only MMO on the market that's growing and has been for over a year now.
It's the only MMO getting content and it has the most rewarding and difficult raids I've seen in an MMO.
Why is Phil even bringing this up anyway? Did he jump on the LEGION HYPE TRAIN™?
post DSfap.
Evil Facade Frank
Guy who busted a nut on stream
No lie DSP speaks the truth in terms of the game industry. His opinions are generally high tier. Its just when he plays a game his brain goes into cancer mode and he just becomes a massive faggot. I actually unironically like his podcasts when he isn't shilling his patreon.
A flop refers to financial gains and has nothing to do with quality.
FFXIV's literally keeping Square afloat
>second pic isn't a gif of him jerking off on stream
He placed the highest out of the americans is his claim to fame.
>Bad games can not be flops.
implies that bad games are always financially successful
Only 2 MMOs exist today FF14 and WoW.
Anything else is shit, animu shit or Korean Fap Simulator of the week.
Didnt it happen in 2016?
Was a main tourney, he placed 4th. The reason this caused an issue was because he claimed he was the best USA player for SF2 that year.
what about ESO ?
Flopped? I don't think it flopped financially but it didn't dent WoW, that's for sure.
Technically it's FFXIV and the Dragon's Quest games they keep shitting out.
Actually, he's not totally wrong, I play games since 95 and I have zero clue about Final Fantasy games, I didn't even hear about new one releasing. I play PC only though.
Not that guy, but I think it's ok
Small playerbase, ok combat, the grinding has been lessened since the release
Pretty average time spender
Why would anyone play xylophone 1 2 3 hotbar shit in the first place
It released 6 years ago, on PC.
this line will be in my suicide note, thx senpai.
What's DSP's favorite mmo?
Can not be flops
Not cannot be flops.
Stop pretending you know english faggot.
>Woooooooww how was I supposed to know I shouldn't stand in the red circle
>How was I supposed to know the tank stance would help me hold aggro?
I would hate to ever have DSP in my group in any MMO.
Because it's fun. FFXIV hasn't been dumbed down and pruned like WoW has so it still has an enjoyable combat system.
Shows how much I have no idea about these games
I was bored and watching a compilation video of DSP plays Metroid Prime, it was pretty pathetic. Complains about every little thing, doesn't bother scanning enemies, bosses, or almost anything else, doesn't look for collectables.
Isn't this the guy who ragequit P3 easy mode when he was on the final boss?
He isn't entirelly wrong, FF14 is really just WoW with a slightly better story.
Shut the fuck up Watson, you salty ass motherfucker. All these years and you still can't get over the fact that DSP fucking destroyed and humiliated you at a game you believed you were a king in.
Stay forever mad you wheezing old fart.
>FFXIV hasn't been dumbed down
Man, I've played XIV since 1.0 beta and still play it every day, and I have to say you could not be more wrong.
>keep changing how STR affects tanks so they don't have to worry about stat builds
>remove all interesting stats from 1.0 like haste, damage boosts to specific abilities, elemental damage, etc
>consistently nerf dungeons and raids as soon as they're no longer relevant so casual shitters can fly through it and feel special
>had to nerf Pharos Sirius a month after it was released because casual shitters don't know how to kill the fucking dog adds on the first boss
I could go on.
Based fucking Phil. I had to see if it was real. Why do fuckers still pay for a sub just to play one game anyways? Ridiculous.
>his wife getting pounded by bbc at her new job
that's your third goalpost moving already. Why are activision slaves so fucking retarded?
>second most popular game in a genre thats been dead for 4 years
underrated post WOW
I bet she's feeling that black current right now
The only two mmos that matter are wow and gw2
The rest are dead under water
I was talking more about the combat system in FFXIV. It's only gotten more complicated as time went on.
GW2 is garbage
Yeah, combat is the only thing that's gotten more interesting, but that's about to end with 4.0. They're already talking about ability bloat because they think they need to add more levels with every single expansion, and PS4 controllers can't handle that many skills.
>*Wheezes into microphone*
What do you mean I have to learn a rotation?
I mean come on!
>*Slumps back in chair while still audibly wheezing*
Who the fuck are these people to tell me my DPS isn't high enough? I'm hitting buttons here.
>*Turns head slightly to side thinking that will obscure the next snort*
It's such fucking stupid game design to tell me have to press buttons in certain order. I'm pressing buttons, isn't that enough?
>*Stops breathing full a full 15 seconds only get his breath back with a powerful snort*
>Being in ZR
>Being on Ultros
>Not being on Ultros
>They're already talking about ability bloat
Show me where. I've yet to see a single post about ability bloat.
>willingly playing on a dead server on a dead data center
good luck doing literally anything in the game
Jibanyan sucks at FFXIV.
what is your point? That is still not a flop.
Just stop responding to him. He's lost like 4 times over now.
They actually addressed the ability bloat by giving controller players more buttons to work with.
There's a new expanded hotbar feature coming out
that was my first post you retard
Those green screens were the best thing DSP has ever done, gaybar is my favorite.
Dsp riling up the autists once again with TRUTH
I think he was secretly talking about himself.
FFXIV is actually the only MMO on the market thanks to the abhorrent quality of WoD and Legion.
I still think that if Blizzard hadn't tried to do a cash grab with the last two expansions than FFXV would have never been funded.
The real irony is that most FF14 players play worse than DSP