Why did they make this so hard to control?

Why did they make this so hard to control?

artificial difficulty

Because combined with the waggle and other general motion controls they some how got it into their heads that limiting the players control was good design.

At least with the spring you can spam butt stomps to keep yourself stationary.

If it controlled the same as vanilla Mario it would be redundant.



foreverial tiedup mario, rope mummified
permanently and enjoying it

fully wrapped in permanent rubber rope
and fully delitized
and loving it.

I don't know, but I hate that we will never see it again, just like almost every other Mario powerup. I'd love to see a Mario with every powerup returning.

You'd be hard to control too if you were foreverially delitized

OP here I got 800 starbits from one level just know because I couldn't get by a part.

It would be boring if it wasn't. Ooh, you jump higher, big deal!
Making a powerup hard to control turns a relatively straightforward course into a whole new experience.

because seasons always change

Powerups used to be only positive, now they have pros and cons.

but in reality you have no choice in the matter

What game is this from?

because artificial difficulty

same here here to say this

frog suit lmao

>Powerups used to be only positive, now they have pros and cons.
More like forced challenges. Both the galaxies had the worse power ups in any 3D Mario game.

i.e. the gimmicky was bad in the first place.

Came here to post this

but it was easy
the whole game was really easy
I'm glad they made Galaxy 2

why were the powerups so fucking useless?

I could bypass any spring sections just by doublejumping or using wallkicks, and the Top powerup was garbage

>a game introduces new and challenging mechanics
>this is somehow bad

I never had any trouble with the spring, myself.

What was your favorite power up out of SMG 1 & 2?
Personally I liked the Cloud Flower

>Why did they make this so hard to control?
Because you're not thinking with inertia.

It actually isnt

>challenging mechanics are called power-ups
Then why called them power-ups when you don't really power up? That's like being paralyzed from the neck down and calling it a power up to never walk again.

>artificial difficulty

isn't everything the developers do 'artificial'? You could just as easily argue that by putting lava pits, enemies, etc, they're making it artificially difficult.

fireballs - limit 2 on screen at a time
starpower - time limit
raccoon/cape - limited flight time
frog suit - cumbersome on land

etc etc. the only real argument is that the spring suit isn't as fun or as clever of a powerup as most of the others.

the most intense, mildly unsettling copy pasta

Because it's actually interesting when you have to adapt to another control pattern.

He looks like he's in bondage or something.

>People had trouble with this powerup
You guys should really try worse games