There are people on Sup Forums who think playing gamecube is shit but playing Dota 2 rocks
How do we fix the Moba and indie gamer problem
I don't think anybody actually enjoys playing dota 2
how many days on Sup Forums ?
>No Super Monkey Ball
No but seriously GC was pretty meh ever all and the best games got remakes on the WII U.
Original XBox had a lot more going for it.
First day. Saw a link on reddit
>Original XBox had a lot more going for it.
True but Gamecube had the best Mario of all time
>How do we fix mobas
We don't, the whole appeal of mobas is to be attractive to casuals, fast matches (from 30 mins to 1 hour average) low entry level and awful fucking graphics so it runs on the shittier toasters is all what the genre is about
Sunshine is the worst 3d mario out there.
If you're talking party games nothing beats N64 with the Mario parties and Pokemon Stadium.
If you're talking about Mariokart double dash isn't very good.
If you're talking Mario tennis then I agree.
I'm talking about Mario Tennis
>low entry level
I'm not sure. Dota has over a hundred characters and you need to learn all of their abilities before you can even begin playing mildly acceptably.
And then once you learn them all you realize it's all irrelevant when you can do the RPG equivalent of linear algebra while some kid in Peru with 250 ping slams his face on the keyboard and gets more shit done.
Can you learn to actually express your thoughts in a way that makes sense? I'm not even getting what you're trying to say here.
> fast matches (from 30 mins to 1 hour average)
These are actually very long matches for multiplayer games. In fighting games, you can win in under a minute, and you can't quit or you get punished.
There are, I dunno, 4X and grand strat multiplayer matches that are longer, but you usually dedicate entire evenings to them and play with a group.
I can tell you right now that nothing stops some degenerate shitskin connecting to a US server and playing.
Oh, so the game has a low entry level because you are a racist?
any kid with free time can be good at dota because the game doesn't not require skill but free time and money to buy upgrades
>"indie gamer"
literally nothing. keep them away
shit thread, OP
Because I want people to speak English on a US server?
Got me, SJW.
>money to buy upgrades
Ah, so you're trolling, rather than (and?) racist.
>are you saying that I'm a racist just because I call people degenerate shitskins because of their different races?
Yes, I'm actually saying that.
Shitskin isn't a race, dumbass.
Me not wanting shitskins to connect to a US server from what ever favela they're in is not racist.
First, it's a racial slur, second, the race/ethnicity divide is actually so finicky that the UN actually calls it racism even when it's whites discriminating against other whites in Europe, and third, yeah, it kind of is.
>some SJW speak bs
Gibberish to me.
Could care less if an American wants to connect to an US server. Doesn't matter if he's a shitskin. As long as he speak English.
What's wrong with indie games?
>Gibberish to me.
Of course it is, since you're retarded.
>As long as he speak English.
Ah, the fresh scent of irony.
Grammar on Sup Forums. Oh man!
You got me again, SJW.
You're the one bitching about people who don't properly speak English, live up to your own standards, dipshit.
Epic meme.
Speak =/= type with perfect grammar at all times or some raging SJW on a racist Chinese cartoon image board will call you out.
>money to buy upgrades
Uh-oh, you're used the word "racist", you're an sjw now.
>getting upset over words
Make minions a more important factor. Demigod let you upgrade and buy new types of minions. Along with tower upgrades.
More maps
No more isometric fantasy shit. Make a space/flight sim, something completely different.
How about both of you fuck off
>orginal xbox hurr
People are always saying this, but the OG Xbox was a goddamn pile of trash. It had like 10 worthwhile, exclusive games, and that;s being generous. It's just that everybody had so much fun with Halo and Halo 2.