Let's get serious, what is the point of playing videogames?

Let's get serious, what is the point of playing videogames?

whats the point in life

Uh.. to have fun?

If that isnt your main reason, it's time to stop playing. Seriously.

to have fun

To have fun. We're here to discus videogames in a manner that would help us reflect more fun.

We often get caught up in the drama of things. This board, this site, gaming companies, particular developers, etc.

We discuss these things because there is a belief that the amount of fun vs time could be better spent if we avoided the problem all together. What is worth your time is up to the individual.

escapism, to have fun and enables me to talk about vidya on Sup Forums and sometimes funpost

There really is no point, video games are just a way to waste time until we die

Stimulate parts of the brain that you otherwise can't while still having fun.

Whats the point of your shit thread besides as an excuse to post your image?

It's the brave new world.

The human desire for self distraction knows no boundaries.

What this nerd said, video games are a medium in which one is able to escape from one's surroundings and/or life. This enables said person to relax and not think about the problems which are present.

I play video games because they're the only thing that I can do well in without burning myself out. I play them to escape from everything else in my life.

i play them because i always have been since i was a kid

there is no 'escape' for me

I play sci-fi and medieval games because I fucking hate this rotten world and the maggots feasting on it's corpse :)


I hate people. This is a nice substitute.

They stimulate your brain to release serotonin and dopamine in the way you would normally be stimulated for doing other things that are beneficial. Like why people are masturbating ITT right now.

Accomplishing inconsequential tasks in a virtual world is a viable substitute for my failure to accomplish shit in reality.

Escapism. It's why I only play rpgs.

A few hours every week I can pretend that life is better, more magical than what it actually is.

>we will never see the stars
>we will never learn magic
>there are no such things as dragons or monsters
>there are no 'chosen ones' in the entire world
>you are not special

Creating things IRL feels like a mental orgasm for me.
just a point to prove what SHOULD get made in the real world, too bad more and more of them are getting used as distractions and they grow up to be shitposters on anonymous imageboards and they have fun jerking off to 2D drawn CP and says it doesn't harm people and then the cycle continues

whats the point of working full time and have a family?

"Loneliness is something that seeps into the cracks of our hearts, boredom is what makes those cracks appear... Over and out" -Master Miller
I'm technically alone but as long as I have something to do in not lonely. Video games are just one of the things I do.

To have fun, of course.