This official art would be perfect if the dumb loli wasn't in it

This official art would be perfect if the dumb loli wasn't in it

But without her there would be nothing to cover those girl zones.

she makes it better

Then she'd just be scrubbing air, dumbass.

>not wanting art with best loli

Why does the bunny girl seem prime to be bullied?

>prime to be bullied?
user she's gunning to be the next mascot though.

Where is Beryl then?


>not wanting to be the loli

What are you, homosex?

Disgaea official art can get pretty balsy when you notice the details


Why go for the loli in that game when you can go with the mocha skinned titty monster in the SAME class?

Sure, there's being a lolicon, then there's being full blown gay.

I'm making one familia


When are we getting a Disgaea with the MC being a loli overlord? I'm stick of the faggots we've had recently, but at least Laharl and Axel was great.

I wanna plip that bunny

Best Nis loli reporting in

she looks disgusted

Beryl is too much of a poor student for such a title

She was so bad that then gave her a diploma and even let her be a teacher.

It would better if the dumb cowtits wasn't there.
Seriously I want to do lewd things to that cunny bunny.

Literally the most troublesome student at the academy.

I want to be that penguin.

she wouldn't be in such problems if she raped men like a good succubus is supposed to do.

Her parents must be ashamed. Not only did she graduate but she made two other girls do it with her.

I'm pretty sure she is supposed to be a non descript demon with a gummy shark for a tail.

Probably never but at least you get a game about a loli necromancer.

Is Marona from Phantom Brave a loli?

Desco is truly the greatest.

"non descript" demons are majin and use weapons in the game. She has horns, wings and a tail, (when other demons usually only have one or two of those), and more than that, she's a monster type class, with fire magic.
Disgaea's own lore is fuzzy and all but things points toward her being a succubus.


seraphina a cute

why is there literally zero lewds

Where can I find art books to buy/pirate/etc?

For the same reason there are no Usalia lewds, PS4 exclusivity was a mistake, otaku and doujinshi artists are poor and keep themselves into mobile and portable gaming.

This. I want to hug Desco forever.

She is.

Here's an official (You) response

Disgaea doesn't get many lewds to begin with, the few they do get mostly being of Etna.

Reason why I want Haga Yui to come back into vidya, she used to make my favorite Disgaea lewds.