What's the last game you completed?

What's the last game you completed?

You now have to complete it one handed within a month or have your dominant hand chopped off.

How fucked are you?

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Last game I completed was Mafia 2. I think maybe I could manage. Last game I %100 was Hotline Miami. I think maybe I could not manage that.

ok, its basically a 1 handed game already anyway

fallout 2

Dragon Warrior? Give me a day and I can beat it blindfolded. Lucky me.

Specs ops the line, I guess it can be done

>hotline miami 2 hard mode

I beat ratchet and clank crack in time today. Probably doable one handed

Last game was Ripto's Rage, should be pretty easy. Just not the 100%

Dark souls 3, yeah no I'm fucked.

FTL, I cant remember if you even need more than 1 hand to play it normally

smash bros. 4
awww yee

All good, my man.

get fucked OP

Well, I don't think you can really "complete" Monster Hunter, unless you get all the sets and do the SP and MP quests, but I did all of the story, so if that counts as being complete, I'm fucked.

Other than that, the game I actually did complete was MGS2 on Hard, where I would pretty much fucked as well. I could still sneak pretty good, but the sniping part and RAY battle would seal the deal. I'd never be able to do it.


Easy as shit

>ninja gaiden black
I am an ambidextrous wanker, do what you must.

>Not bringing specialist equipment

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit (the new one)

meh I'll just use wasd and bind nitro to shift and handbrake to space, powerups to numbers
Game itself is pretty easy and short

>Darkest Dungeon

I'm so fucking lucky holy shit.

Game's still hard as hell but gotta love TbT RPGs.

>Inazuma Eleven 3

If it's just the main story, I did it in two days to begin with so I'm fine. You only need one hand to play it with the touch screen anyways.

No Man's Sky.

I'm not fucked at all, actually that was how I played the game since day 1.

>Dungeon Travelers 2
It was designed to be played with one hand anyway

btd5, KEK

Odin Sphere.
Ignore optional bosses, and I'm peachy.

Crypt of the Necrodancer

i completed no game

pokemon gen 1
that's not a challenge at all

You lucky piece of shit.

>Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.
>Can use analog and attack/jump button for movement/combat, use L1 to freeze screen and use skills and when things get bad, abuse potions.

Ez pz lemon squeezy.

Divinity: Original Sin

Tedious but doable.

>>completing No Man's Sky
>>I'm not fucked at all

Lucky for me, turn based RPGs are barely even affected by a second hand.

>one-handed mode
I"m ready

Age of Mythology campaigns

I'm pretty sure I hardly used shortcuts, that should be more than doable

>danganronpa 2
thank goodness

Lucius II
Not much

>the sims
all good here my dude



>Complete it
You're fucked, there's no end state.

Lucky. You can beat ripto's rage in like 2 minutes

Sims bustin out, I mean.

Isn't the end state when your whore character has cucked every wife in the neighbourhood?

OP says "last game you completed" so if he never completed the Sims he wouldn't have to play with with 1 hand


>Replayed Persona 4 Golden to refresh myself on it for Persona 5

Yeah, I can do that one handed within a month.

But which waifu will you pick?

If you choose anything other than the two correct options, you lose both hands.

The correct options are Rise and Yumi because they're the only ones who actually give a shit enough to come see you when you move back to the city, everyone else just says "WELL, SEEYA!"

Legend of zelda ocarina of time. well i have the time to do it, locking on etc will be helpful. should be okay.

>Yeah, I can do that one handed within a month.

prove it

well that's easy

Best girl, Feather Swan.

Fallout New Vegas
Yeah I could do that, just build a speech based character and have Boone as muscle if needed.

Take the shot.

>Ace Attorney Investigations 2

Jokes on you OP, I actually only used one hand to finish it all along.

I literally just beat Dragonball Xenoverse before coming to this thread, so pretty fucked. Before that was Arkham Knight which would be pretty easy probably.

Now this is the hand of a man that mastered the claw in MHFU

AM2R. I could do it in a day.

zero escape 3

easy as fuck

>The Last Window : Secret of Cape West

It will be a little tricky with the riddles but I think I'll handle it

>dragon age origins
easy. blood mage arcane warrior, faceroll the whole game

Last Window: The Secret of Cape West
Couldn't be easier.

>Dark SOuls
Easy as shit with a sorcerer build. Gwyn can be killed by summoning Solaire and letting him tank.

Rayman origins.. Can probably complete it normally, but 100% will be impossible :/

Might've been SOMA

I think I might actually be fucked unless I can play like that one cripple who streams

Civ 5, so that is going to be easy.

>not beating the 2player with only one hand

fucking casuals I swear

Oh boy, I could complete it hundreds of times within a month.

>tfw the last few of these threads didn't fuck me at all

Was either Dark Souls 2 or Limbo. Either way I'm fucked.

Kingdom Hearts 2 FM Critical Mode Lvl 1

>Monster Hunter 4U
That's literally impossible.

Way Of The Samurai 4

>start game
>get off boat
>fight the first 4 or five tutorial enemies
>tell the sailor to take me away from this shithole
>game finished
>hand stays on

what do the arrows next to the moves mean? when it is pointing to the left, does it mean i press left and attack or do i have to press back and attack, because sometimes one does work while the other way around doesn't, and sometimes the other way around does work while the first one doesn't.

pretty retarded

This is the Police

Layers of fear

Easy modo

dead rising
i guess i can just stay on the roof until the end

I've been playing MHGen but haven't competed it.

A friend linked me Cut the Rope about a week ago so u could listen to the credit music.

Guess I have 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 30 seconds to think of all the things I can enjoy with two hands.

ABZU. If you count that as a game though.


i can't remember the last game i completed
maybe mad max?

Total war: Shogun 2
I'm not fucked at all, could probably do it in one sitting


>What's the last game you completed?
Being one handed won't be the problem, I'll probably lose just because this game is unforgiving as fuck

Easy, you don't actually need a second hand to play it at all. Fuck me though, the last mission was such horrible bullshit, I don't want to go through that again.

>Total Extreme Wrestling
Would technically be impossible, but easily done because it's a mouse/keyboard game with text.
>New Vegas
VATS all day, baby.

Does the Elder Scrolls Legends beta story mode count? Cause I just beat that and I'm pretty sure I only used my mouse.

>Yo dude, pass the controller!

I am Setsuna game's too fucking short. ez

Literally playing WarCraft 3 on Hard right now; Night Elf campaign.

Then on to The Frozen Throne on Hard.

In the bag, baby.



That would be very possible actually. All I need are fingers on the Analogue stick, L2 and an attack button. The game pretty much autoaims its attack. Not to mention I beat it with all idols invoked last time so if I just take them off it would be a cakewalk.


I thought that was an X-Ray of a Tumblrista's hand....

Dishonored is short as fuck, I'll be fine.

>dark souls 3
If some autist can beat a souls game without rolling parrying blocking i can beat this shit one handed in a month.

Undertale, easy as fuck.

AMR2. I guess after fiddling with the control settings a bit I could actually pull it off.

>Metroid Zero Mission

I played it on the fatass Wii-U game pad, but if I could play it on a GBA SP then I'm sure I could do it

That's genius.

Megadimension Neptunia VII

I'm chilling folks.


How mate

I did it in like four hours with two hands so I can probably do it within a day with just one.

And I have a whole month for this? ezpz

Fuck you op for making me realize i dont even play games anymore.
last game i beat was DS3 on launch.
i could probably do it.


Should be doable, I guess?