What are some games with cheating AI?

what are some games with cheating AI?

Dota 2

Any other game that has resource management or an experience system

Yugioh forbidden memories
The AI swaps cards in its hand. It's why the AI always seems to have its most powerful monsters out first.

Any Need for Speed game ever.

so who's the good guy

Kabuto is the good guy, but not the bad Kabuto

Advance wars, fog of war.

Arma 3 bots have fucking perfect aim

Supreme Commander has an option to choose cheating AI.

Witcher 3. Any scripted game of Gwent where the game requires you to lose, they'll keep drawing an infinite number of Draw, Decoy, and weather cards.

That fighting game that is mortal kombat with DC super heroes and villains has the A.I. very obviously reading your inputs if you play it on the hardest setting.

Any game that reads inputs.

Every goddamn fighting games. For example, try SFV survival hard, you'll cry because the AI passes from dumb to I read your input and react to it before the move is released.

I don't think there is a gwent game you're supposed to lose

Mario Kart. You're lying when you say you haven't thrown a controller over getting zapped by lightning, blue shelled, red shelled, and hit by a bullet bill all in the space of a few seconds. The rubber band AI is bad too.

I never played the dlc but I never faced an opponent that couldn't be beaten.

F-zero X and GX

Every fighting game because the AI has inhumane reflexes

Every racing game because rubber banding

>swaps cards in its hand

nigga the AI swaps cards on the FIELD

There's a webm floating around of the AI placing a shitty monster card face down, then flipping it up on his next turn and it's a fucking Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

WWF Wrestlemania 2000

Even on easy it cheats.

CIV 5 has dumb as hell advantages on higher difficulties.

Racing games in general cheat like there is no tomorrow, with AI cars rubber banding to get near you

Any Total War game. Tiny setelments only capable of fielding at most a 9 unit army have a full stack.

To be honest, the fair majority of games we all know and love cheat to some degree because the AI knows shit it should not know.

burnout 2

Why was the image deleted?

this one is one of the worst offenders
but i love it for it
it wouldn't be as memorable if it didn't cheat

Lost so many quarters cuz this fucker could do his rolling attack without needing to charge Back.

Puzzle Quest on the NDS. The AI is able to see two or three rows of blocks above the top of the screen, and will make decisions using that information.

i thought he was alright, it was guile that could do a forward sonicboom and flashkick anti-air at a moments notice.

Fatal Fury and the First Samurai Shodown. SNK Arcade Games in general have literal grand monarch cockmangler-tier difficulty bosses.

Timestop JAV porn.

>what are some games with cheating AI?
rainbow 6 siege