Top 100 videogames of all time

>top 100 videogames of all time
>first 50 games are all modern titles

I'm erect, again.

double erected

That's what happens when games steal elements from multiple classics.

is she laughing at someones small penis

>Top 10
>Dark Souls
>Top 100
>"It's like Dark Souls except..."
>"It's like Dark Souls except..."
>"It's like Dark Souls except..."


~kisses you~

>full translation never ever

>"all time" doesn't encompass the present

but modern games are shit

>google: good games in x genre
>get a top 100 videogames listicle
>it's all old shit everyone's played or mainstream shit everyone's played
>still have no videogames to play

truly this is the age of information

that doesn't mean dark souls should be there fuck off

How would you feel if the top 100 greatest music artists of all time was nothing but Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and Nikki Minaj?

Yes, Bruno Mars is good. No, that doesn't mean everyone else is too.

music is not my hobby so I wouldn't give a fuck
also, although I recognize the names, I have no idea what songs they actually made


Seconded, my Googlefu is pretty weak these days.

Kyounyuu Fantasy

>this thread

thanks my brethren
I've watched the OVAs but i guess she wasnt in it

>modern games aren't good

Aren't you tired of parroting the same dumb shit? Perhaps you should move on to another hobby.

t.Gen Z faggot

Dark Souls is legitimately the best Action RPG I can think of off the top of my head other than Tales of Symphonia and Kingdom Hearts 2.