Can Sup Forums recommend me any good JRPGs on the PS3 and or PS4

Can Sup Forums recommend me any good JRPGs on the PS3 and or PS4.

I'm getting tired of western games, and I want to go back to where it all started for me.

Please, no Bloodborne or Soul/s games. I've played them all

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Resonance of Fate is pretty kick ass.

Played it, but thanks. Do you have any recent ones I may have missed from the past 3-5 years?

I'll be now bumping my thread with Kyoko Maki dumps.


god tier taste OP

Good is subjective.
There's Disgaea 3/4/D2 and Atelier Arland and Dusk Trilogy, but the former two are by NISA and you know how those go.
There also Tales of series on here. Would say Final Fantasy, but it's a joke.

Tales of Zesteria is the most recent one, right? How good is that game compared to the older ones? I may go for that.

As for Final Fantasy, it will never be what it used to be.

Tales has quite a few entries, Ar no Surge may be worth checking out too if you played any Ar Tonelico on PS2/3.

If you don't mind a SRPG, Tears to Tiara 2 was pretty good too.


Zestiria is the worst one in the series. Skip it and try Graces F instead.

thanks for these video games anons


Final Fantasy 5 is 10 bucks on PSN. It's the secret best game that no one talks about.

I wouldn't touch that one.
Not because of the waifu shitstorm that ensued but because of the camera control and other bugs.
Try out the ones released before it. If you can read moon, do Vesperia PS3.

Will do.

Keep'em coming Sup Forums. I'd like at least twelve games to hold me over until Persona 5.

>at least twelve games
nobody say it

>good JRPGs on the PS3 and or PS4

Atelier Sophie.

He did say PS3 and PS4. There must be like twenty games for the two of them combined.

You already said Resonance of Fate, which would be my second choice.

Guided Fate Paradox is good if you like NISA games. It's a roguelike dungeon crawler.

Odin Sphere Leifthraiser is really, really good.

Nier was pretty popular.

Tales of Xillia 1 and 2 are good choices.


Valkyria Chronicles, anyone?



i don't know which joke is funnier

Her breasts are too large

They're not large enough.

so OP
is she an AV idol?

>mfw Kyoko Maki is uncensored
Thanks OP. You are not a faggot.

If you like the Persona games, I suggest SMT: Nocturn. It's probably less than $15 on PSN for PS3.

Star ocean 4 was pretty decent, especially compared to the last piece of shit that just came out, 5. I also really liked Tales of Graces, just grabbed it for the collection but ended up falling in love with the game, it's very good. Metal gear rising, lollipop chainsaw, shadows of the damned, killer is dead, all games I'm having fun with. Also this game called El shaddai is really unique and cool. Just got all of these for cheap AF since no one gives a shit about ps3 games anymore. KH hd is cool if you like that, any of the ps2 remixes I've played a lot of like DMC or prince of persia, having 3 games in one is just too good. Grab Dragon Quest viii if you want a reall good jrpg, that's on ps2 tho. Found that for 10$ recently and it's amazing.


o-oh thanks fampai.
also I'm guessing you've played it, and it isn't strictly an rpg but Dragon's Crown

Let's see then...
for PS3
>Tales of Graces f
>Tales of Xillia/2
>Tales of Symphonia
>Eternal Sonata
>Resonance of Fate
>Tears to Tiara
Questionable tier
>Ar no Surge

For PS4
>Atelier Sophie
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force
don't get it at full price, it's basically an expansion on the original.
Questionable teir
>Nights of Azure
>Omega Quintet
>Nep V-II

Why do most Japanese have really ugly vaginas?

>looking at porn

lol, have fun never doing anything productive at that rate


No reason why I can't go play it again.

Digimon Cyber Sleuth and Nights of Azure are both good, OP.

I am monitoring this thread

>censored sushi
You had one job, dammit.

>Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Can confirm. It's an okay game by itself but if you like Digimon or even if you liked it as a kid it's fucking great.

Scroll down in the album nerdo.

Have you played Ni no Kuni?

It has its flaws but it can be quite nice.

It has good weeaboo "I wish I loved in glorious nippon" fulfilment too which anyone who cares about Persona obviously likes.

It does? The only thing I can remember is when you gotta fight Tankmon and he's so obviously created by the US govt. Even then I saw that as laughable. Maybe I'm just not too far into it.


Are there any games similar to Xenoblade Chronicles?

I remember when I first stepped foot into the bird people city and was just so fucking amazed at the world. I want something like that. A big world I can get lost in. I've never played many jrpgs either. I have a PS3, PS4 and a vita like OP. I was thinking of trying FFX after I beat Digimon. It any good?