Games you can't be hype for anymore thread

Games you can't be hype for anymore thread.


Peer to peer

>female knights
Dropped so fucking hard.

All of them.

Any hype I had for any future game ended with MGSV. I just feel cynical about every AAA and hyped up indie game coming out now.

>female knights
Who cares?

I think it's just a joke at this point.
I've read so much bullshit from people trying to dis this game "blocking is OP, Vikings didn't wear helmets, nerf warden" etc.
I think it's all just a joke because they're missing the glaring problems about this game.


I think it's just a joke at this point.
I've read so much bullshit from people trying to dis this game "blocking is OP, Vikings didn't wear helmets, nerf warden" etc.
I think it's all just a joke because they're missing the glaring problems about this game.

Why the fuck would they do that in a fighting game, GODDAMMIT!

lol who's the joke now?

I didn't want to believe it but I'm glad I caught wind before purchasing.

I tried the tech demo, it was shitty. They try to cram too many combat mechanics onto as few buttons as possible so it works on consoles. Also the lockon system is fucking stupid.

The lock on was no problem for me after changing it so you just hold the left trigger instead of that weird shit they had for default. The game is meant to be played on a controller and looking back at previous ubi games I wouldn't want to do it on PC so yeah it's prob made for consoles. The E3 demo I played was on a PlayStation .

I preordered the Gold Edition of For Honor for $99.99 and there is literally nothing that any of you can do or say to make me cancel it.

Is that the edition they haven't given info on what it includes yet?

You're absolutely insane. Lock you up and throw away the key.

>assassins creed 3 graphics
>press x to win through pointless mobs
>press block to win against the real enemies
>rock paper scissors """""depth"""""

this title is dead on arrival bud

>i never played the game: the post

So you're just going to guard break minions to death and target different stances without striking actual people.
Solid strategy.

>fire arrows everywhere
fucking dropped.

they let everyone in the playtest a few weekends ago idiot



Never ever

How you can easily tell someone hasn't played the game.

>Fucking Dropped

>The Tales of Zelda : Puffs of the untamed
Looks neat, but looks like Phantom Pain in which you can do all this cool stuff with little to no substance.

It was a fucking huge as fuck red flag right there.
People will still buy it.

you know this game will be shit as last one?

Confirmed for not knowing wtf you're talking about.

who else got to playtest the alpha last week?

I did and I didn't find it very enjoyable, my friend seems to love it however.