Last Online: 360 days ago

>Last Online: 360 days ago

>using DRM

>Message someone who's online
>They never respond


>Send message to friend that is online
>Last Online: 3 seconds ago

>last online: 10 minutes ago
>message visualized

>sent invitation ages ago
>last online 2 hours ago
>can he be!!!
>click profile
>last online 189 days ago

I just wanted to be his friend...

>last online November 22 2011
No picture of anime girls can sum up my pain



>brb dude gotta go to work
>Last Online: 5452 days ago

Maybe he just quit using that site

>mfw I have never had an online friend to share my hobbies and be honest with
I would trade the cute girl that sends me nudes for that any day ;_;

>brb man i heard something outside
>Last Online: 3650 days ago

>[WAIFU]ERPFaggot wants to be your Friend! Accept?

1. Go to /vg/
2. Find some slow general which is dying and communit is starving for new friends
3. Get involved within the game
4. Ask for experience players for help
5. Get involved with them
6. Talk about your video games
7. Make nice friends.

>tfw you have one
>tfw you just treated him badly

I just want to hurt myself.

Any general will do, tbqh. Even non vydia ones.

Accept. Maybe they want to play some videogames.

>Fuck things up
>You cant see when she is online
>You can still see her last connection

More like they never speak and then shitpost in ERP threads.

>have a friend like this
>he used to be a fun and excitable guy
>became less enthusiastic and less happy over time
>tfw can't help but feel like you made his life shit

>Steamfriend enters a downward spiral of depression and there's nothing you can do

>play vidya together for years
>they start playing shit games like league
>now talk once a month or so
>literally bought the fucking wow expac to play games together again

Even worse is once they start playing lol they get heaps of tag along shit tier online friends that spout memes and shit in chat

You probably did.

Pretty much this.

>tfw realizing you're that clingy steam friend

Please stop keeping track of my login times

take the hint faggot it means I dont want to talk to you

>friend and I are playing together
>he says brb
>goes away for hours
>for dines
>eventually offline
I feel bad for his mother

then man up and say it like a man
>take a hint
are you a fucking women

>SteamFriend: What are you up to?


>steam friends

i have a couple but lol

who gives a fuck about them

Maybe he wants to hear about what you have been doing. Even if it's about fapping and playing games.

i have like 180 friends, probably talk to like 10 of them. too lazy to clean list

>I dont want to talk to you

then why not delete them as a friend?

im just trying to not feel that we are not friends anymore i finally learned that you dont need to always talk with someone to be friends but is to late now

this is the worst feel
what the fuck is the point in a block function that doesn't just erase your existence? what reason could you have to keep me on your friends list while blocking me? fuck sake

>What did you do today?

Did you tell him to fuck off and then you logged out?

i do that

Nah, I just said rude things.

If its a girl she might want an apologize or they just want an apologize. You can still post something somewhere in your profile to say sorry or a link to a text saying sorry.

>buy friend games
>hear out his life problems
>he starts actively avoiding and ignoring me months later
>after he unfriends me, learn he thinks that when I occasionally opened up about my depression, i was just seeking attention
It hurts.

private profile and not a girl, not that i even did anything to warrant an apology.

>apologizing to an online whore who you are never going to bag

literally why

>That Steam friend who admits they have a crush
>Makes it awkward as heck for the rest of forever
>Just wanted to play video games
>Eventually stop playing and talking
>Miss playing with them but don't want to get their hopes up


some people are huge faggots user. The person youre talking about was probably a kid or a literal dudebro

Why are you not into them if you dont mind me asking

well i dont know your situation dude

At least is not that generic girl that likes pikachu from pokemon, everyone likes pikachu like wtf is not the best one. She likes squirtle.

I acted rude, and I said rude things. All over mic. There's not much else to say.

I'm sorry.

I just want to speak with you for even a little while each day because I like you so much.

How do I fix it?

I miss my friend, Sup Forums.

You don't, you just learn.

It's not like you have to answer that you're sitting in your filthy office chair and shitposting yet again. Just "not much, you?" will do.

That or talk about how you feel about your bland life or ask suggestions for things to do or something. Just tell him what shitty games you've played and what sort of quality content you've seen on the internet.

I bet he doesn't even care what you're up to, he just wants to have a conversation about something. You'll have it easier if you initiate it by asking him before he asks you.

>have a nice steam friend who plays vidya with you and messages you every day
>one day he starts playing dota, doesn't want to play anything else or talk, and eventually removes you

>only treating human beings with respect if you know they'll reward you with sex


>Adding people on steam

>tfw you are the guy who never replies to anyone
>tfw cropped porn avatar
>tfw only play single player games

damn...... I was the autistic one all along......

I'm the guy that messages you every day even if you never respond.

Please notice me senpai

>Last online: 2157 days ago

>mfw just visiting and can't relate to any of these threads

>be gone for a month or so
>open up steam again
>nobody notices I was gone

That's not true user, sorry for my pessimism.
Maybe it can be fixed, it's worth a try or two.

>Last online: 182500000000 days ago

>Friend deletes everyone from his friendslist
>They never logged back in.
The fuck was his problem, huh? Didn't even let anyone know.

>reeeee why is it so hard to talk to people
because youre a lying cunt. Simple as that. Just be open and honest and if people dont like you then fuck them

Avoidant Personality Disorder. Even if none of you did anything wrong, he may have felt repelled.

>30 friends
>Just talk one guy regularly

add me bro and then i can suddenly unfriend and block you

So that's what it's called. Explains a lot

I've playing on Steam for years and I still don't have any friends. On console this shit was easier.

sometimes I wonder if people think i'm being rude, really busy or just overly autistic desu

Huh, sounds like something I have. Even so, that's not something I would do or even attribute to my online persona. I'll never get to see the guy again then, right?

I think you're a mix of busy and not seeing my message for whatever reason.

That was my experience back when i had a PS3. Made a bunch of friends there but on steam it's been completely dry outside of the occasional person from Sup Forums or /vg/.

Thanks for providing encouragement to talk with an old steam friend of mine.

We hadn't chatted in a while, and he's like one of my best friends.

The closest thing to a friend was a guy with whom I congaed for hours in a tf2 hardcore server. it was hilarious.

you could go blow him you faggot


It's okay, but you're probably right. He would deny it no matter what.

>Last Online 645 days ago

Elle me manque...

I talked to a girl (4 messages overall) and she stopped responding. It's been 3 days. Is the dream over? Should I go back to the NEET life? Last conversation was about scheduling a good time to chat with each other since we just met.

>keep meaning to play with a fellow streamer online for like 2 years, barely see him


>have a good group of steam friends
>play vidya with them pretty much every day
>have plans to eventually meet up and do cool shit together
>it's one of their birthdays
>he gets really drunk over mic and starts crying about how lonely he is and how he would have killed himself if it weren't for us
>a month later real life things happen, can't play vidya as much
>come on one day
>one of his neighbours or something goes into our discord
>Tells us he killed himself a few days ago
>shot himself in the head
>all of us write goodbye messages on his profile
>can't help but feel like it's partially my fault
>tfw last online 152 days ago

>I said rude things
>There's not much else to say.

Tell us what you said you asshole

>no steamfriends
>cant make friends in games because 99% of people are underage, memer scumfucks or no fun allowed manchildren
>can't make friends on here because it feels too forced, like im doing a blind date or some shit

perhaps i should just befriend the memers
has anyone else had to stoop to this level?

That's just sad user

befriend the weebs.

You're on Sup Forums. You are a memer you dumb fuck.

>Stop doing X!
>Come and do Y!
>What are you doing!? STOP!
>Fuck. It's your fault.

Things like this.

Reminder that online friends arent actually your friends. There are extrememely rare exceptions but a majority of people will toss you away with ease even if youve known them for over a year or more.

People should put less stock into their feelings and more into what actually happens. It's a very simple rule to follow and an easy answer to such imaginary problems.

problem really is your JUST like them but you like the shit you like. literally every thought you have about other people, "fucking underage, memer scumfucks or no fun allowed" has been thought about you.

for example, your memerscum fuck image, your underage for using such a recent meme, and your literally complaining about other people having fun liking things you dont like

youve become what you hate

>Befriend memers
Not even fucking once.

Yea, I been obsessing over it the past 3 days. haha i want to kill myself.

reddit please go

>Wonder why friend hasn't messaged you back
>realize you forgot to press enter when you wrote the message
>they get really fucking clingy on you