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What game should I play if I want good combat and casual ERP?
I know that feel
XIV, go to one of the /vg/ servers
>casual erp
Never saw that shit in XI but it appears to be rampant in XIV
>good combat
sounds like tera outside of the "casual" ERP
Post what MMOs you're currently waiting to come out
>good combat
Do I even have the energy to start over from scratch?
WoW, Moonguard. Goldshire.
Best area.
I loved running a Sky ls for all those years.
>That one fucking guy who never had oils and always caught aggro on the way to Byakko
XIV is nothing but roleplaying weebs bursting their neck bladders over dressing up their kawaii characters. You should try that if you can stomach these types of scum.
It's that or TERA user if you want ERP far as im aware user
Moonkin everywhere
If you get into a good LS, you can level sync at Dunes at 15. There are enough players all doing it the old way
it was rampant on release through pre-treasures XI.
I saw things you wouldn't believe. Like emote raping npc mithra in juneo, and all erp linkshells. Not to mention misstell fucking, and the god damn taru perverts who'd try and text fuck you no matter your race and gender combo.
TERA would be the choice then. It has good combat and it's absolutely fucking loaded with ERP. Go to the TERA general, 99% of the posts are ERP.
I liked Sea better. Those dolphins still give me the creeps.
Gusgen Mines gave me the creeps, but was kind of made up for it by running through Cumshot Highlands
See was good, but I feel like the rewards were much worse since it was torques and capes mostly, which is a real damn shame.
>Best F2P MMO
Anything by Nexon Maplestory, Dungeon Fighter or Vindictus
WoW if you have some sort of Stockholm syndrome or FFXIV for weebs.
Thats it.
>sky is the shape of a fallen star
Never noticed that before. CoP has deepest lore.
Is PSO2 any fun?
I know its not an MMORPG, but I loved the first game
>take my eyes off the sky/ground for a bit talking to LS
It's the worst of the series but otherwise it's OK.
>Go into Gusgen mines for first time to get Magicked Skull.
>Sirens go off
>NOPE the fuck out of there
>Go back in
>No map
>Accidentally walk into Movalpolos
>Die to a Moblin assuming the area was of the same difficulty
Good times.
Sea's biggest draw is limbus, fucking loved limbus. The torques and shit are just a bonus
I remember doing the opo-opo crown quest for my bard and running through kazham into an ERP session that was being said in /say and not in /tells.
Still shake my head thinking about it.
>Have W.legs
>Constantly aggro UFOs to terrify LS mates/friends because I know they can't hit me
Sea was fun.
> install xi
> install the gazillion expansion packs
> wait hours to update
> "that's ok"
> finally get into nasomi
> have no idea where to go
> have no idea what to do
> aimlessly running around
> the controls are absolute shit, like seriously they're so fucking bad
I feel like I'm missing out on something
Limbus was fantastic for Homam jobs, but LSes on my server were either Limbus or Sea, they didn't do both.
Sharks could still be a bitch, still i loved how peaceful the music was for a place that could potentially rape your face if you didnt pay attention
I want to start playing FFXI on the Nasomi private server. I know I've missed the golden age of FFXI, but I was wondering if it's still worth a shot.
In the same boat with Ragnarok Online. TalonRO seems populated. I was always an RF online fag.
The game is more user friendly than it used to be. Each homepoint can be used to warp to another homepoint, you just need to click on it once. Same goes for Survival guides. Trust NPCs are how you can play old school style, yet avoid the headaches of having your rdm be main healer in the dunes because your whm is currently afk eating "cheetoes". Records of Eminence will help you gain sparks, gil, exp and various other stuff that can be useful. Sparks can be traded in at a sparks merchant for stuff. Mainly a sparks weapon or sparks armor, etc. Enjoy
FFXIV is quite literally a single player MMO with instances. The PS3 limitations fucked it up.
It takes a long time to get used to XI's controls and by now they are beyond archaic. Playing it now if you hadn't already been used to it would probably be very painful.
Just got it
haha love it.
Also am I the only one who fucking LOVED the Movalpolos / MMM music?
Limbus was good for everyone really, af+1 was no joke, unlike that shit relic+1, but yeah it was basically for Homam, ultima's set was disappointing by comparison, shame really since i found ultima more fun
Try using a controller and setting it up in FFXIconfig
I'm aware of how bastardized the game has become. It's a single player cheat code enabled version of them game which is no good. The only reason I'd play it now is just to see what was in the expansion packs I missed.
Nyice to meet nyew, nya!
>am i the only one who enjoyed the music of X area in FFXI
No user, even if the game was complete dogshit the OST is a 9/10 at the bare minimum, even at the end of its life it gave solid music
I'm at the "repair files" portion of the game. OH BOY. Is this what I have to look forward to?
It is, Nasomi is how it was back in 2006 ...but make some friends or bring some with you. I'm going away for a week tomorrow, or else I'd start a new character with you.
What the fuck is ERP anyway? I know what the abbreviation stands for, but I've never understood what it actually means.
POL is the hardest grind in XI
Text fucking user
Does POL save your screenshots from way back or were they stored locally only?
>That one guy in your end game LS that played your job and refused to gear themselves properly and never gearswapped
Who were they?
>Be a main PLD.
>Other PLD in my ls always used full relic.
>Even went as far as collecting AF +1 and Homam from Limbus.
>Never used it.
>Always competed with me for gear.
I was fucking furious.
What a load of wasted potential that was. The idea behind it was fantastic, but it's so bland compared to what it could've been.
It wasn't worth it for me, I ended up stopping halfway through WotG missions because of the stupid ass time gates and Adoulin missions weren't doing it for me.
To each their own and such. Rhapsodies was so-so. Shame Razzin-jimmies is all we'll ever see of the far east. And it's just bamboo shoots.
Gear swapping mid combat is kinda elitist. Fortunately it wasn't forced in my LS
>Oberon weapons
>those WotG casket fights
WotG was FULL of wasted potential ideas
Erotic Role-Play.
Textfucking. Is usually done as quickies, but the more hardcore people do it for hours for da lore. Also see: /xivg/. Every female has a cock basically.
Who here was LodesaDings/NoTrabbu on Age of Wushu?
So many people in Dunes
This server may have potential OP
I hated people like you so much.
> Also see: /xivg/.
I just started playing 14 and going there was the biggest mistake I've made in recent memory. Holy fucking shit.
Thank god I'm on a mid-pop server with no roleplay and none of those faggots nearby (as far as I know...)
Seeing all this concept art makes me really wish they would remake this into a proper FF entry. The lore and world are some of my favorite in any fantasy game
Yes I know about the shitty phone version in development hell but that's not doing the game any respect though I'm still hyped for it
Dead Pilgrims
I have a few more pictures if you wanna take a look at them, but the art book I left in my other house.
>very briefly played XIV a while back
>made the mistake of asking a question in the thread
>one of the namefags (Sera) gave me some lengthy response laced with a condescending holier-than-thou attitude
>call it out on its shit
>no less than THREE white knights down my throat within ONE minute
What a world.
>no FFXI single player version using trusts as party members akin to how .hack handled party members cept replace emails with little mini-events for development
Seriously it could be perfect and they dotn even have to add anything, the games got enough core content for a good 40 hr+ game
Doomed* Pilgrims. My bad.
>Human with a tail and cat ears
That's one ugly ass Mithra
>Seriously it could be perfect and they dotn even have to add anything
They'd need to retune fights designed for alliances or allow alliances of trusts, but yeah, it'd work great.
You're welcome to keep posting, I think FFXI might be my favorite game of all time. I played fairly regularly from 2003-2011, loved every second of it, even the post 75 cap stuff was enjoyable to come back to after a break.
I wish I could go back but I know how dead the game is and I can't really afford to get sucked into an MMO right now.
But that's what the game is now.
This or ERA Private Server?
let's be real, you'd fuck it.
always thought this was the best catgirl design
New wanna nyfight, bitch nya?
sadly pretty much, i just keep having this silly notion im playing an mmo when i try to play it now. Interest dies real quick when that thought comes in.
How is your journey going?
I uninstalled after walking for one hour
Mithra were better when they were actually cats. FXIV said fuck all to that noise though. Now they are Miquote - humans wearing fake cat ears. No more emotions through the tail, no more cat speak, no more racial ability to eat raw fish, no more female-only, no more best thieves. XIV is trash.
It is not elitist. People who use gearswap and people who do not use gearswap. That is the main distiction between good and bad players.
So, asshole who was posting about a copycat Haven & Hearth here, mind answering some questions?
(that is if you've played h&h although non-player ideas would be nice too I guess)
What did you like about it?
What did you dislike about it?
Any suggestions about the
A) Combat
B) Exploration
C) Map-gen
and in general opinions revolving around the game
>Have fun writing my character into the backstory of the world.
>Mithran WHM. Her mom died in the war, left her WHM hat with her. She was raised in San d'Oria, so she didn't get the rolled R's thing that windy Mithra did. (Though I played it up when she was in character mad)
Had fun doing semi-IC chatting with my linkshell...
>There is no backstory.
>The city states are off-brand versions of the XI ones, but with a less cohesive character outside their one note. (Pirate, Arab, Hippy)
>No one interacts, ever.
Such a shame. The start is so boring. But its content is on par. As I said I'm going away for a week, but when I get back I'm tempted to start a Sup Forums LS on Nasomi. So look out for those threads if you're still interested.
The tail animation added so much character...
Also their ears perked up and occasionally flicked in their combat idle.
... Though, XIV as a whole is lacking in animations. For everything. Even now.
I think this is a big part of why XI held me for almost 10 years and XIV barely 1 year.
goat soundtrack
Are you the guy who had a functional RO clone going on?
What the fuck happened mang
I don't miss that shit, one fucking bit.
Good times
Makes me mad. If I knew last night that the game HAD to be installed on the fucking C: drive, then this shit would already be complete.
Who needs backstory when you can basically magic yourself into any race for real money, and who needs racial or nation backstory, noone reads this shit, its not like anyone cared about mithras past and how they interact with the tarus or how galkas were enslaved and ran out of their homes before that, or that elvaans are all pompous assholes
Japanese people are dumb when it comes to computers.
Good lucking with your q times unless you're playing a tank.
DESU nasomi is pretty shit if you're without nostalgia goggles.
I found the grind way too slow and the fact that all the players were gone from the begging cities mean I'd be slowly grinding alone to be unbearable and so I switched to another server where at least the grind is fast enough to get you into where everyone else is.
The explanation of that shit was some of the most interesting parts of CoP. How much of failure were you in XI, I wonder?
Is that people split over 6 servers? Why would they do that with such a low pop?
Have you played before? Do you know what to do?
What? Does installing it onto C speed it up? I can run the game fine from my M drive.
Its all one server user
he's playing the pirated version.