The best game of 2016

Alright Sup Forums, enough is enough,

All you people heard was "millions of procedurally generated planets to explore" and you're all hyped up making this game shit you imagine it to be, but none of you thought "well, maybe I should look into the game a little bit?" I did, and I learned a lot, I accepted it and I decided to buy the game knowing what it was, and you know what? they didn't lie about a thing, all they said is in the game and what the game is like, that's the way it was, so don't blame the devs for not meeting your unreal expectations because you're lazy and didn't research enough to accept this game for what it is.

To me this game is something else, sometimes it feels more like an experience rather than a game, I mean it's an entire universe at our disposal, and you can fly in and out of the planet without loading screens, it's all gameplay, and for the scale of the game and the tiny indie devs that made it, it's super well thought out and real fun to play, it's a sci-fi game I always wanted, and it's not compromising with shit like "press x to fly out of planet and land on a different one" it's all up to you and there's so much things to discover and the planets keep giving you something new to explore and find and one discovery leads to another, one upgrade can allow you to do what you otherwise couldn't do. For such a small team that made it, it's a great experience, and if it comes down to the scale of the game and it's presentation it's well worth the money, but if you're short on cash, wait awhile, the game should be half price in the next month or two, other than that get it, it's great and immersive, I lost myself exploring for hours, it's a good game if you understand what it's trying to be and not what you think it might be.

Other urls found in this thread:!8BMzXIYB!MnaD7Y6uVVMFvkUcvjt77g

>18000000000000000000 planets
>3 languages

mate, if you're gonna make copypasta, atleast be original


All space stations, Shelters, trade posts and ship interiors look exactly the same.

and you have a limitless universe to explore, who cares about any of that? that is like going to the grand canyon and complaining about that all the rocks look the same.

Wew lad

You claim that these things look similar, you ignorant fuck, you were just unlucky, there are many different buildings and species to discover.

How can you say a game is bad when there are 18 quintillion planets to explore? 18. Quin. Tillion.

>limitless universe

I agree OP, I actually really enjoy the game, people are bashing it for reasons where they praised other survival and crafting games.

What people don't seem to realize is NMS is not a game for every one , if u like slow gameplay with deep exploration , constant mining resources , trading and meaningful experiences that will stay wit you for the rest of ur life NMS could be a great game for you.

>focusing on whether they lied or not
>to avoid discussing the actual game

The game is shit. It would be shit if they had said nothing about it. It would be shit if they had hidden info about good stuff too. It is utter shit.

It's the end of procedural games. Minecraft gave it a good shot but as often, nobody cares enough to do good work when easy money is available. Now it's fucking dead,

>it's not compromising with shit like "press x to fly out of planet and land on a different one" i

But it is, you automatically land by pressing a button, and the same with docking. Are you retarded?

it's a hauntingly beautiful game that has a lot of perks. I enjoy it and so do a lot of other people. it's not objectively bad. either you get it, or you don't desu.

gog version

Because they all look the same and have the same content

>tfw writing a 4/10 review for the game

Shame it turned out so bad in every which way. I couldn't even enjoy what small amount of exploration there is.

after 74 hours already so far i can safely say you are very wrong? have you even played it?

How ?
I'm bored as hell after 3 hours.
I visited 5 plantes and they ALL had the same fucking vegetation. Only the color and the size was different.


I think the most damning thing about this game is that there's so little variety that after exploring 8 systems I think I've sampled all the assets already.

I haven't seen a screenshot of this game posted online where there was something that I didn't encounter. It's always the same ~30 plant models, the same ~30 rock models, the same four of five animal archetypes (4 legged, cthulu, t-rex like two legged, flying etc...) with a dozen or so body parts swapped around.

How could they make a game where the sole selling point is "procedural generation of 18 quintillion planets" and add so little variety in it?

I'm sure this is copypasta but every day since launch I see more and more people defending the game seriously. The posts I've seen that try so hard to defend or otherwise ignore the game's problems are ridiculous.


Let me guess:

>millions can be made provided good marketing and Sony back up
>doesn't matter if the game is good or not if it sells
>it sells

Why is this some mystery to everyone? Does anyone actually believe this is not a scam? Am I cynical?

I mean, you thought it was a real game?

gracias seƱor

For someone who doesnt listen to the hype and have any expectation for it,the game is actually good to me.
And all the hate on Sup Forums seem to come from people who is having bad luck going to samey planets, I even found the planet in the trailer

See this planet? I discovered it! I'm sure nobody playing this game has seen anything remotely similar to it! That's how great this game is!

I'm a programmer and I didn't buy on most of the hype because I know that a lot of what I read in the hype threads was completely unrealistic for a team of a dozen people over a few years, especially if the game was meant to run on a PS4.

That being said the one thing I expected they would do somewhat decently is procedural generation since that's basically all the devs have been talking about. And that they could have done, just have more artists come up with assets (it's not like what little we have is super high quality anyway, shouldn't be too hard to come up them) and tweak your generator to create more varied planets. Make it so that you have real trees and not just saplings. Have biomes on planets so that you have an incentive to explore instead of just walking around for a bit and then leave because you've seen all what the planet has to offer.

Why couldn't they even be bothered to have different gravities based on the size of planets? That's the most trivial thing to implement in any engine, most FPS all the way back to Quake have had a builtin variable to tweak gravity, even if they don't actually change it in game.

Everybody who's played this game for a few hours will have found a planet that looks like that, I've seen one almost identical a few hours ago, just with blue grass instead. Also in the trailer the trees were much more densely packed and much taller. And animals interacted with them.

That's exactly what im tryin to say. If people think that even if the planets are looking samey there is so many, so much size n depth in this game, but you have to accept it's not gonna meet the hype and wont be a real life/universe sim its a game ya know. and heuy i found a planet like that 1 too!

>will have found

>future perfect tense
>gave me an orgasm

>it's the same autistic programmer who defends the game in every thread again

Don't you have something better to do than be the captain of a defense force?

I agree with your points but i'm seeing it in a positive light, im thinking this game is like the biggest fuckin canvas the modding community has ever seen and the potential to make it amazing is there (with a lot of work) but in the end it could become something truly unique and special.

>LOOK AT MY GAME IT HAS 240587654092847569802137286097643583426 planets
Suppose people actually play enough to discover all possible generated planets. Does it mean that any generated planets beyond this point are precisely identical to some other planet in the game? Alternatively (and much more reasonable), if people don't discover all possible generated planets, then wouldn't the remaining 154673457683567602487956 planets be a fucking paperweight?

I genuinely believe that people are mistaking the appreciation of games with more moderate scope (but with many little details) with the appreciation of games of massive scope (not necessarily many little details) to be the same thing

>i don't read posts
>i simply type a bunch of bullshit

You're the worst, please leave

OP watch this you fag, i dare you to disagree with this review

Someone needs to explain something to me.

Is there only one ending? Because the only legit ending even though it's fucking horrible ending is the Atlas Path. The other two "paths" are even more vague and even more unfulling/rewarding then the Atlas One.

Has anyone found anything different?

>Follow the Atlas the evilist faction of them all and become Neo and eventually create your own star system you can't even find or get to
>Follow the Black Holes that only take you to the center of the Universe and resets everything to a different universe!
>Or be your own man and go out and Adventure

Fuck you Hello Games

Did you even read my post? And I've barely posted in NMS threads so far, and every time it was to bash the game.

We'll see, I'm kind of looking forward to mods myself, especially if they manage to tweak the generator to increase the altitude variations and things like that. But "the mods will fix it" is never exactly a good thing to say about the game.

AFAIK the number is just 2 to the power 64, i.e. the number of possible values you can store on a 64bit integer. So I guess they use a 64bit seed when creating planets. If you explore 2**64+1 planet you're guaranteed to find a duplicate since you'll have to have encountered the same planet twice. Although of course you're extremely likely to encounter a duplicate before that because of the birthday paradox.

couldn't watch for more than 20 seconds because he talks like a guy with down syndrome

>Sup Forums was right about a game for once
>but since Sup Forums also has to be contrarian a defense force for the game grows because everyone else hates the game too

Why do you people do this?

The comments are priceless though, sean the grand shill himself must have posted some of this tripe gahahaha

>integrity check failed
user you bastard

I guess you haven't seen the data mine?
The E3 presentation was fucking rigged.

Despite its shortcomings, it's still an okay game. It still needs lots of fucking polish.

>Ham-fisted dialogue for every single alien encounter
>Endless variety of creatures that all look exactly like procedurally generated garbage that would never evolve naturally
>same 5 variations of ships
>Incredibly dull and pointless story about 'da endwess jorrnee' that never actually explains anything
>This is all BEFORE the game-breaking bugs, terrible optimization and out-right lies from Sean "No Shoes" Murray

I wanted to like the game too faggot, but it's without a doubt the biggest flop of the last decade. At least some of the quests in TORtanic were interesting. This game has zero redeeming qualities other than it's stupidly large

Pic related is how well thought-out No Man's Buy turned out to be.

>A survival and exploration game with no multiplayer!

Not even as good as fucking ARK and that's shit.

There's literally nothing evil about Atlas other than poor writing.

There's no deep exploration. There's no deep anything. Please stop saying that.

I could enjoy a game based solely around exploration, finding cool planets and just enjoying the scenery and making your own story.

In NMS you have immersion breaking stuff everywhere, the game doesn't even try to pretend it's an organic universe with stuff going on when you're not triggering the procedural generator.

You have the same type of buildings, ruins, drop pods etc.. sprinkled everywhere without any variations, you're always guaranteed to be less than a 2minute walk away from civilization.

Roughly half of the time in the buildings you encounter exactly one alien asking exactly one thing to give you one reward, generally worthless.

All three civilization in the game, having different languages, culture and objectives have exactly the same ruins for some reason.

You're never the first one to explore a planet, there are people everywhere all the time.

At the same time there aren't any city or evidence for advanced civilization besides those small based sprinkled everywhere and those big space stations that look like empty shells.

Why are space stations always empty when I dock, only to immediately fill up with alien ships? Did they really had to make it obvious that it spawned just for you?

Why are those stations so immense and yet you only have two small doors leading to two small rooms when you dock? And there are only like 8 docking ports anyway.

I could go on. Nothing about this game feels organic, I don't feel like I'm exploring a foreign world, I feel like I'm exploring a badly designed disneyland ride.

This. As vast as a universe as deep as a puddle. Sort of like Skyrim,really, but at least skyrim had a good 10-30 hours play in it before that feeling set in.

Skyrim was saved by mods. Think theis will be the same?

How the fuck can u get deeper exploration than a whole fuckin universe what the fuck?


It begins

Post the DHMIS edit already

Depends if modders can really get into the code and add more variety to these worlds and how they're generated because i don't think any soft modding will really make this game interesting. Even if they can, who could say it would run at any reasonable fps, obviously optimization will get better but who knows. I should imagine it could get pretty resource intensive.

I agree with this 100%

Deck of standard playing cards - the best game OF ALL TIME. 8 * 10^67 possible decks to explore! 80. Unvigin. Tillion

Did you read my post? Did you play the game?

It's like saying that minecraft is a whole universe because you can generate as many maps as you want and you can pretend each of them is a planet.

There's not enough variety, internal coherency or organic stuff going on to give you the impression that you're in a real universe.

You have a galactic trade network that can give you vastly different prices from station to station completely randomly. It's not like the price of resources is indexed to the rarity in a system or something like that.

Things like gold are super expensive when you can mine it easily on any planet. And yet rarer resources sell for less, for some reason.

And of course even though you have a many planets they all look the same. You have those big coral looking things on roughly 90% of the planets. The caves look the same everywhere. You have those planets with the big floating land masses, the planets with the root-like arches everywhere etc... Once you've seen one of each you're pretty much done.

it's not tho because in minecraft u cant land a fly ur craft seamlessly from planet 2 planet, i grant u that aside from these things there aint really a game here but honestly its a first in many ways n i think thats and great and positive thing since so many games lack any sort of creativity at all

The way you type shows the average intelligence of No Man's Sky fans, truly.

>>it's the same autistic programmer who defends the game in every thread again

the guy didn't defend the game. you are a faggot.

I don't know if you're typing that way to show that you're being ironic but anyway, it's true that being able to fly around a system without having any loading time is pretty cool. That being said the implementation is far from flawless, the pop in is extremely obvious when you first visit a planet, it's not rare to have big square holes in the geometry that slowly fill up with this horribly grainy pattern.

Same thing when you fly around on a planet. And I'm playing on PC with everything set to ultra with a decent CPU.

And while you're flying you don't see animals or anything on the ground, which could be pretty cool I guess.