How did you get unbanned from GTA:Online?

I've tried calling and speaking to supervisor and lying about circumstances to make it seem I'm a victim

I haven't yet.

GTA V is a decent game, but Online is pure cancer. I can't blame people for cheating or whatever.

Also, I never see this shit talked about:
In order to force more Shark Card bullshit on people, Rockstar has made it so newer vehicles don't spawn in singleplayer.

have you tried not getting caught cheating

By this, I mean you literally cannot have certain lowriders or any stunt vehicle without mods.

How about not cheating you fucking 12 year old.

I got banned from some dude flying around putting money down, support just ignores me

Bake them an apology cake

dumb cheater


If you get banned, can you still use your Online characters in Director Mode?

I have hacked a few times just to give myself a shit ton of money.

They took it away both times.

Still have my houses and cars. It's all I play it for.

I also gave other people money cause I was generous.

Reminder that you should report anyone Rank 1000+

sounds true enough, customer support too overwhelmed to give a shit about any ban appeals.

So you wunna know a little short cut ? Need a little "helping hand" in leveling up and unlocking unlockables? Cone closer so i can whisper this is in your ear as its confidental stuff,You need blaze Xplorer cheat cartridge, blow your games wide open!

>game is called Grand Theft Auto
>see supercar driving down the street
>jack that shit
>take it to a garage
>sorry goy this car can only be obtained through a legitimate purchase. Have you considered buying one of our Shark Cards™?

Anyone have their screen go grey when trying to join a job (specifically Entourage)? I can still access the pause menu, but joining a new session is the only way to "fix" it.

I got a fucking message on my in-game phone about Shark Cards yesterday when I logged in. It's bad enough I have to see that shit on loading screens and be reminded of them everytime I see something overpriced (as in almost any car in the game).

I can't get unbanned. I was cheating before the first ban, and later forgot to delete 2 sp mod files that stayed up until I was permanently banned.

this is literally retarded

ONLINE was a mistake

Duh. It's not like our dislike of it is affecting Shark Card™ sales, though.

Games H O T T R A S H

earning money from heists and stuff is half the game anyway

Playing them all once is more than enough. Shit is boring, yo.

Then you're practically forced to replay them over and over OR spend too much time trying to find a lobby of decent people in the shitty multiplayer modes.

For example
>Entourage modes are double cash atm
>people switch teams to make matches lopsided
>sometimes, some leave mid-game, even when the teams are even
>your success as a bodyguard is ultimately determined by the target
>as a bodyguard, you can't see enemies on the minimap until they shoot - this results in a lot of cheap deaths
>bodyguards spawn near the target - if the target is in a firefight, you're fucked
>the target is almost always incompetent
>the target takes 2 melee hits and a few shotgun blasts to kill
>you, as an assassin or bodyguard, can be killed in one melee hit

Meant respawn, not spawn.

And why is it such a fucking process to mute people in a lobby? Online is fucking shit.