Why did Dragon Age turn from good old school style BioWare RPG to complete shit?

Why did Dragon Age turn from good old school style BioWare RPG to complete shit?

Because after the first one Bioware decided their gender fluid 16 year old audience is the new target audience, so it turned to heaven for socially akward and otherwise disgusting individuals in which they found find digital fantasy wanks

I blame the fans.

Game turns into shit because fans want it or allowed.

Because Neo-Bioware doesn't care about games, only pushing a social political agenda.

I concur. In 2012 Bioware forums had the content of high school diaries.

Come on, inquisition was decent

Decent is low for a company that was regarded as one of the best in the genre

dragon age origin was already nu male trash, go play baldurs gate faggot

I am not focusing in Bioware, but in the whole industry. People tend to blame companies went they say games are dumber than before, games jew us all with DLCs and episodic release, have less features, etc. it's the fans that allow that shit because they want it or they just don't give a fuck and let it happen.

>let's kill the CEO of Nintendo, Bethesda, CAPCOM, etc

you don't have to go that far. Just don't buy the game and go on with your life. But people are so stupid, want to be with the current memes and something to talk with their also ideotic friends, they play and PAY for it anyway.

tl;dr: current state of videogames are like that because fans want it.

Define a "fan" because I can say with certainty that there are a fuckton of people who don't want crap to pour out of their monitors

As a matter of fact faggot Dragon Age origins is perhaps the last game from BioWare that did play like Baldur's Gate

is this nigger cereal?

any people interested in a game could be a fan. Not only a hardcore gamer or a super casual chad gamer. Everyone that want to play it and follow the series/universe.


When they wanted the "Call of Duty" audience. Their legit own words when they made DA2.

>we hot rodded the art

I honestly don't get Bioware's train of thought concerning Dragon Age 2. Everyone loved Origins, why the fuck would you change it so much?



It's like when an artist sells out

They just become mainstream and bad

Dragon Age Origins was release before EA bought out bioware. That should explain everything.
DA2 was the most disappointing game i ever played, note i said disappointing not worst but it comes close.

You forget that between Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2 happened. And went fucking crazy playing it as a dating sim. There was a time in 2010 when even here on Sup Forums there were no less than 5 different waifu threads. There's your answer

Why do fucking virgins think that having sex with people with emotional baggage is great?

There are several factors really

Dragon Age Origins was two thirds finished when EA bought them off so EA tampering was minimal at best.

With DA II EA tampering was maximal, they demanded a sequel that was different than the original with mass appeal in only 15 months. Ofc Bioware couldn't deliver in that timeframe so DA II was the result of that.

EA gave Bioware all the time in the world for Inquisition, but I don't think they were able to deliver a well made open world game. A lot of the people that made the studio great were already gone, and the people that stayed got high of the SJW/Feminism/Faggotry/White guilt that was popular at the time. Still is