Sup Forums hates Toriumi sensei but loves Yukari

>Sup Forums hates Toriumi sensei but loves Yukari

Explain yourself

Other urls found in this thread:

But I love Toriumi

why do they look similar anyway

Holy shit I never noticed how similar they look

Why does sense look so close to yukari but act nothing like her?

I want to FUCK the cake

Honestly wish you went on a date with sensei
That gives me such a hard dick just thinking about it

We had this thread yesterday faggot

Sup Forums hates Yukari, but she is hot.

Sensei is superior

p4 has the best milf teacher

Why does gyaru make everything better?

Also sensei gets points because of /ss/

Oh look, it's the same thread you made yesterday. Get a life dude

where's the full image man

I would user, but I got banned last time for posting it becuase gyaru fuuka is sucking a dick in it.

gimme a link to the image then, you won't get banned for that.

Too bad persona 4 had a cast of half assed homos

They didn't have the balls to actually score and they weren't gay enough to bang each other. P4 characters were literally wasted potential

[anime girl holding up a sign saying "we had this same thread yesterday"]


I have a MILF fetish.

thank you user

Didn't we have this thread yesterday?

don't let me down!

Yukari is the best Persona 3 girl.


Can someone make this but with Asura and Nozomi using gun?
You might disappointed user and no gyaru Aigis how ever the hell that would work.

People don't hate Yukari for her looks, they hate her because she's an insanely bitchy bitch. Toriumi has a personality that isn't godawful but her dialogue in Innocent Sin Online doesn't help.

Ones old and busted and the other is pure

cool post

Yukari isn't old.

Anyone got a link to last thread?

I fucking love gyarus

Are there any gyaru based video games?

>defiling Fuuka's image
You deserve worse than a ban.

>Yukari was the only normal person in the entire fucking squad
>People assume she's a cunt because they're autistic and can't fucking grasp that she and Junpei had bant-offs that were wholly good fun
>Never actually did her social link so they know nothing about her other than her banting with Junpei with Junpei playing along and them being the autistic cockgobbler they are thought it was all played straight
>Is only a cunt towards Mitsuru, who begs for your trust while never trusting any of you; holds reasonable doubt with reasonable blame of Mitsuru's family's doings with her father and never not once did they attempt to make amends or apologize for the shit he went through and her family consequently went through

Yukari was the best god damned character in the game, but far be it autists understand a shred of emotional subtlety. No wonder Persona 4 was just "everyone's an awkward shitbiscuit who only lusts for MC".

Yukari-fagging like crazy but true

>y-you haters didn't do her link!
A big factor in everyone's hatred of her is bullshit like her picking a fight with hoodlums and then bitching at you regardless of what you do. You can spew whatever shit you want to justify her behavior, but the fact remains that it's obnoxious and irritating, and there's no endearing part to it.