When did you realize that consumers are preventing video games from moving forward?

When did you realize that consumers are preventing video games from moving forward?

It's always been obvious, it's the same in every medium. Most people are stupid and want entertainment that conforms to their stupidity, limiting the financial viability of experimentation or innovation.

It's especially apparent in films and games because they have such high budgets, but it can also be seen in books and music, that's why bookshops are full of celebrity biographies and self help nonsense and music shops are full of popshit like Nicki Minaj.

Moving forwards into what? What do you think we're being held back from?

Holy shit calm down kiddo, massive exaggerations aren't going to get us anywhere. You sound like a 14 year old in high school immediately after they realize where they fit on a political compass

What does this false-flagging memery accomplish? I get that you're frustrated but the best way to combat that would be to voice your OWN opinions firmly and strongly, rather than being passive-agressive and sarcastic.

what the fuck is that rash looking shit on the left ones mid rift.

mosquito bites?



thats what happens when you let cum dry on your skin

Why would a developer make a good game when retards will pay for cosmetics?

highschool kids aren't even this smart.
when i was in highschool, people were literally saying shit like "derp, ur gay" and "DUDE WEED LMAO".
>we don't need exaggerations
>starts exaggerating

>Most popular pc game tells companies that consumers are more bothered with esports and dress up costumes than they are with a finished bug free product
>consumers would rather get nickle and dimed for shit dlc over being given modding tools that would let the community make better content for free
>consumers dumping massive about into twitch and youtube bullshit leads to entire genres where watchability is valued over gameplay
>bitch at each other whilst outside forces state what they want video games to be instead, meaning developers listen to people who don't play vidya to those who do
OP isn't even wrong

Eh what? You sound like you're projecting quite a bit there.


compare 2002 games with contemporary ones

Sounds like you're insecure about your intelligence and interest in media. Are you a Nicki Minaj fan or something?

That's fucking hilarious coming from someone in the most insecure board in the entire site.
Sup Forums isn't secure about ANYTHING, you're practically little more than animals half the time, except stupider, and less cute.

k, no need for you to post or lurk here anymore then.

is that will smiff in the background?

Do you cum acid?

Haha, well said brother
Let us leave the sheep to discuss their PATHETIC hobby while us true gentlemen discuss the finer aspects of life

Idk user, ask your momor she dies tonight

I want to fuck Margot until my dick fall off.

Childhood is when you blame the consumer, adulthood is when you realize it's the publishers and shitty devs' fault.

Game actually need to go backward , it s obvious that what was making the media great disappeared yrs ago.

Kill yourself.

It is the consumer though.
When shitloads of people buy a game it makes a lot of money, therefore this concept is repeated because they know it makes money.

Shit games would be less common if people stopped buying them and stopped funding shitty practice, but they never will.

>kill yourself
kill you'reself


whenever MW2 was released

Not that user, but I somewhat agree and disagree. Its everyone's fault tbqh what with paid reviews, misleading advertisement, etc.

ok, compare gothic 2 (a well respected rpg) to the witcher 3

>its the people who cater to the demands fault and not the people who give the demands in the first place fault
Are you one of those conspiracy tards who think that a consumer based industry can systematically ignore the consumers demand and continue to be successful?

No devs/publishers are. Consumers just aren't fighting back.

A truly great game will make money no matter what. It's not the consumers fault that devs continue to do the same thing because they are too cowardly and lack the skill or passion to push the medium forward, or even to make just a simple, great game. They have their easy mode cookie cutter game designs and they will not abandon them when they can continue to put in little effort producing shitfest shooters and """"survival sims"""" and exploit kids/teens, and the retarded, uninformed consumers. You think the Souls series was designed to please those fucking retards? No, but yet the franchise was still a big success because they're fucking good games.

Developers are literally subhuman.

This has to be bait. High school style presumptuous "hurr durr im smarter than le everyone else XD", LITERAL "I just HATE nicki minaj xD" you cannot be real

Based squad poster

>Consumers are the cause of stagnation in media
Are you sure you're not some crazy genious philosopher?

You're deluded, user.

Consumers aren't just failing to "fight back", they are enthusiastically supporting the dumbing down of video games into one big generic mess of "cinematic" adventures.

SO INSECURE. Poor guy.

It's totally the other way round. Just as adulthood is when you stop blaming your parents for your problems and take responsibility.

So are you here on an anthropological expedition from more distinguished parts of the internet or what?

Psoriasis. It's why she quiet modeling, apparently.

I recognize Margot but who's the one on the left?



Talk for yourself i am cute, fucking faggot

It happens when you can't control your itch. Keep scratching and it'll leave a scar.

Spotted the fresh-from-high-school kid

I hate Cara Delevigne

When I realized video games were a business. This is pretty true of any medium though. People are scared of change or trying something new. Hell I'm replaying Legend of Mana for the 5th time as we speak instead of playing one of the hundreds of great games I've never played on my list.

We're all pretty terrible.

Fucking this right here. It's cheaper to produce and sell polished painted shit, than to produce an actual quality product. If people keep buying painted shit, then there's no reason to stop producing it.

And here come the contrarians!

Every single time someone praises TLOU, UC, TR and these cinematic cover shooter "experiences"

>People are scared of change or trying something new.

This is beside the point. We aren't seeing anything change or anything new, it's less of what we have seen. sequels aim for the base game in the previous title instead of the finished product after DLC.

Bugs/glitches seem to be acceptable now too like they add character. Corporations have trained us into the swine consumers they want.

Fucking refund buggy or disappointing games and we might just get somewhere.

yeah g2 trumps it in everything

When did you realize that perhaps you chose the wrong hobby after all?

When the first bakeries opened, people loved all the fresh bread they could get. Then one bakery started adding sawdust to their loaves, and people still bought it. All the other bakeries followed suit and people kept buying it because it was all they could get.

There is no stopping corporate control over mass stupidity. Just move on to a new hobby that isn't controlled by the masses.

It's your fault for making your hobby "going out of my way to find things in video games that annoy me". There are great games released all the time, play those instead of waiting for the next "AAA fuck up" to shit post on Sup Forums about.

Everything is limited by consumerism. The real issue here is capitalism. However, capitalism is fueled by the ignorance of humanity, so maybe humans are the problem.

That doesn't help either.

Also, that's a bit hypocritical of you.

What's wrong with Cara's stomach, what are those red bumps?

When people were praising Fallout 4

So this is how it looks when someone gets their personality from BioWare games, huh.

The minority of autists who play games like Counter Strike or TF2 are getting drowned out now, and we're moving back to what made gaming great

There is absolutely nothing that can be done about braindead consumers being excited for shitty games, because marketing is so powerful.

Seriously, people buy what they're told to buy. This generation proves that point harder than any other. Look at the PS4, look at all the Ubisoft shit that should have burned consumers from ever coming back years ago, yet they still buy it. Look at No Man's Sky, an indie game sold for the price of a AAA game, sold on lies and empty hype.

And these people are so desperate to fit in, they can't bring themselves to admit that a game like Skyrim could be flawed. They're in it now, they'll support Bethesda no matter how badly they fuck up, because in their mind it's simply the right thing to do.

why do all white women look like crackwhores? the left even has krokodil marks on her stomach.

>people who are crack whores look like crack whores
>lol shaking my head white people

>t. shitskin

So you're saying he's right? G2 blows any witcher game out of the water.

Source on the cute boy on the left?

> Consumers holding back a product

This is it. We hit it. The pinnacle of contrarian, out-of-touch, brain-dead opinions. I didn't think we'd get there so soon (2016), but hot damn, was I wrong.

We did it, boys. We're fucking retarded. Pat yourselves on the back, but not too hard. You might fucking kill yourself.

thats a shame, shes cute

I like girls with dark eyebrows but she should consider lightening them.

When some of the worst shit sells and companies get away with awful buisness practices. Customers are retarded.

I was hesitant to download this pic until I realized, if she's old to drink she's old enough to get downloaded and fapped to.

>t. Chad Rumblecontroller

>I like girls with dark eyebrows
Same senpai, usually very apparant with fake blondes, like they have blond/dirty blond hair bet jack black eyebrows

The reverse is also possible but even omre rare, where once has blond eyebrows but jetblack hair

>wah wah, why can't we be civil and rational all the time
Literally go back to /r/eddit

Big eyebrows are CUTE!

it appears that I need sleep

I've fapped to that doujin

>There are great games released all the time


She's okay but a bit overexposed in media nowadays. Lessens her appeal IMO; still would cum in less than 8 seconds though

Name 1 industry that is still great and pure because the consumers aren't total retards.



How hard is it to make a SLAB OF WOOD

Both parties are faulty. The companies for producing a shit product and the consumers for gobbling it all up and considering it a masterpiece.

I think the only ones untouched ones are ones that require literal autism to do

>meanwhile all these retarded nerds contribute to the cancer they cry about

Wow, fuck off rockbiter newfag.
If you were born before 1987 kill yourself.

In the back of my mind I pretty much knew. But it wasn't until I bought Dead By Daylight that I realized how bad it actually was. The game wasn't finished, features that were promised weren't available at launch (or even multiple patches later). Just absolute shit.

I went and looked to see if people were as pissed as I was that we just got robbed, and the forums were full of fucking sympathetic to the fuckhole devs. Saying just give them time to deliver on their statements. They had their fucking time, it's called a release date. If you can't meet it, you delay launch and eat shit for it. You don't realize an unfinished product, and you as a consumer don't sit back and defend that.

Every time I think about that fucking game I rage.

Been that way since the beginning of time, nigga. Bread and circuses.

wtf is going on here

Ringworrm. She probably fucks dogs.

When every developer started marketing their games as "listening to the fans."

superior white race

Eczema. Random parts of your skin become dried out and irritated. The redness comes from her itching at it.

It isn't about the whole industry being great, it's about having a chance for its products to go forward. Video games are devolving.