Why are loli party members so damn annoying?
Why are loli party members so damn annoying?
Cute as fug
Elize was such a disappointment because she was boring as fuck.
Because english dub teams don't understand the appeal and get limited voice actors who couldn't imitate a child to save their lives to play them.
I hated child party members too until I started exclusively playing with native audio.
I'll forgive you this one time, if you promise not to be a faggot
Depends on the game
This chick is 14 in Kotor 1, yet she's bro tier.
Elize is the only good Tales loli.
Did they fug
Because you aren't allowed to fuck them.
You know what the cool thing about lolis is?
You can pick them up, fuck them, cum inside of them, and pass them off to the next party member.
>party is full of girls
What then faggot?
I dunno. Feminine penis? Or I guess you could take turns doing other lewd stuff with her. Like kissing or fingering. There's a lewd solution for everything, user.
Oh, I've got it. Sexual bullying by the entire party. Loli is tiny; she's basically a toy or maybe even a pet for the rest of the party.
I can't see a situation in which a collar, a leash, and the words "good girl" don't fit.
>and then there's THIS faggot
So damned sexual you mean.
That's a robot not a loli.
Best loli coming through
>implying you can't be both
would not surprise me once she gets legal.
Cutie, but her english VA was terrible.
Trying to hard to be "ditzy" and "cute" to actually be a worthwhile and important member to a party.
Because that behavior is considered 'cute' by people into that. Also because it fits one of the handful of female archetypes in JRPGs.
Almost always present:
>nice, sweet girl who is the main girl
Younger girl (pick one):
>kawaii loli who is either energetic and a bit bratty or quiet and moe
>obnoxious teen genius girl that may be the tsundere
Older girl that usually has big breasts (pick one):
>~ara ara-ish woman that acts as the cool big sis
>fighter girl that is generally more normal
That's also an option. Headpats are pretty fun. I was just thinking of a more lewd solution.
>not Presea
>Playing Etrian Odyssey
>only 1 girl of debatable loliness in the party, rest are men, and mainly the nonambiguous actually-look-like-men men
N-no way... you don't mean hand holding?
What's that?
Handholding and kissing. Maybe even slow dancing
English voice actors doing lolis sound like they're in their twenties
Move over lolis, shotas are here.
Not actually much of a difference between them, and we're just trading pedo appeal for gay pedo appeal.