This game looks fun as fuck and it has a thicc half-robot protagonist.
Why the fuck aren't you playing the public demo, Sup Forums?!?!
This game looks fun as fuck and it has a thicc half-robot protagonist.
Why the fuck aren't you playing the public demo, Sup Forums?!?!
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck, forgot to add link.
well I think the design is stupid.
I would've liked it better if she was just thick and didn't have the brown parts. give her back nipples instead or something sheesh.
because it is fucking shit and you are only playing it to jerk off
fuck u shilling faggot
report and carry on
How do you get past the room with the ammo box in the demo? I can get down to the ammo but I can't get back up.
>muh dik
You're pathetic and the game is trash
>false-flagging this hard
this is the western equivalent of weebshit.
mediocre design and lot of fanservice.
Except its not. Its shitty pandering with nothing good about the game. Its a shallow as fuck non challenging tps.
It's shit. Stop shilling your game.
>Make plain shooter
>Droid protag
>Make it female
>Add pair of boobs and visible ebony ass.
Drossel ripoff
This isn't the Sup Forums I know
It kinds of remind me of older survival horror gameplay. Apart from the character design, solid game and the demo was bigger than I thought it would be.
>bouncing metal tits
>what is silicone
liquid mercury balloons
Character is actually a human, well some kind of human
How the fuck do you guys get the gas mask or what do you do after you get the night vision goggles? I've been stuck and have no idea where to go and I was hoping you guys could help out
I just want a trap bot, not a bimbo.
I was thinking about making my own model of Haydee with wider hips and black legs for modding purposes once the game comes out
Is that a bad idea?
>tfw too stupid to beat the demo
I've put far too many hours in what could probably be beaten in just 2
That's fat, not thick. This term got really warped since it leaked out of /fit/.
This, why the fuck is she half black/human or whatever why not a full on thic robot babe
The internet will always tell you to do something. Don't ever expect the internet to tell you otherwise.
Gray or black legs would be better, like if they want her to be a human just give her latex pants or something
Nigga do wjhat you want
Someones gonna mod a Dick on her eventually
>/fit/ coined the term "thick" to describe the female body
wew lad. If you only knew the truth.
Blue legs would be a nice option too.
Glad I'm not the only one bothered by this.
Last one
because it doesn't look interesting
>Right when I gotta sleep
>Made by Starfag
Anyway, I'm currently working on gathering all the health packs without taking any damage so I can explore the Yellow zone. They put in a ton of it for no real reason and I want to know why.
Update us on progress when you make any
also yeah i agree the op in general was done poorly
who are these seminal sentinels?
Daibadi shamrock
It says in the description that the demo is unbeatable.
>Why the fuck aren't you playing the public demo, Sup Forums?!?!
I am.
And I can't fucking stop.
>give it a try at first due to thicc protag
>gameplay is actually fun as fuck too
>Make mediocre game
>Gets no attention
>Add tits and thick booty
>Endless hype
pfftt hahaha
so this is the power of neckbeards.....
I want to squeeze that Robutt
fuck off shill
Fat data stacks
This is like the thirtieth time ive seen a post like this
and yes im just here for robo-tiddies
How do I grab onto ledges below me?
You can get back the same way, just timr your jumps carefully
>This game looks fun as fuck
It actually looks like a piece of shit.
Turn around so your butt faces ledge.
Crouch again.
Also, progress. I got farther via the Horror Tunnels path in Yellow Zone...
There is a LOT to this place.
I don't think there is one. A few days ago, some of us got to a point where we needed either a gas mask, a device to unlock doors, or the other 2 green keys. I've done a fair bit of looking myself, but haven't made any progress beyond that.
I expected shit but goddamn dat ass and dem titties. Day 1 buy.
Because the game looks boring. That thicc ass still gets me hard as fuck though
The developers confirmed that there is no gas mask in the Demo.
The only things in the Demo are
>White Tutorial
>The Bridge
>Red Intro
>Lower Green
>Yellow, the Toxic zone
I actually thought it was fun
Though, this is actually held to prerelease demo standards. This game honesty needs a lot of work for when he decides to release a full version
>shit game
>add gigantic boobs and ass
>good game
Thanks guys, guess I'm done with everything for now.
Because she's a cyborg. Only her top half is mechanical.
I agree, this needs alot of work. I like how it feels like an old Tomb Raider game.
The thicc robot is just a nice plus
Yes but that doesn't stop them from giving her black or white latex pants/leggings to cover up her human part, and it could even make it a twist that she is part human at some point
>press button to open door
>two cages with assassin robots open up
>limited ammo throughout the game
what sick fuck thought this was a good idea in a game that already doesn't give you much survivability?
i mean i like this game, it's a nice touch to detract from the other bullshit we've gotten these past few years, but there are some design choices that are just retarded
like the part where you have to jump to pillars but the first fucking jump has a door with an overhang which means you have to jump at the last second
>faggots wanting to cover up sexy thick fleshy human bare legs
No, fuck off, you're just as bad as stocking fags, finally a game with with some thick bare ass legs you faggots want to ruin it. Fuck off, whats the point of having leg shaped things if you don't get to see the bare skin, metal ass robot legs are not sexy, no skin showing is not sexy. fuuuuck you faggots are really flaring up my autism. Her legs are perfect you faggots better not ruin this for me.
You actually get plenty of ammo up to that point, you just didn't explore hard enough. You get FORTY AMMO alone in the span between Armory Vent and that event triggering.
Haven't played the old Tomb Raider games but I do kinda like the slower platforming.
I hope they do more to improve on that. There could be quite a few possibilities.
Well, once they pull the camera out away from her a bit
Scratch that, FIFTY ammo.
And each Assassin takes 2-4 hits to down.
Also, the other is a Brawler, not an Assassin.
Ammo wasn't a problem for me, but a lot of normies were complaining about it the other day here on Sup Forums. But fighting an assassin bot is a struggle enough, but getting gangbanged by two of them in opposite directions is fucking absurd.
I saw the trailer and the gameplay looked tedious as all hell
>push button to open locked/caged door
>door behind you opens instead and a killerbot jumps you
I actually kinda like it.
It feels like the place is littered with traps and you need to be ready to seriously watch your back.
But maybe I'm just the kind of guy who likes a challenge that requires you to be very careful and memorize stuff.
it's 'thick', you braindead faggots.
let me guess, you also refer to fat chicks as "bbw", right?
No, we refer to them as landwhales.
Except that hallway only has 1 Assassin, the other is a slow Brawler.
And Russians really don't make games with "normal appeal." They make whatever the fuck they feel like.
Also, with 4 health packs, I cannot get any farther in either direction, presently.
>Gave me more than enough to test if you had to have NO gun or if dropping it on the ground would let you bypass the NO GUNS door
>It doesn't, you have to have NO gun AT ALL
>Means have no way to deal with the catwalk Assassin, so can't go right up there
>Left path up there has an impassible intersection with only 4 packs, will get 5th next
>Right path has a horribly long segment where you have to shimmy along a large chunk of wall, couldn't get farther, same deal
But for now, I sleep.
Tomorrow, I'll hopefully update with the results of 5 packs pushed to the fucking limit.
Also, Health packs stack up to 3.
You just explained memeran kagura and most weebshit games
Are there melee options?
And it sounds like it could use an escape move for tricky Situationen, like an empty charge that kills Surrounding enemies but knocks yourself out for a while and does some damage.
Just ideas from what I heard, will check the demo out later.
It looks ok, the big butt is nice. star name test :)
I agree. The upper half appears to be mostly cybernetic, hell the head itself appears to have no organic components, so why would there be flesh legs instead of robot legs?
They should've made her all robot
This shit's a copout
>give her back nipples
... She had nipples?
>this obvious shilling
Spotted the German
"Alert: Haydee, you are udder attack!"
>metal ass robot legs are not sexy
Scheiss Autokorrektur!
They're just the fags who can't deal with sexuality without some hamfisted "justification" for it.
game feels a bit sluggish right now but it has potential, of course i doubt the devs will make it anything more than fapbait
I'd love to see your progress if you make any. I've been able to explore only a bit of the gas rooms, and I really don't feel like starting over just to see if anything is in there..
Minor update.
The upper path is NOT completeable with max Packs. You have to hit a button which causes the pillar to move, I need something else. Still attempting to do the Ledge run perfectly to see what is just behind the door or if it is locked, but I keep falling 2-3 seconds short.
>press button
>get Revengeance'd
>walk through door
>get Revengeance'd
>kill that Raiden and turn the corner
>get Revengeance'd
>get to the button at the very end after a few deaths
>see Raidenbot drop from the ceiling
>no HP to fight back
>get Revengeance'd
I really wish you could fire the pistol faster. Other than the insane speed of the Raidenbots, it's enjoyable so far. If the more precise controls get ironed out and the animations dont look so stiff I'll probably be interested in it on released
Also how far am I in this damn demo?
I am literally a half-second off. All I need to do is not fuck up a minor jump early on and I got it.
Also good pose.
Kill yourself
And final update, I made it.
There's nothing.
If you shoot an Assassin in the eye, it gets stunned.
Most people think the gameplay in this one is just an excuse to have a sexy robot crawl around, but it's actually the other way - the dudes wanted to make a hardcore exploration focused metroidvania and added the thicc robutt just for the sake of attracting attention.
i love haydee
also the game isn't bad, needs work but it's just demo
yeah i definitely felt that in the demo, hopefully it develops into something that will be known as the metroidvania that could (feat. robutt), instead of trash steam game #2348
Im stuck at the part right after you have to jump on the switch activated green collums, and the next room has two robots. I cant seem to kill them both with 8 bullets and Iv looked everywhere, did I miss something?
Brawler bots can die in 4 shots. Assassin bots can take as little as 2. You should be able to take out 2 of anything with 8 bullets.
>be hack developer
>make mediocre puzzle game
>make it third-person and put some fat female character with big jiggly boobs on it
>shill it on Sup Forums daily so that it gets greenlit thanks to "MUH THICC MEME" Sup Forumsirgins
>get the ammo after like 6 tries and finally kill the brawler
>get lost in samey white corridors and stop playing cause I'm retarded
Fuck, samey corridors are my only weakness. That and finicky pixel perfect 3D platforming.
I messaged devs about getting some kinda map into the game (which other metroidvanias usually have), but they say that it's very difficult due to complicated level design.
I don't even care anymore.