ITT: Games that had no right being as good as they are

ITT: Games that had no right being as good as they are

Wish someone would make something similar nowadays so I could play it

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game ends up being a super fascinating RPG with remarkably fun minigames and a somewhat involving story with immersive side quests
>Game has a totally meta story where the final boss points out the player character is being controlled by a higher power

How the fuck did this game end up being so good?

Portable Sims are amazing and I don't even know why

Both Bustin' Outs are awesome. Good memories of playing co-op on the Xbox with my brother. I still play the GBA from time to time.

I didn't know they made one for the GBA. Is it the same basic game?

Not at all my dude

the sims on any kind of portable devices are totally different games, they're more aventure / mini-games with stat increase
and most of them are actually good

It's different in that it's more story focused. Its got sim elements but you've to run about and do story shit also

Man this game was fucking comfy.

Can someone make a reaction pic with his face over the word bustin?

I had the ngage version

>have a pet iguana
>gets stuck in a wall in my house
>move houses
>Iguana still in the wall, can't buy another pet

Interesting I had no idea.

I was talking about this in a different thread along with the Urbz on gba.

Only thing I dislike is you'll occasionally be stuck with bad dialogue for all choices and your stats went down each conversation.

Fucking Giuseppe.

Is this the one where you have to help the ghost and you can rent out the house?

I kind of liked Urbz: Sims in the City on console. Something felt nice about hanging out throughout the city.


Co-op? Didn't know that was a thing. I'd love a sims multiplayer.

Sim City and Sims combo game when?

Wtf happened to Sim City man? Always online was a huge mistake.

Kek, not what I ment, but thanks.

Gba one was god tier also.

Never figured out how to cure that guys vampirism.

>I'd love a sims multiplayer.
So you never played The Sims Online?

>glorified chat room
>bunch of retards trying to cyber constantly
>required a monthly subscription

The console sims let you do co-op. A second person can hop in at any time by pressing start on the second controller IIRC.

I prefered the Urbz but this and Sims 2 for gba were the shit too

Is that the one where you can become a superhero and murder aliens?

I know, I'm sorry. Give me a sec

>I'd love a sims multiplayer.
>tfw sims online shut down

No I didn't know that existed kek.

The fuck man? That's pretty fucked up trying to cyber.


Never heard of that one but I have hours upon hours on this

>monthly subscription

Fuck that noise I hate that shit.

>mfw I was interested in DCUO and never paid for it.

I played the Gamecube version. It was just so relaxing in its own way.

I have ps2 copy also but no ps2 to play it.

>Lets get retarded in here.

I'd love if hunting and shit was a thing in games like the sims.

I wish more games had mgs3 food mechanics.

10 years in ms paint

you went above and beyond

>Actual good items compared to the pc version
>Only thing that is crap is free roam but the missions and lovable characters make up for it.
>all the console sims had actual co-op
Literally I don't know why they don't add missions to the pc version

The games were advance for it's time
>Better items and still more stuff to do then sims 3 or 4

I could never fucking get anywhere in this game due to the long as fuck loading times

The funniest thing is EA Had a hand with God tier games back then.

Bond games,Battlefront 1&2(RIP Pandemic), Destroy all Humans, Mercenaries1&2,Street sports games, and Def Jam.

EA wasn't always evil but they had such a heel turn.

I really miss Pandemic even enjoyed LOTR Conquest even though it was a stripped down Battlefront.

you forgot everything from Hot Pursuit 2-Carbon

Usually movie games are trash, but I remember loving this game a lot. Was it as good as I remembered or is it dated?

EA has always been evil, they just didn't fuck with games as much. Now they micromanage their developers and cut games up and shit.

Can't believe I forgot NFS.

I love NFS.

This game was so good.
>tfw make art in art room
>Draw a big fat juicy penis on one of the paining
>get phone call
>cute girl


It's fun as fuck have it on my backlog but I hear cheats make it better because spear durability is bullshit. I should activate cheats but it feels wrong.

One of the best Sims in my opinon

Amazing how most handheld games don't really try anything new with their limitations.

Sims 2 for the Xbox.
It was the GOAT sims

I still have it haven't played in years though my guy was a cop and I'm pretty sure I still have my save file.

Anybody play Playboy The Mansion? It is skeevy as fuck but has pretty good business mechanics actually.

Is this game fun? Never owned it, and I have a working PS2.

You learn to get good with bone spears. Regular spears are a luxury but bone spears are infinite as long as you have a set of dino ribs to work with.

Wish someone would bother with a competitor to The sims so they stop making shitty budget games and put some effort into it.

Movie games that were actually good and b-games.


I think i remember playing this. Didn't you fight a cyclops in this?

I haven't played it in years lost my copy. I'm tempted to buy another.

Wasn't Dark Souls pretty good?

Say what you will about GT this is a fun beat em up. Also that Astro Boy and legacy of Goku 2 & Buu's fury are God tier.

I like GT more than Super and ssgod is lazy Kaioken. Super has no fucking stakes at all.

Forgot pic



Was DS Urbz the same shit as the gba one?

I'm not the biggest fan of the show but this is a good Zelda 2

>tfw this was the first sims game i ever knew about or played
>tfw finding out about how much you could do in the pc version in comparison

i was fucking amazed

>had a shit pc so i could never play it


>Special Black Eyed Peas edition
I didn't realize there were non-BEP editions

>Let's get retarded in here

>Not posting the superior version

What's the difference between gba ad ds?


I prefer it to the PC version. If they made a game like this but with more elements like in the PC version it would be a great game.

Cars movie game was fun as fuck.

Not much.
I think the DS version has more characters that you can talk to but i'm not too sure.

You can play it everywhere

I like how Urbz had character's from Bustin Out.

well it was pretty good to me at the time i was like 8, but when i realised sims aged and you could have families in the pc version i was blown away desu. its weird how different it is.

>No Sims music will ever be better than the first one

Fuck you Jerry Martin for never working on a Sims game again.

What? They were both on handheld so I'm actually confused by what you typed.

The Urbz on DS.

MY bad, thought you were comparing the ps2 and gba urbz

It was basically Diablo but for handhelds.

Good game, too short sadly

Thank based user

DS one had Splicer Island, you could make pet dinosaurs and do shit with them, but I don't remember what.

I remember lending this to a friend and never getting it back, I loved this game

You could fight them and put them through competitions like pokemon i think

Sounds reminiscent of me of Chrono Trigger monster raising on ds.

Meant for you

oh shit man, that was fantastic. thank you for the reminder bruddah

>your face when Jibba Jabba

Hell yes, I remember that. Think I'll revisit it.


I dug up my old PS2 and bought these games because of how much I missed them.

Too bad they kinda play like shit, I can't tell if it's just an old game or shitty hardware.

Did no one play this? My mom bought it for me as a gift when I was a kid and I was like "aw lame" at first but then I played it after I got bored of my other games and I was grinding the fuck out of that sewer

>played sim city with friends all the time
>sims 1 blows my mind and we play it on a friend's pc
>sims 2 console co-op
>my sim in 1-2 always lived a simple, humble life with no marriage, etc.
>friends sims always got rich, had wives, families, etc.
>never get to goof around in sims 3
>sims 4 looks like a huge chunk of nothing
>tfw friends are now well off, have families and are married
>I'm living a humble, simple life by myself in the country in a house/land that belonged to my grandparents
>tfw sims is real life

The Urbz on GameCube was the shit.

I was super pissed when it wasn't actually a port of Eye of the Beholder

>when you finally get drifting

The hell is it?

I remember how funny it was that the devs realized you could romance your mom in Bustin' Out so they fixed it by making it so you could only marry other custom sims

Or you know, just make a parameter preventing you from fucking your mum. Easy.